yeah, what he said was ridiculous. how does he think he is going to garner respect from anyone by making such stupid comments literally in front of the entire world.
chavez is a horrible, horrible person and while bush is a piece of shit at least his people are relatively free.
Yeah, we'll see if Venezuela gets on the security council now... this guy is an idiot. He makes some valid points, but goes about it the wrong way in that setting. Ahmadinejad made some similar points, but actually sounded intelligent and like a leader.
My whole life
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Ahmadinejad and Chavez both are great at seeing the flaws in our government (and they're right about that), but like everyone else said, them saying that is one of the most hypocritical things i've ever heard.
Ahmadinejad and Chavez both are great at seeing the flaws in our government (and they're right about that), but like everyone else said, them saying that is one of the most hypocritical things i've ever heard.
While it may be hypocritical, at least someone, somewhere is willing to stand up and say it to the world. All our leader are concerned with is following the status quo and trying to keep that handful of people that elected them happy. Because stepping out of line is unpatriotic.
Ahmadinejad and Chavez both are great at seeing the flaws in our government (and they're right about that), but like everyone else said, them saying that is one of the most hypocritical things i've ever heard.
While it may be hypocritical, at least someone, somewhere is willing to stand up and say it to the world. All our leader are concerned with is following the status quo and trying to keep that handful of people that elected them happy. Because stepping out of line is unpatriotic.
Chaves isn't the problem. Ahmadienjad is the problem. I agree that Bush has fucked up, I agree with that as much as any single person in this country and on this forum. But Bush's UN speech was actually one if his better speeches since 9/11 if you actually listened to what he said... and this is coming from a non-Bush supporter. Ahmadienjad didn't have the guts to even address the US directly. I mean, any person who sincerely believes that the Holocaust never actually happened should be locked away in an insane asylum. It was obvious he was referencing the United States in his speech, but if you're gonna do it have the balls to actually mention our country's name. He talked in cirlces and gained absolutely no ground politically as a result of his ambiguous ranting. Bush for the first time in years made a decently good speech. Ahmadienjad established nothing new in his speech.
yeah, what he said was ridiculous. how does he think he is going to garner respect from anyone by making such stupid comments literally in front of the entire world.
chavez is a horrible, horrible person and while bush is a piece of shit at least his people are relatively free.
but he couldn't do his message more disservice if he was wearing a rainbow wig and a clown nose.
you're right, rbc. it's not becoming of a statesmen.
but he's more interested in being this folk hero anyway.
and yeah, this is before one even shines a light into his dark corners.
"he came dancin across the water, Chomsky book in hand"
chavez is a horrible, horrible person and while bush is a piece of shit at least his people are relatively free.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
While it may be hypocritical, at least someone, somewhere is willing to stand up and say it to the world. All our leader are concerned with is following the status quo and trying to keep that handful of people that elected them happy. Because stepping out of line is unpatriotic.
Damn good post.
Yup. Attention Whores at there best.
Chaves isn't the problem. Ahmadienjad is the problem. I agree that Bush has fucked up, I agree with that as much as any single person in this country and on this forum. But Bush's UN speech was actually one if his better speeches since 9/11 if you actually listened to what he said... and this is coming from a non-Bush supporter. Ahmadienjad didn't have the guts to even address the US directly. I mean, any person who sincerely believes that the Holocaust never actually happened should be locked away in an insane asylum. It was obvious he was referencing the United States in his speech, but if you're gonna do it have the balls to actually mention our country's name. He talked in cirlces and gained absolutely no ground politically as a result of his ambiguous ranting. Bush for the first time in years made a decently good speech. Ahmadienjad established nothing new in his speech.
give him time