Lunatics kill NUN

why cant this religion be debated? These people cant take any type of criticism to their faith..
Gunmen have shot dead a 65-year-old Italian nun and her bodyguard at a hospital in Somali capital, Mogadishu.
The attackers shot the nun three times in the back at the women and children's hospital in the south of the city before fleeing the scene.
It is unclear if the shooting is connected with strong criticism by a radical Somali cleric about the Pope's recent comments on Islam.
Sister Leonella had worked in Africa for nearly 40 years, her family said.
She was taken into surgery in the Austrian-funded SOS Hospital, in Huriwa district, but she died from her injuries.
A fluent Somali-speaker, the nun was one of the longest-serving foreign members of the Roman Catholic Church in Somalia, a former Italian colony.
A Vatican spokesman said the killing was "a horrible act" which he hoped would remain isolated.
Yusuf Mohamed Siad, security chief for the Union of Islamic courts (UIC) which controls Mogadishu, said two people had been arrested.
Muslim anger
Pope Benedict XVI inflamed many Muslim communities last week after making comments during a speech in Bavaria.
He quoted a 14th Century Christian emperor as saying the Prophet Muhammad brought the world only evil and inhuman things.
The Pope has since apologised in person, saying his remarks were misunderstood and did not express in any way his personal opinion.
On Friday, hardline cleric Sheikh Abubakar Hassan Malin told worshippers at his mosque to hunt down and kill whoever offended the Prophet Mohammed.
There has been no effective central government in Somalia since 1991, and although the UIC is credited with bringing some stability to Mogadishu, correspondents say the city is far too dangerous for all but the bravest aid workers to operate in.
Gunmen have shot dead a 65-year-old Italian nun and her bodyguard at a hospital in Somali capital, Mogadishu.
The attackers shot the nun three times in the back at the women and children's hospital in the south of the city before fleeing the scene.
It is unclear if the shooting is connected with strong criticism by a radical Somali cleric about the Pope's recent comments on Islam.
Sister Leonella had worked in Africa for nearly 40 years, her family said.
She was taken into surgery in the Austrian-funded SOS Hospital, in Huriwa district, but she died from her injuries.
A fluent Somali-speaker, the nun was one of the longest-serving foreign members of the Roman Catholic Church in Somalia, a former Italian colony.
A Vatican spokesman said the killing was "a horrible act" which he hoped would remain isolated.
Yusuf Mohamed Siad, security chief for the Union of Islamic courts (UIC) which controls Mogadishu, said two people had been arrested.
Muslim anger
Pope Benedict XVI inflamed many Muslim communities last week after making comments during a speech in Bavaria.
He quoted a 14th Century Christian emperor as saying the Prophet Muhammad brought the world only evil and inhuman things.
The Pope has since apologised in person, saying his remarks were misunderstood and did not express in any way his personal opinion.
On Friday, hardline cleric Sheikh Abubakar Hassan Malin told worshippers at his mosque to hunt down and kill whoever offended the Prophet Mohammed.
There has been no effective central government in Somalia since 1991, and although the UIC is credited with bringing some stability to Mogadishu, correspondents say the city is far too dangerous for all but the bravest aid workers to operate in.
America...the greatest Country in the world.
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"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
i dont think it was the lunatics...when it happened..they were on the grass
Because their religion is the "right" one. Because they are always right. They are always innocent. They are always justified in their actions. Their hate is not hate, rather it is self-defense. T
No sense in debating with those who are "right" to begin with.
....wait for it.....wait for comes The Dance
you live in hope
If you dig religion so much. No death, no matter how it happens should shock you. You are living for death and the better place that hasn't been proven to exist awaits you.
The Dancer is here. There religion can be debated and is probably more debated than any other religion.
The problem is people start generalizing, suddenly Islam is violent, Islam teaches violence... and that's why I dance, my friend, because that is bullshit. Islam is just like any other religion, there are good things about it and bad things about it.
And I do believe Islam is innocent.
naděje umírá poslední
this religion cannot be labelled violent because of things like this... after all christians have been slaying folk for hundreds of years because they didnt follow their religious beliefs... does that make all christians violent, or just the twisted followers of their religion..
its all shite anyway... i thank god i am an aethiest
....because you fail to identify irony and satire where it exists.
...and so The Dancer generalizes. Oh the irony.
naděje umírá poslední
Exactly. Thank you.
How can a religion be guilty, I believe its the people who (mis)interpret that religion that should be held guilty, not a religion.
naděje umírá poslední
No seriously could you explain? My native language isn't English...
naděje umírá poslední
That is horrible. It's sad to think that the smallest groups of all muslims are the ones giving their peaceful religeon a black eye. It's not like the Christians don't have their crazies either. Think of all the doctors who were killed for performing abortions, bombings, Pat Robertson wanting to assassinate Chavez, or Alan Keyes in general.
I can basically agree with this statement, although it is difficult for most people to separate religion and its followers. Organized religion is a human creation, and when people kill, stomp, bomb, blast, and mutilitate in its name, its hard for the religion itself not to become tarnished. Islam's good name is being destroyed by its asshole followers, regardless of how benign the actual philosophy may be.
What is religion, if it is not the people who represent a religion? And that goes for Christianity and all religions. Human beings created and wrote the religions and their representitive books.
Just about every religious book whether it be the Bible, Quran...whatever, has plenty of hateful, violent, murderous passages and rules for it's people.
Again, who wrote these books? Ah, Human Beings.
I observe The Dancers on here criticizing, slamming and berating America, this American Administration, Israel and Jews. They attack viciously.
Rarely is there an objective, balanced and fair approach to their attacks and accusations. Even more rare is their ability to not generalize
But when I characterize the very same behavior towards radical Islam and Muslims; The Dancers come out in force to accuse me of generalizations.
Radical Muslims generalize Westerners/non-believers and so forth; and The Dancers defend, justify and make excuses for their (radical Muslims) every actions. Never is accountability and responsibility demanded and expected of Muslims.
It's dispicable that anyone can defend and spin this latest behavior by Muslims, in response to the Pope's words. There seems to be no limits or boundries to the Muslim-apologist mindset; when it applies to Muslims.
The Dancers are very sensitive and overly-protective of anyone daring to criticize Muslims and Islam, in general.
Don't get me wrong, embedded in my satire there are some very honest and true opinions and feeling towards radical Islam.....radical Muslims and all that they stand for. The very same honest and true opinions and feelings I have for anyone or any group of people who attempt to manipulate, oppress and through verbal threats, contrived manipulation and violent action seek to destroy and eliminate the rights of others who do not think and live alike.
And that includes this american administration and any other group of people who fall into this catagory.
In another thread I made some very harsh and nasty commentrs regarding Islam and Muslims; by design. Not unlike much of the comments being made all over the world by ignorant, illiterate Muslims and their so-called "Leaders"; although my coments excluded any threats of violence and calls for death. Yet, they became very offended and disturbed by what I said.
I suggest that if The Dancers can get offended or disturbed over what I said, but continue to defend the actions and words of radical Muslims from all over the world; then, there is something seriously wrong with their mindset and I am the one truely disturbed by this behavior.
When these words and actions by Muslims can be defended, but my words are considered offensive; it certainly exposes a glaring double-standard, hypocrisy and unobjective position in this subject matter.
The irony is staggering. The precedent, unimaginable.
They never will. Once appeased you have played right into their strategy and game.
You give them an inch, they will take mile....after mile.....after mile.
No one should have appeased the ignorance. No one should have apologised.
Someone should have stood up and verbally ripped their asses apart for their misguided, ignorant over-reaction. World leaders from every country should have stood up and denounced their behavior.
But no one did. They all know the nature of the beast.
They know how delicate, unreasonable, irrational, ignorant, unobjective and overly-sensitive these Muslims are.
Now, they have fed the monsters and their strategy. Now the monsters will continue their attempts at bullying, manipulation and violence....till someone slaps their asses down a few notches. They will try to take every inch....every mile they can get.
All that being said ... If these people were to attack the Vatican, I think I would be so utterly revolted and outraged that I might just join the military. Maybe that's my mom's legacy, my latent Christian sympathies. Maybe its just the fact that Christianity is part of my culture, even if I rarely go to Church. I don't know ... I am not the military type, at all ... I am a graduate student whose ultimate goal is to help people. That's really all I've ever wanted to do. Military life would make me miserable. But I am a marksman, I am intelligent ... Perhaps I could be a strategist. I don't think I could take that sort of thing without doing SOMETHING.
Scary world ... I feel like its changing me for the worse. I feel rather bigoted these days, but I also feel like the bigotry is starting to become justified. I hope I am overreacting. I have a few Muslim friends here in Calgary, and talking to them helps a lot. They don't agree with what people are doing or saying, and that is comforting.
Nor do my Muslim friends.
Oddly they believe the overly-liberal, overly-sensitive, overly-PC mindset of many Americans (as with some members of the MT) is a problem, which weakens what should be a hard-line stance against this type of behavior by Muslims. They don't advocate a violent stance against them (unless we are left with no other choice), but a stance that makes it perfectly clear to them that this type of behavior is not acceptable, nor appeased.
I can definitely see your point. The fact is there are more good Christians than bad ones, more good Muslims than bad ones ... And a lot of people start to loose sight of the good ones and seem to think only the bad ones represent Islam or Christianity.
So what you're saying is we all do a different dance?
I've seen many people pointing out that things are not black and white, I have never seen anyone saying radical Muslims are not responsible for their actions.
Show me one post where someone actually defends them?
Is there anything wrong with being offended by your comments?
naděje umírá poslední
This is all religious imperialism, isn't it? I can see it in the pre-WWII world, you know, Audrey Hepburn in the Congo, missionaries bringing Christian light to the dark paganism of Africa. But now?
so its the nuns fault? wow...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
killing innocent people in the name of religion is not the same as killing criminals on the battlefield.
although I would agree that peace is something worth "fighting" for. good luck with those marches, I hope it works out for you.