So who's really pulling our strings?

Does anyone here know anything about possible Jesuit control of the Vatican? A "Black Pope" (The Society of St. Ignatious de Loyola. The Superior Jesuit Council - Now Count Hans Kolvenbach). Supposedly the most powerful man in the world. Dressing in all black, he is Appointed by the Pope. This Jesuit General is the guy who supposedly runs the Vatican behind the scenes.
Apparently the Jesuits use certain organizations as fronts for carrying out the black-ops of the Vatican while keeping the Vatican's name clean.
These organizations include The Illuminati, The Council on Foreign Relations,
International Bankers, the Mafia (the criminal arm of the Vatican), The club of Rome, Opus Dei, The Masons, New Age Movement...
Supposedly there are a few families (a global elite) that are descentant of major ruling dynasties thourghout history and have intermarried to maintain their power and control throughout history. These families are in league with the Roman Catholic curch and the Vatican to bring about a One World Fascist Dictatorship with them at the top. (The eye at the top of the pyramid).
In 1776 a man called Adam Weishaupt united these families (called the black nobility) and called them the Barvarian Illuminati.
The Vatican became it's own country during Musollini's rule in 1929 with the Lateran Pact.
Ever heard of Red Mass? It celebrates the taking over of America by the Jesuits and honors St.Thomas Moore.(Chancellor of England 1529-1532)
e was one of the cruelest inquisitors in history. He was beheaded for treason against the King of England. The treason was listening to the Pope over the King. An article on this years Red Mass:
There is an ex-Jesuit named Alberto Rivera who talked about the Jesuit infiltration. He said that there would be a sign rendered to demonstrate the Jesuit control over the US White House. The sign was to be the President of the US taking the Oath of Office facing the Obelisk Washington Monument for the first time. That was in 1981 with Reagan's innaugration.
Diplomatic ties were severed between the US and the Vatican in 1863 due to Vatican being behind the Confederacy in the Civil War and also behind the Assassination of Lincoln. Diplomacy renewed between the US and the Vatican in 1984.
President George W. Bush is the Only U.S. President in History to visit the Pope in Rome.
Ever heard of the Concordat? An agreement between the Vatican and Hitler. The Nazi Government promised to respect roman catholic rights, practices and Institutions in Nazi Germany. In return the Vatican would support the Authoritarian and Nationalistic stances of the Third Reich.
Hitler said once, "In Himmler (A Roman Catholic Barvarian), I see our Ignatius de Loyola."
Ignatious de Loyola, (the first black pope) was one of the founding members of the Jesuit society, also a witch and a member of the Illumbrudos.
Also Hitler stated, "I learned much from the order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose on Earth than the heirarchical organization of the Catholic church. I transferred much of this into my own party."
The Vatican Ratline was used by the catholic church to help the Jesuit Nazi war criminals escape.
Operation Paperclip -was a plan to bring these Nazi's to the U.S. and into the CIA. General Reinhard Gehlen persuaded the army and then the CIA to sponsor his intelligence network, even thought he employed numerous Nazi's and war criminals.
This Group starts it's annual meeting in Serbia September 18th-25th. Starts today. The two main topics for discussion are
- Papal Primacy
- The role of eastern orthodox churches.
The Red Mass signifies the start of the Supreme Court session (5 of 9 of our supreme court justices attended the catholic red mass with Bush)
Since Bush has been in Power he has Revoked these treaties:
- The biodiversity treaty
- The Geneva Convention
- The Forest Protection treaty
- The Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty
- The Comprehensive Test Ban treaty
- The 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
- The 1972 Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention
- The 1979 UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discriminization on Women.
- The UN International Convenent on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
- The Chemical Weapons Convention
- The International Criminal Court
Ghandi said once, “Violence will prevail over violence, only when someone can prove to me that darkness can be dispelled by darkness.”
Just wanted to end it on a positive spin.
Apparently the Jesuits use certain organizations as fronts for carrying out the black-ops of the Vatican while keeping the Vatican's name clean.
These organizations include The Illuminati, The Council on Foreign Relations,
International Bankers, the Mafia (the criminal arm of the Vatican), The club of Rome, Opus Dei, The Masons, New Age Movement...
Supposedly there are a few families (a global elite) that are descentant of major ruling dynasties thourghout history and have intermarried to maintain their power and control throughout history. These families are in league with the Roman Catholic curch and the Vatican to bring about a One World Fascist Dictatorship with them at the top. (The eye at the top of the pyramid).
In 1776 a man called Adam Weishaupt united these families (called the black nobility) and called them the Barvarian Illuminati.
The Vatican became it's own country during Musollini's rule in 1929 with the Lateran Pact.
Ever heard of Red Mass? It celebrates the taking over of America by the Jesuits and honors St.Thomas Moore.(Chancellor of England 1529-1532)
e was one of the cruelest inquisitors in history. He was beheaded for treason against the King of England. The treason was listening to the Pope over the King. An article on this years Red Mass:
There is an ex-Jesuit named Alberto Rivera who talked about the Jesuit infiltration. He said that there would be a sign rendered to demonstrate the Jesuit control over the US White House. The sign was to be the President of the US taking the Oath of Office facing the Obelisk Washington Monument for the first time. That was in 1981 with Reagan's innaugration.
Diplomatic ties were severed between the US and the Vatican in 1863 due to Vatican being behind the Confederacy in the Civil War and also behind the Assassination of Lincoln. Diplomacy renewed between the US and the Vatican in 1984.
President George W. Bush is the Only U.S. President in History to visit the Pope in Rome.
Ever heard of the Concordat? An agreement between the Vatican and Hitler. The Nazi Government promised to respect roman catholic rights, practices and Institutions in Nazi Germany. In return the Vatican would support the Authoritarian and Nationalistic stances of the Third Reich.
Hitler said once, "In Himmler (A Roman Catholic Barvarian), I see our Ignatius de Loyola."
Ignatious de Loyola, (the first black pope) was one of the founding members of the Jesuit society, also a witch and a member of the Illumbrudos.
Also Hitler stated, "I learned much from the order of the Jesuits. Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose on Earth than the heirarchical organization of the Catholic church. I transferred much of this into my own party."
The Vatican Ratline was used by the catholic church to help the Jesuit Nazi war criminals escape.
Operation Paperclip -was a plan to bring these Nazi's to the U.S. and into the CIA. General Reinhard Gehlen persuaded the army and then the CIA to sponsor his intelligence network, even thought he employed numerous Nazi's and war criminals.
This Group starts it's annual meeting in Serbia September 18th-25th. Starts today. The two main topics for discussion are
- Papal Primacy
- The role of eastern orthodox churches.
The Red Mass signifies the start of the Supreme Court session (5 of 9 of our supreme court justices attended the catholic red mass with Bush)
Since Bush has been in Power he has Revoked these treaties:
- The biodiversity treaty
- The Geneva Convention
- The Forest Protection treaty
- The Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty
- The Comprehensive Test Ban treaty
- The 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
- The 1972 Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention
- The 1979 UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discriminization on Women.
- The UN International Convenent on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
- The Chemical Weapons Convention
- The International Criminal Court
Ghandi said once, “Violence will prevail over violence, only when someone can prove to me that darkness can be dispelled by darkness.”
Just wanted to end it on a positive spin.
I want to point out that people who seem to have no power, whether working people, people of color, or women -- once they organize and protest and create movements -- have a voice no government can suppress. Howard Zinn
Post edited by Unknown User on
~Ron Burgundy
They are wrapped so neatly in secrecy that there will be no means of proving these claims. And it would seem, no arm of government will support the revealing of their secrets.
The fact that we have secret societies implies secret wrong-doing. The masses are kept in the dark about even their own government's actions.
"Some people say.." the freemasons are a bunch of dudes getting together to chill out. I reply "that is the legion and they do not keep secrets or perform rituals".
The secrecy and the lies are what compell me to believe these stories, even fractionally.
Well, there are the 33 degrees of freemasonry, but there are also affiliate societies like B'nai B'rith, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove and the Bilderbergs.
It could be speculated that these organizations celebrate their affilition through other secret meetings. Or perhaps one of these organizations is the eye above the pyramid.
"In ho signo vinces" and translates to "In this sign conquer"
Thanks, I'm watching it. I originaly started getting into researching Eygptology and that led into Freemasonry, That led to the Jesuits and Vatican control which led me to research the Mayan Calendar (It always comes back to that for me - plugging in historical dates to see how they align up with the mayan cycle).
I'm always fascinated with the universal use of these ancient symbols. Just for something to do one day I started looking at ancient armenian and turkish artifacts online one day. What I found were symbols strikingly if not identically similar to those used in ancient Egypt aswell as those used by present day societies like the freemasons. The Eye of Providence was amongst the most common of these symbols.
Looking at an ariel view of Washington DC is amazing to look at the Masonic architecture and symbology.
The Jewish star of David,
The upside down pentogram,
The Uncapped pyramid with the "eye" at the top,
The owl, extended out with streets as arms and legs it creates an ancient symbol for Satan,
The egyptian symbol of the Eye of Ra,
The british flag,
The Compass and Level of Masonry.
Symbology and semantics are everywhere. Once you open your eyes to it, everything starts to take on a different meaning.
Here's a link to a partial list of it's membership.
Man, John Conner of the resistance manifesto called various fox news shows to talk on air about the Bohemian Grove and literally all of them side-step and avoid the topic.
You can listen to the calls on searching for John Conner or The Resistance Manifesto.
Here are some calls to Bill O'Reilly's "no spin zone"
Wow, where I can I see more about this? That seems fascinating
Symbology specifically I am not sure. It's covered in many documentaries on the subject. I know Bill Schoebelen's video goes over it, but there is probably better resources than him. He's kind of crazy it seems.
Danny Glover,
Chris Matthews,
Al Gore,
Clint Eastwood,
Warren Buffet,
Charlie Rose.
At the 5:00 mark. It's only 6:30 minutes though. Might need to turn down the volume to watch it. I did.
Here's a site about the Street structure of DC.
Good vs Evil = Confrontation
I don't believe in Good and Evil, that's a religious ideaology. I certainly don't believe in fate or any preconception that an outcome is a product of a higher entities design. That's a very religious/spritualistic ideaological point of view.
and there in lies the shrubbery,...
~Ron Burgundy
Only scratching the surface man. This is only the tip of a massive iceberg. But you know what's invariably more insane? The truth. Truth is always weirder than fiction.
i'll see if i can find it later, i posted a youtube video before, it was about an hour long or so...talked about the history of the cia and how it started...mentions that ppl bushs grandfather, the one who had his bank seized for helping the nazis, knew helped recruit ppl for the was pretty had the point of view that the cia had this secret faction to it and they killed kennedy b/c he was having the fbi crack down on the training camps they were training cuban rebels at...
which i've always wondered if, since these bankers and industrialists helped create the cia along w/ the nazis, what if it was all a revision of this?
the part i can't understand the most:
"Even though the Senate committee did take the threat seriously and did verify that a fascist coup was indeed well past the planning stage, the Senate committee expired."
he also:
- boycotted a UN conference on a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty
- refused to ratify the UN Convention on Rights of the Child
- rejected a UN agreement to enforce a biological weapons ban
- opposed a UN initiative against torture
reagan vetoed a UN resolution on international terrorism in '87...
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way