Cleveland weathermen downplay Global Warming

Cleveland's weather wizards downplay global warming
Friday, February 16, 2007Plain Dealer ColumnistMichael Scott
Sure, a panel of 2,500 scientists this month declared that it is "unequivocal" that global warming is occurring and at least 90 percent certain that humans are responsible.
And, yes, the international report predicted that world temperatures will rise from 3.2 to 7.8 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100 and that sea levels could rise from 7 to 23 inches, leading to worldwide catastrophe.
OK, fine -- but don't get too worked up over it.
That was the consensus among five Northeast Ohio meteorologists at a panel discussion Tuesday at Landerhaven in Mayfield Heights.
It's not that Mark Johnson, Dick Goddard, Mark Nolan, Jon Laufman or former Cleveland weatherman Don Webster disbelieve the data entirely.
But they're skeptical, and they don't believe that it's necessarily our fault or that we should panic over it.
"We have maybe 100 years of data on a rock that's 6 billion years old," said Johnson, a WEWS Channel 5 weatherman. "Mother Nature tends to even herself out, and the fact is, the Earth is cyclical."
Goddard, WJW Channel 8 meteorologist, said scientists have flip-flopped on the matter: "I have a file an inch thick from 30 years ago that says the planet was cooling," he told the crowd of several hundred.
They cautioned listeners not to put too much stock in what they said was an insufficient history of warming.
"The term global warming' strikes fear in the heart of people every time you say it, but it's simply a rise in temperature over time, and it's happened before," said Nolan, meteorologist at WKYC Channel 3. "I'm not sure which is more arrogant for humans: to say we caused it or to say we're going to fix it."
Friday, February 16, 2007Plain Dealer ColumnistMichael Scott
Sure, a panel of 2,500 scientists this month declared that it is "unequivocal" that global warming is occurring and at least 90 percent certain that humans are responsible.
And, yes, the international report predicted that world temperatures will rise from 3.2 to 7.8 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100 and that sea levels could rise from 7 to 23 inches, leading to worldwide catastrophe.
OK, fine -- but don't get too worked up over it.
That was the consensus among five Northeast Ohio meteorologists at a panel discussion Tuesday at Landerhaven in Mayfield Heights.
It's not that Mark Johnson, Dick Goddard, Mark Nolan, Jon Laufman or former Cleveland weatherman Don Webster disbelieve the data entirely.
But they're skeptical, and they don't believe that it's necessarily our fault or that we should panic over it.
"We have maybe 100 years of data on a rock that's 6 billion years old," said Johnson, a WEWS Channel 5 weatherman. "Mother Nature tends to even herself out, and the fact is, the Earth is cyclical."
Goddard, WJW Channel 8 meteorologist, said scientists have flip-flopped on the matter: "I have a file an inch thick from 30 years ago that says the planet was cooling," he told the crowd of several hundred.
They cautioned listeners not to put too much stock in what they said was an insufficient history of warming.
"The term global warming' strikes fear in the heart of people every time you say it, but it's simply a rise in temperature over time, and it's happened before," said Nolan, meteorologist at WKYC Channel 3. "I'm not sure which is more arrogant for humans: to say we caused it or to say we're going to fix it."
America...the greatest Country in the world.
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Sounds like the cool morning guy on the radio who has lived in Canada all his life saying that he sure can't believe global warming after the last few weeks of weather we have had. I don't think he took the facts of Canada, where he is in Canada and the season into hand before he made that great statement.
I agree with them (weatherman) about the Global Warming crap. Yes I believe we should be cleaner and more respectful to our environment but this whole thing about it's because of us 100% is not 100% proven. Like they said..Earth has been through tones of weather changes in it's billions of years and now it's a huge thing and I bet they didn't have this much of a deal back in the Mediaval Warming period or the little ice age or Global Cooling back in the 70's..
Maybe you should read what scientists say about global warming instead of calling it crap. Please find me one respectable scientist who says it's 100% us.
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Oh my god..their are a bunch of scientists that don't agree..Just because some scientists agree with you automatically don't believe the ones that don't ??
I need to find the article but funny thing is that close to 100% of the scientists that agree with Global Warming are getting 100% funding for this..And of the one's that disagree with it do not get funding.. Just some food for thought as well..You can't always believe what some scientists say without proven facts or what the media tries to tell ya as well..
Thanks for my laugh of the day, miller!!!
Hoooooooooo ... *catches breath* .........
Damn that was funny! Weather wizards!!!!!!
Ok, calming down now .... I know who all these guys are. If you live in Cleveland you watch their broadcasts so that you'll know the one type of weather NOT to dress for tomorrow. If they say something, you can take it to the bank that it ain't so.
I'm 100% convinced in global warming now. If these clowns are casting doubt, surely it must be true.
Hey..people love to bash the fact that I don't necessarily believe in Global Warming..
So if weathermen (Meterologists) can't predict the weather in 2 days..Wow then scientists know what the weather will be in
Anyways..just buggin ya..don't like to argue..
lol thats the same way i feel when i see an article written by chomsky or zinn.
But seriously no one commented on my sad.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Cleveland weathermen are notoriously bad even my weathermen standards. It's a damn good thing you don't need one to know which way the wind blows, or every boater to ever set out on Lake Erie would get hopelessly lost in no time at all.
Plus the fact that your average local channel 6 weatherman went to school in Broadcasting and not Meteorology.
Safe to assume that you are discouraged by Canadian MP's putting through Kyoto. Although I find that Mr. Harper initially stated (before the vote) that he would'nt listen to the approval as a trigger for the fear mongering....I see he has switched his tune and will go by what the MP's have choosen.
He was that close to proving all his critics right.
Do you believe in localized warming or have you heard of it? I am a chemical engineer and went to a great seminar from a scientist who did not believe in global warming but in local warming (take the area of NYC) and showed these stats compared to local pollutants....quite the thing.
This is, indeed, pretty funny. Like we should listen to the Cleveland weathermen, and not scientists, over something as little as global warming.
Cyclical or not, it's sad that people would rather dispute it, rather than try and make a difference in how we live to make our environment better.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Secondly, in therms of the Medieval warming Period and the little ice age, in comparison to the change that we are experiencing now in terms of severity and the pace of change, those were very minor blips. Yes, they occurred but not at the pace or intensity that we are have now. The shift is much to rapid to be explained by natural causes alone.
Thirdly, the global cooling hypothesis was never an agreed upon THEORY that climate change is. There is much more research done now on climate change and a virtual consensus which was absent in the 1970s
Secondly, although there are a small minority of skeptics in the scientific community, I challenge you to find one peer reviewed paper, or any skeptical paper in any credible scientific journal.
You may or may not agree with this but my point is and always has been that there is no "Conclusive" evidence om all of this shit..
Scientists do not agree that humans discernibly influence global climate because the evidence supporting that theory is weak. The scientific experts most directly concerned with climate conditions reject the theory by a wide margin.
A Gallup poll found that only 17 percent of the members of the Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Society think that the warming of the 20th century has been a result of greenhouse gas emissions - principally CO2 from burning fossil fuels.
Only 13 percent of the scientists responding to a survey conducted by the environmental organization Greenpeace believe catastrophic climate change will result from continuing current patterns of energy use.
More than 100 noted scientists, including the former president of the National Academy of Sciences, signed a letter declaring that costly actions to reduce greenhouse gases are not justified by the best available evidence.
While atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased by 28 percent over the past 150 years, human-generated carbon dioxide could have played only a small part in any warming, since most of the warming occurred prior to 1940 - before most human-caused carbon dioxide emissions.
Another point is that I'm not 100% sure of either theory because of the lack of true evidence..Thing is that I'm not gonna go in a panick because some scientists and media say these things while there are many others that say the opposite as well.. know what I mean...?
I haven't heard one scientific source saying we should panic. That's a politician job. What the scientific community is saying is that we should consider changing our habits and the way we live our lives quickly because we don't know for sure what will be the consequences of global warming (or the massive releasing of greenhouse gasses if you dislike the expression "global warming").
On the original post, how do they expect to be taken seriously when they can't even get the age of the earth right?
I've heard some scientific sources that have said the panic word. Not sure of the names but I don't write all my details on a and well Politicians have.. arguements from me on the fact that we can be cleaner to our environment and such but not buying into the theory of Global Warming and that we are heading for complete environmental chaos in 20-30 or 50 years.
The NATIONAL CENTER FOR POLICY ANALYSIS is a right wing think tang funded by Exxon.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Oh Liberals are more right than conservatives..ok I got ya
My opinion is based on my own scientific understanding of the phenomenon (my degree is in environmental geography and environmental ed) I'm no expert but I am informed. Furthermore, I have studied the scientific literature and there a loud absence of research that is disupting climate change. No where in any of the scienific journals is there literature debunking climate change because there aren't any skeptical researchers who have found anything worth publishing.
I'd discuss this more but I have a date in 45 mins so I gotta jet...
It's good for the mind to have a fair debate as long as both sides agree to disagree in the end and have an open mind..
I'll post later after my date...hopefully tomorrow morning..haha..LOL....
page 6
Exxon gave $225,000 to the NATIONAL CENTER FOR POLICY ANALYSIS from 2003-2005.