find a solution... a middle

can we here at this board pick a subject and find a middle ground? something we all could say yes that is fine i agree? or is it impossible? i ask this because i have read a few books on past presidents and their cabinets and although they still had different opinions among them and had come from different sides of the isle they managed to agree upon a way forward... could this be done here with an issue like guns or abortion or s.s. or medicare... the list is endless... i just wondered because most of the time we call names and bicker like the congressman we hate because they cant get anything done..
i know this thread will die fast but if one person reads it and picks a topic maybe it will evolve....
i know this thread will die fast but if one person reads it and picks a topic maybe it will evolve....
Post edited by Unknown User on
It would certainly be easier in person.
It is supposed to be Animus, but the name was taken.
It actually means a number of different things.
The Greek Concept Animus is the person beneath the Persona, the persona being the image people put forth in social interaction, the Animus is what lies beneath. The real person.
In Jungian Psychology, the Animus is the Male apsect of Females, it represents masculinity in women. The Anima is the feminity within men.
Animus is also a synonym for Animosity or Hatred.
The Greek music band Animus (band)
The American music group Animus (American ensemble)
The fictional character in Etheria, see Animus (Encantadia)
Animus, a character from the Doctor Who serial The Web Planet.
Animus, a fictional robot.
Animus is also a character in the Marvel Universe.
1 : basic attitude or governing spirit : disposition, intention
2 : a usually prejudiced and often spiteful or malevolent ill will
3 : an inner masculine part of the female personality in the analytic psychology of C. G. Jung — compare anima
its translated " I love Jesus Christ" in ancient Aramaic
I doubt it.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Thanks, I actually just typed "Hate" into a thesauras and picked Animus. It was meant for an online FPS game and I used the name in World of Warcraft. It just happened to be worth a lot more as I found out later.