Myspace to blame for colorado shooting

According to fellow poster dunkman guns are to blame for the school shooting..which i agree that a gun was used in the school shooting that left an innocent teenager dead. But the main source of the pre-conceived murder was myspaced be banned now in america? Huh Dunkman?
BAILEY, Colorado (CNN) -- The gunman who shot and killed a high school student after holding her and five other girls hostage had asked for students by name, a Colorado county sheriff said Friday.
Duane Morrison, who killed himself after fatally shooting Emily Keyes, 16, molested all six girls, said Park County Sheriff Fred Wegener. The sheriff didn't know "how much or to what degree."
Morrison had gone up to a male student and asked about the identities of "a list of female students," Wegener said. He didn't know which, if any, of the girls he took hostage in a classroom were on that list.
Investigators were aware of rumors that Morrison may have researched his victims on, an online community that allows users to post personal pages and network with friends, Wegener said.
BAILEY, Colorado (CNN) -- The gunman who shot and killed a high school student after holding her and five other girls hostage had asked for students by name, a Colorado county sheriff said Friday.
Duane Morrison, who killed himself after fatally shooting Emily Keyes, 16, molested all six girls, said Park County Sheriff Fred Wegener. The sheriff didn't know "how much or to what degree."
Morrison had gone up to a male student and asked about the identities of "a list of female students," Wegener said. He didn't know which, if any, of the girls he took hostage in a classroom were on that list.
Investigators were aware of rumors that Morrison may have researched his victims on, an online community that allows users to post personal pages and network with friends, Wegener said.
America...the greatest Country in the world.
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Banning solves all the world's problems ...
ok....i dont get it
And you couldn't use the internet without ... Computers.
Or should we ban fingers?
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
Logic's a wonderful thing, innit?
You can kill someone with a computer though. So, by using logic, they should be banned.
Well yes, it is a wonderful thing. You cannot kill a specific person with a gun if you cannot find them, either. Hmm?
(I am mostly just playing along here, but there is a good point buried in all the silliness).
And the attached hands. After all, you can strangle people with hands and fingers.
Well, I say they should ban schools in Colorado, then.
No logic at all...without myspace and the internet the killer wouldnt have been able to find the identity of the school children...hence stopping the whole crime. He could have killed the children with a knife instead as long as he had their myspace remembered
Give the kid a spoon and he could kill one or two on his way to being subdued. Nobody ever talks about banning spoons though. Except airlines but they will probably ban air soon since you can't kill if you can't breathe.
WHat about us law abiding citizens who have guns...should we have to pay for some lunatic who cant obey the law? What about my 2nd amendement right to own a gun?
None of the rights outlined in the Bill of Rights is absolute in today's America.
Plenty of logic.
Myspace did not clearly cause this homicidal predator's illness: it merely provided him with a dangerous outlet for his fixations and fantasies. The likelihood that he might have stormed a school one day and done a similar act can certainly not be discounted.
Let's make an analogy here, a good one. Let's accept the official line, that Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon. Mark Chapman found out where Lennon was living, at the Dakota in New York, through reading a magazine article about the singer, late in 1980. Should the magazine be banned, for providing that info? Sure, Chapman might not have killed Lennon otherwise, but given his fragile psychological state, it's likely he would have killed somebody in other circumstances - no?
The choice of weapon is significant, because running into a school and trying to take it over, armed with a knife, is going to get a psycho with intentions to kill and molest less far than having a gun. The gun serves his perverted purpose better. It's far more effective. It facilitates his plan.
Again its not the guns fault..but the person using the gun. Guns do plenty of good in this world..hell how can i hunt deer without it?
Why the fuck would you want to hunt an innocent deer? Isn't there a Walmart in your neighbourhood?
Does Wal Mart sell venison?
We keep much better track of our cars, which actually have a purpose other than killing things, than we do our guns, and that's just crazy.
Because hunting is part of the american is my 2nd amendment right to own a gun if im a law abiding citizen. You ever hunt deer before?
I fucking well hope not. But can't he eat something else, from the store? I hear they do a nice line of vegetarian chilli, these days. He could even hunt for his own recipes, on Myspace. You don't need a gun for that.
Nope. Hunting used to be a British tradition here, for a minority of people. It's illegal here, now.
I agree...But cars do kill alot of people also..maybe even more than guns
True ... And neither did a gun. Choice of weapon is indeed significant here. But not for legality reasons. Banning said weapons would not likely have changed that much, which I think is miller's point.
Illegal why, though? Because game populations are so low, or because of gun phobia?