Gore Launches concert for Global warming

He sure loves global warming. But i mean come on the chili peppers and Sheryl Crow...who would want to see that?
By Mary Milliken
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Environmental activists led by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore announced plans on Thursday for a worldwide string of pop concerts in July featuring Sheryl Crow, Red Hot Chili Peppers and scores of others to mobilize action to stop global warming.
The Live Earth concerts on July 7 will take place in Shanghai, Sydney, Johannesburg, London and cities to be decided in Brazil, Japan and the United States.
The shows will feature more than 100 of the world's top musical acts, organizers said. In addition to Crow and the Chili Peppers, U.S. artists who have signed up include Black Eyed Peas, Bon Jovi, Kelly Clarkson, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw and rapper Snoop Dogg.
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Organizers of the concerts and the new campaign Save Our Selves (SOS) hope to reach a global audience of some 2 billion people through concert attendance, radio, television and Internet broadcasts.
"In order to solve the climate crisis, we have to reach billions of people," Gore said in a statement. "We are launching SOS and Live Earth to begin a process of communication that will mobilize people all over the world to take action.
"The climate crisis will only be stopped by an unprecedented and sustained global movement. We hope to jump-start that movement right here, right now, and take it to a new level on July 7, 2007," Gore said.
The Live Earth concerts follow the model of the 1985 Live Aid and 2005 Live8 international concerts organized by Irish rock star Bob Geldof.
Live Aid raised money for African famine relief and Live8 sought to pressure world leaders to eradicate the debts of the world's poorest nations.
Gore, who lost his bid for U.S. president in 2000, has since become one of the most visible activists on global warming. His "An Inconvenient Truth" documentary has been nominated for an Oscar at the February 25 Academy Awards.
By Mary Milliken
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Environmental activists led by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore announced plans on Thursday for a worldwide string of pop concerts in July featuring Sheryl Crow, Red Hot Chili Peppers and scores of others to mobilize action to stop global warming.
The Live Earth concerts on July 7 will take place in Shanghai, Sydney, Johannesburg, London and cities to be decided in Brazil, Japan and the United States.
The shows will feature more than 100 of the world's top musical acts, organizers said. In addition to Crow and the Chili Peppers, U.S. artists who have signed up include Black Eyed Peas, Bon Jovi, Kelly Clarkson, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw and rapper Snoop Dogg.
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Organizers of the concerts and the new campaign Save Our Selves (SOS) hope to reach a global audience of some 2 billion people through concert attendance, radio, television and Internet broadcasts.
"In order to solve the climate crisis, we have to reach billions of people," Gore said in a statement. "We are launching SOS and Live Earth to begin a process of communication that will mobilize people all over the world to take action.
"The climate crisis will only be stopped by an unprecedented and sustained global movement. We hope to jump-start that movement right here, right now, and take it to a new level on July 7, 2007," Gore said.
The Live Earth concerts follow the model of the 1985 Live Aid and 2005 Live8 international concerts organized by Irish rock star Bob Geldof.
Live Aid raised money for African famine relief and Live8 sought to pressure world leaders to eradicate the debts of the world's poorest nations.
Gore, who lost his bid for U.S. president in 2000, has since become one of the most visible activists on global warming. His "An Inconvenient Truth" documentary has been nominated for an Oscar at the February 25 Academy Awards.
America...the greatest Country in the world.
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A bunch of new artists to put on the right wing "boycott" blogs.
I boycott them because they suck.
Ha very true. Shot on sight if anyone drives an SUV in.
The day Snoop Dog sells all of his escalades and all the other cars I'm sure he really needs, then he can preach to me about global warming. I heard Pharell talking about this concert and he said, "on July 7th were going to have the world's biggest party." I thought the point was to learn about global warming. These people are clueless. The sad thing is this will be hyped up and in Rolling Stone and on MTV and I'm sure you will be able to buy the DVD for $50, and a week later it will be back to business as usual, private jets, gigantic energy consuming homes, 15 SUVs. Oh well, I guess global warming is just the celebrity it cause right now.
Dude thats hysterical. I can imagine it now.
" Yo Motha-fukas, u be smoking dat weed dat weed groww off trees B, we need Trees you dig?"
pj will be on this like flys on shit
Any PJ concert is a good concert, regardless of what they are standing up for.
Or whether or not you chose to believe it.
lol I agree.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Have to say I agree. The logic behind it seems backward. But then again, we are talking about Al Gore.
He has to be in the race first. He wouldn't even win his own parties nomination.
I dont think he would win either, but if he ran I would vote for him in a heartbeat. I think global warming is the biggest issue on the table at the moment, and he seems to be the only guy taking it seriously. I didnt vote for him in 2000, but he ran a terrible campaign trying to get out of Clinton's infidelity shadow. Since Gore hasnt technically been a politican, and spoken his mind more, I have gained a lot of respect for him.
I would love to see a Gore/Obama ticket. I think Obama is great but he could use a bit of seasoning.
Ok I'm sure his movie was great, I didn't see it. I'm sure it did open some eyes to global warming. I also really like his and Richard Branson's prize for the person who can figure out how to reduce so much green house gas. I'm not sure what the specifics are, but I thought it was a really good idea. But this concert is so lame. Yeah lets have a bunch of music acts like Kelly Clarkson and Snoop Dog who know dick about Global Warming fly their private jets to shows, drive their SUVs with 30 people entourages, so they can preach to us about the dangers of climate change. So stupid.
Ah no...not another Global Warming person...please say it isn't so...
Your point? Since your post lacked any signicant debate, I cant quite find your point.
Yeah my post was short and didn't really feel like getting into it since it's late..but mainly I was just ranting on the stupidity of the whole Global Warming media propaganda that's going on... I believe in Environmental issues but not Global warming and that humans are the ones to blame as Al Gore points out..that's all..and please don't say well.."the scientists say"...lol
Yes. Who cares what people that actually study the issue would say, what am I thinking. And ya know, there is credible debate on both sides, even though, with the stuff I have read I lean towards the side that says humans are at least partly responsible. But at this point, the outcome isnt even what concerns me, it is the idea that we actually have powerful people that will take it seriously and look into it. Because if it is real, then it is the biggest threat to the world, and I would hate that we have politicians that have no concern to even looking into it.
Do you accept the science behind the greenhouse effect? On what scientific basis do you contest climate change?
I'm a skeptic because of the lack of real facts rather than specualtions..
And Climate change and Global Warming are 2 totally different things..so I'm not sure what you want me to answer here
But dont you think there is enough information that we should at least be taking it seriously?
Lack of real facts? How about over 650000 years of climate data including temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentrations?
Do you dispute the greenhouse effect?
Once again, do any of the skeptics here dispute the greenhouse effect?
Don't get me wrong..I totally agree we should always want to be cleaner and such to our environment but I don't buy into this whole Global Warming scare..Yes some scientist say ..ooooo watch out for Global Warming.... but what about all the other scientists that say the opposite..?? and trust me there are alot of them...but the media only talks about the ones that are in agreement with Global Warming...
Sad but true but most of the scientist that are in agreement of this Global Warming theory are getting funded to do so..of course they woulld support that theory..hell why not..they are getting $$ for it..
And yet the others , who don't care about $$ or are retired that believe the opposite are not taken seriously.. Politicians don't want to believe that..because if they did then there goes everything !
I'm just your average Joe but seriously...watch in 30 years...I bet there will be some other type of debate of Global Cooling or something
WOW...they took records back 650000 years ago...in pen or pencil? lol..come on..