the military

i'm enlisting in the marine corps next year, so i'd like to know who else on here has served.
also, i can't believe the negative connotations that joining an armed service has these days. sure, the war in iraq is largely unpopular, but is that any reason to treat those who want to and are serving with disrespect? forgein policy is not up to them. be mad at the politicians, not the marines, soldiers, sailors, and airmen.
i'm joining to be a part of something bigger than myself. i'm joining for the brotherhood, the experience, the discipline, and the life long honor. do i agree with all aspects of the war? no. am i going to let that stop me from joining something that has a long history of bravery, honor, loyalty and service? absoluetly fucking not. the qualities i aspire to and admire most are also the principles of the marine corps.
i can't help but think this is turning into another vietnam, where you can't wear your uniform in public for fear of being rediculed, spit on, and cursed at. if you have so much empathy (for the iraqies, etc.), why aren't you more understanding of americans who feel an obligation or need to serve their country?
also, i can't believe the negative connotations that joining an armed service has these days. sure, the war in iraq is largely unpopular, but is that any reason to treat those who want to and are serving with disrespect? forgein policy is not up to them. be mad at the politicians, not the marines, soldiers, sailors, and airmen.
i'm joining to be a part of something bigger than myself. i'm joining for the brotherhood, the experience, the discipline, and the life long honor. do i agree with all aspects of the war? no. am i going to let that stop me from joining something that has a long history of bravery, honor, loyalty and service? absoluetly fucking not. the qualities i aspire to and admire most are also the principles of the marine corps.
i can't help but think this is turning into another vietnam, where you can't wear your uniform in public for fear of being rediculed, spit on, and cursed at. if you have so much empathy (for the iraqies, etc.), why aren't you more understanding of americans who feel an obligation or need to serve their country?
Post edited by Unknown User on
This is a silly message pit. Do what you believe in!
and I agree, it is getting that way. In a place like this people can be more open about secret thoughts and it seems a bit uglier than out on the streets. Its too bad people are so judgemental...
I bet the Marines will be a great experience.. I hope we have improved their use by the time you get there.
But . . .
I don't want you to die or come home missing parts of your body. I believe our military should defend our country, not fight someone else's civil wars.
Good luck and if you do go over seas, be careful.
Brotherhood and honor can also be found in a million different arenas besides the military, but if you think it is best for you than go for it.
Don't worry about that. All that spitting on the uniform is one of those FOX News propaganda lies. No one spits on anyone in uniform... and if they did in my presense, I'd deck the mother fucker... and I'm 100% against the War in Iraq.
All I want you to do is really think about your service... do what YOU feel is necessary. And that there are things the military will tell you that are not necessarily the absolute truth.
But, once you swear to that oath and put on that uniform... you must believe in them... even if you know it is a lie. You sometimes have to do it in order to save your own life and the lives of your brethren. You do it, not for your President or your political affiliation, instead, you do it for the Constituton and the Freedoms it grants us. This includes defending it from all enemies of the Constitution, foriegn and domestic... including our politicians.
If you do decide to sign up... thank you. If you are sent by our leaders to some hellhole where mother fuckers are trying to kill you... keep your ass low and your Kevlar on your head.
I hope the time has passed where our military is used in a wreckless manner. Hopefully, people in charge will understand what a limited resource our military is and use them only as the final option.
P.S. If you get stationed in Camp Pendleton... get in touch with me. I'm serious... we'll have a beer and talk about Pearl Jam and shit.
Hail, Hail!!!
odds are i'll be there, most likely in a year and a half or so...that's where most people get stationed before going overseas. but i'd deffinetly be interested in having a good talk about pearl jam. i doubt i'll be able to find too many people that share my unhealthy obsession.
Pearl Jam is pretty popular in the military.
Good Luck and be safe...AND always remember what you're fighting for and that you're representing not only the U.S., you are representing yourself. People might not agree with the U.S. where you are, but by conducting yourself in a way that is respectful to the people around you and the people you are helping you can be a bright spot and a story for them to remember forever.
from my window to yours
There or 29 Palms (fricken' hot out there). The only good thing is that Joshua Tree is out that way.
Hope it is Pendleton... but, that is where the 1st Marine Division (part of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force) is located... those are the first guys in the fight and get handed the tough assignments... like taking on enemy armour.
But, not to worry... those fuckers are Marine's Marines.
Hail, Hail!!!
i'm not joining to take a desk job. i'm hoping to qualify high enough on the range to get into scout/sniper school.
you really know your stuff. are you or anyone you know a marine?
I work in the Military/Industrial complex with a lot of military people. We build the large Transport/Heavy Lifting Aircraft for the Air Force. I take extreme pride and care in my work... when I am working and not goofing off... because young lives fly in these machines. Many of my co-workers are in the Reserves and many of them have kids serving in Iraq right now. And boy, are they pissed at the mess we've gotten ourselves into over there.
And please... don't blame me for the V-22 Osprey. I don't like it because the Marines don't like it. I would much rather save the billions and expand the flight parameters of the existing rotor aircraft. This one's Rumsfeld call... he wants this one to fill the shoes of a lot of different aircraft... sort of like McNamara wanted during Viet Nam. There is no such thing as one craft for all roles.
And recon or sniper school... that's some tough shit, dude. Good luck with that.
Hail, Hail!!!
I support you 100%. stay safe and strong. you are couragous and brave. and you make me feel proud to be an american
Do you work with C-17's?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Although it's highly unlikely that anyone will treat you badly, there are those who won't think much of your choice, and not without reason. Those of us who are 100% opposed to the war will question why you want to support it, possibly at the cost of your own life. If no one signed up, the administration would be forced to rethink it's strategy (inasmuch as what they have now could be called a strategy). They would be forced to either reduce troop levels or institute a draft, and I think we all know what would happen if they started drafting middle-class kids ... so yeah, they'd have to reduce troop levels.
It's your life, and I'm certainly not telling you what you ought to do, since I'm assuming you have more sense than to take life-altering advice from a stranger on a message board. I'm just explaining where those who would oppose your choice are coming from.
now, i live in WV and have seen that very thing happen to my roommate who spent a tour in Iraq. he was swinging through here on his way to camp dawson and he had time to eat so i met him at a restaurant in town and a girl cussed at him and called him a murderer. he related a few other times that stuff like that had happened since he had returned to the states. he has good stories too. but, to say that no one does something like you have described above is not accurate.
from my window to yours
any military. in any country. don't make facetious comments ridiculing people. it shows a lack of intelligence to respond constructively. don't assume all anti military comments are directed at the USA.
in all honesty if the united states was not united who would really care?
and quite what natural disasters have to do with anything is beyond me.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I was in the Air Force for 4 years, 94-98, and had a blast. Definitely got to travel a bit and had an absolute blast with the guys I served with. It's like a frat without being in a frat.
Marines are a different animal than we airmen, so your experience may vary greatly from mine. But I have other friends who were marines and, though they admitted it was very difficult, they had a great time as well. Marines are much more into tradition and the brotherhood thing than any of the other branches, perhaps because of the beatdown you take to get in the right mentality to be a marine.
It's not too late to turn toward the light and join the AF, but if you must join the marines, I don't think you'll regret it. The people on this board who have criticized vets and those currently in the service are hardly qualified to talk trash about your sacrifices. Be proud.
I was just reading an article in a newspaper yesterday about Iraqi snipers operating in Iraq and how one has apparently killed over 70 Americans singlehandedly. It also mentioned the Russian World war 2 sniper vassili zaitsev, who notched up over 400 kills and took out over 115 germans at Stalingrad. The film 'Enemy at the gates' is based on him. I also got to reading about the greatest sniper of all time - Simo Häyhä (aka The White Death).äyhä He was Finnish and fought against the Russians in the 1939-40 winter war and notched up 542 kills.
Weird coincidence. Anyway, good luck!
Congragulations, you wanted to hear from vets, so hear goes. Joining the military was the best thing I've ever done. This is a huge decision that you really have to think hard about. Some advice would be to bring a wise Marine with you to the recruiter to get everything you want in your contract. It's like buying a car, do your homework and don't budge on what you want, college money, bonuses, duty station etc.
Don't rule out the Army either, You have a much better chance of being a sniper, green beret, Delta, ranger in the Army just due to it's sheer size alone. The Army has more units that fall under SOCOM than anyone.
What about Carlos Hatcock? That guy was the man. Not to play down vassili Zaitsev, but Hathcock had a 50,000 dollar bounty on his head for christ sakes.
Seems like he was a dude:
'Said Hathcock, in his book, of his career as a sniper: "I like shooting, and I love hunting. But I never did enjoy killing anybody. It's my job. If I don't get those Bastards, then they're gonna kill a lot of these kids we got dressed up like Marines. Thats just the way I see it."
There's some remarkable people in this world.
(There is a nod to Hathcock in the movie, Saving Private Ryan. Steven Spielberg stated, "the idea of a sniper putting a bullet through another sniper's scope came from the true story of Carlos Hathcock, who killed a Vietcong sniper who was stalking him by putting a bullet through the sniper's scope.")
I apologize, sometimes I make inaccurate estimations of peoples intelligence, and construct my reply so that it's understood. Not that I think this applies here, but I guess I shouldn't jump to conclusions so fast.
Are you really saying, that no one would care, if the south decided to withdraw from the union?!?? That's a bit entertaining. And who's country's military attacked us on 9/11? The thing is, I'm sure you are very intelligent(well, at least you have good taste in music) but I just find these Utopian ideas to be, well, ridiculous. They sound pretty, but they aren't even remotely feasible. As for the natural disasters, if you would like a list of disaster relief missions the U.S. military has been involved in, google can help you out.
1998 Seattle 7-21
2000 Seattle 11-06
2003 Seattle Benaroya 10-22
2005 Gorge 9-1
2006 Gorge 7-23
from what she told me, i can tell you this:
eat fast, shove it all in your mouth and chew,
learn how to shower in one minute,
NOTHING is private anymore,
be ready for lots of mind games,
everything you say is wrong,
and boot camp is not the hardest. i forget what comes after that, but the next phase will be the hardest.
You got to spend it all
Lets see.... I, the potential applicant, am to fight for a gov't that thinks nothing of putting me in harm's way, and for a cause that is marginally related, at best, to the defence of my country. More likely, i am the grunt who is fulfilling the wishes of a small band of ideologues in Washington who couldn't give a fuck about myself, my family, or our nations greater good. I am nothing more than an agent for their skewed selfish agendas, and a proxy for their crimes around the world.
What's so noble, patriotic or intelligent about that ?