Transexual teacher is "normal"

WHat a sick society we live in.....
Students Versed on Teacher's Sex Change Email this Story
Aug 24, 9:43 PM (ET)
BATAVIA, N.Y. (AP) - Batavia High School students will start the year with question-and-answer sessions about one of their teachers: He's undergoing a sex change.
Diagnosed with a transsexual disorder, the teacher is still going through a medical transition but will return to school in the fall dressed as a woman - and addressed as a female.
Administrators, counselors and psychologists who have received training in gender identity issues will hold the forums with students when the school year opens on Sept. 6.
Superintendent Richard Stutzman said Thursday he hoped the discussions, to be followed by a meeting open to the public, will keep the issue from becoming a distraction in the classroom or at school functions.
"What we're asking people to do is come to the meetings to learn more about it," Stutzman told The Daily News of Batavia, adding that the district was withholding the teacher's identity on medical privacy grounds.
"The kids are my biggest concern right now. I want to make sure that we truly address the needs of our students," he said.
Stutzman also scheduled a meeting for staff and parents Monday to outline the medical and legal concerns surrounding gender transformation. Under state and federal laws, a person with a transsexual disorder is considered disabled and protected from discrimination and must be reasonably accommodated by an employer.
"I'm not saying people will accept this, but at least there will be an understanding," Stutzman said. "I feel the more people learn about this, people will understand."
Students Versed on Teacher's Sex Change Email this Story
Aug 24, 9:43 PM (ET)
BATAVIA, N.Y. (AP) - Batavia High School students will start the year with question-and-answer sessions about one of their teachers: He's undergoing a sex change.
Diagnosed with a transsexual disorder, the teacher is still going through a medical transition but will return to school in the fall dressed as a woman - and addressed as a female.
Administrators, counselors and psychologists who have received training in gender identity issues will hold the forums with students when the school year opens on Sept. 6.
Superintendent Richard Stutzman said Thursday he hoped the discussions, to be followed by a meeting open to the public, will keep the issue from becoming a distraction in the classroom or at school functions.
"What we're asking people to do is come to the meetings to learn more about it," Stutzman told The Daily News of Batavia, adding that the district was withholding the teacher's identity on medical privacy grounds.
"The kids are my biggest concern right now. I want to make sure that we truly address the needs of our students," he said.
Stutzman also scheduled a meeting for staff and parents Monday to outline the medical and legal concerns surrounding gender transformation. Under state and federal laws, a person with a transsexual disorder is considered disabled and protected from discrimination and must be reasonably accommodated by an employer.
"I'm not saying people will accept this, but at least there will be an understanding," Stutzman said. "I feel the more people learn about this, people will understand."
America...the greatest Country in the world.
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Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
But I think, people with mental disorders shouldn't be teaching kids in school.
This could be a very difficult transition for the teacher, the school, and the students, but I'd hope that most high school students would be mature enough to deal with this. Open and honest discussion and education on the subject would help a lot.
O Riley is going to go out of his way to make an ass of himself if he hears about this one.
Hope things go well for that teacher.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
"Hello class, I'm Mr. _______ your teacher."
"I'm going to be going on little vacation class, Ill be back in a few weeks."
"Hello class, now I'm Mrs. ________ I missed you"
Not to put too fine a point on it, but the dude (soon to be dudette) isn't gay, he's transgendered. There's a difference, I'm pretty sure. Anyway, I'm not sure how this will lead to the "homosexualisation of America"...
The kids are going to give him a real hard time about it. I don't know how I'd react if I had a transsexual teacher. I'd be disgusted at first, but am not sure if I'd eventually just deal with it and listen to him teach instead. This is certainly going to be a distraction to the typical student, but maybe it will teach them to become more accepting of that group of people.
Imagine how difficult it would be for this guy to try and get a job after he severs his manhood. He was smart for getting the job first, and then doing the operation because there's no way in hell they hire a transexual on the spot. Too much taboo on the topic.
People think they're all sexual predators and deviants because that's what they show transsexuals doing on TV. I was in New Orleans when I was 13 and some crossdresser walked up to me and gave me a playing card, like a ten of clubs, with a naked girl on it. That grossed me out, not the naked woman, but the man dressed as a woman who gave it to me. On one hand I wanted to check it out, but I dropped it on the ground and stepped on it because a dirty pedophile freak handed it to me. It's these people who ruin it for them. You know, the ones who are 6'5" 350lb, wearing tight purple dresses with feathers wrapped around their necks. They go around flaunting themselves and scaring normal (non-transexual) people away.
Either that or completely insane (bill o riley and rush limbaugh).
I can't take someone seriously with little catchphrases like that. Nice for scaring the old folks, but not much more.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I prefer the term "homosinuality", from Mr. Show.
They'll learn like most kids do.
Boys: If you kiss a girl and touch her boobie, and you like it; and/or get a woody- then you're hetrosexual. If you fantasize about other boys, you're a homosexual.
Girls: If you kiss a boy and you get all "dreamy", "lovey-dovey" and turned-on; you're hetrossexual. If you fantasize about kissing girls and want to touch some boobies, other than you own; you're a homosexual.
Boy and Girls: If you fantasize about intimate moments with both males and females, then, you're bisexual.
Easy as that. - The Band
Hormonal treatment of transsexual subjects constitutes an important part of their gender reassignment. This thesis describes our observations over 13 years of the side effects and metabolic changes occurring during cross-gender hormonal treatment. The study was done at the outpatient clinic for Andrology at the Free University Hospital, Amsterdam.
The first part of the chapter provides a general introduction to the field of gender dysphoria: definition of gender dysphoria, transsexualism, clinical criteria, etiological concepts, historical notes, and epidemiology.
The second part analyzes results of gender reassignment treatment reported in the literature. The management adopted in our clinic is described and an overview of the different hormone schedules and their effects is presented. Finally the scope and the aims of the studies reported in this thesis are presented.
Transsexualism is the condition in which a person with an apparently normal somatic sexual differentiation has the conviction that he or she is actually a member of the opposite sex. This conviction which is accompanied by a profound sense of loathing for individuals's own primary and secondary sexual characteristics, is absolute, overwhelming and unalterable (1). The sense of belonging to a particular sex, not only biologically but also psychologically and socially, is called gender identity.
Could it be the science?!?!?!?
" .................seems to me's chemistry"
oh David Cross...
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
You can't have an empire, without "Jobs for the Boys".
As for the homosexualisation of America, that's so dumb it's funny. Sexual preference is different from gender identification, people.
Being transsexual does not = being gay.
- explore and not explode -
No being transsexual is not being gay but they are both sexual disorders resulting from hormonal imbalances.
Never-the-less it seems teachers aren't required to meet any specifications.
The tongue is the worst weapon ever created. We lash at one another with our bigot remarks and hateful statements. We seperate each other due to our differences, not realizing the differences are part of our world. So here you have this woman, this teacher, who was unfortunate to be born in the wrong body. Her genitals do not coinside with her gender. If we were to get educated on how a fetus develops, in terms of gender and sex, then we would understand the struggles a transsexual individual goes through. Well, your in luck, I will provide you with the answers. A typical development begins at 8 weeks time inside our mother's womb. Our brains get hard wired to be a boy or girl brain, depending on the avaiability of androgen. Until 8 weeks time, fetuses are neutral and would develop as a female, this is the default system. So, when the Y chromosome enters the picture, this chromosome communicates with a gene that is responsible for the influx of hormones that will hard wire the brain as a boy brain. Following the pathway down south, receptors waiting for the relay message, will then commence the development of the gonads, reproductive organs, and finally the genitals. If all goes well, gender=male and physical sex=testes, penis, should align. What happens when the message gets construde? The brain develops one way, the physical sex into another. There are many combination of premuations that take place. It's a matter of fact 65,000 children are born a year with some form of mix up. We need to get our heads out of the ground, and become educated on the issue. This is not a life style or a choice, this is mother nature gone wild. Now, we can't put all the blame on her, we have created a multitude of endocrine disrupting chemicals that alter the natural path of events. We will be seeing and hearing more about this.
A person knows their gender identity by the time they are 3 years of age. So parents listen to your children, according the the Merck Manual, a child knows if they are a boy or a girl as young as 18 -24 months of age. This has nothing to do with sexual preference, but all to do with a persons identity. Their gender identity. So please try to understand, and put yourself in our shoes, it's not our fault that our brain and physical sex do not match. Be compassionate, and educated, and don't let bigotry govern your heart. Transsexuality is not a sin, a crime, nor is it deviant behavior. It is however, a birth defect created at 8 weeks time in our mothers womb, where the brain and the body failed to communicate. So mothers at Batavia High School, do not worry, the teacher is fine mentally, biologically, she will be fine soon, when she gets her surgeries. This is not a mental condition, it is a biological one. Do the homework and the research before you start making false statements.
Stop fearing us and start hearing us.
Mark Angelo Cummings
You know if more people were welcoming and understanding to transsexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals,and etc. We wouldnt live in such a violent world. Oh and everyone remember the Columbine incident, there must be someone who sill thinks manson caused it if that someone is you--go to hell.
<a href=><img src= title="MySpace Comments" border=0></a><br><left><a href=''><font size="2">MySpace Comments</font></a></left>
Interesting I've never heard that homosexuality was a result of hormonal imbalances. Where did you hear that?
If this guy/gal wants to get his/her plumbing changed fine, but take some time away to get used to the change. Otherwise kids are going to be spending more time concentrating on their teachers big change then the subject material.
It seems that if this were any other type of mental disorder the school would probably not allow the teacher to teach, why is this one allowed to?
You choose to characterize it as a disorder. None of the stuff you posted in regards to hormonal therapy ever used the word "disorder".
Geeeeeeez....someone's awfully sensitive, today:rolleyes:
Because its not a mental disorder, its biological in nature. Part of the therpay is to live as the gender you are transcending to, and that includes working. You don't expect her to go on welfare? We must pay our bills in the meantime. Life goes on, the only changes are the physical ones that will align with our heart, soul and mind. Read the following link, it really explains things.
The kids will get over it, it will be old news. There are over 5 million of us in the world and the numbers are climbing. check out my website would you ever in a million years know that I was born female?
I does having your "thing" cut off correlate with homosexuality?