Texas - Execution

Derrick Frazier aka Hasan Shakur was executed by the State of Texas this evening.
I am soo pissed off right now. Why couldnt he have had a fair trial?
I am soo pissed off right now. Why couldnt he have had a fair trial?
Post edited by Unknown User on
The facts and the claims in this case have not changed in any way. The most serious claims are:
-Incompetent trial attorney(s)
-All-white jury
-Forced confession
-Lack of physical evidence
-Questionable indictment
-No mitigation evidence presented in punishment phase
-Jurors and victims' family had contact during the trial
It's embarassing its the 2000's. If I had children, I'd be embarassed.
It makes me sick too.
Whether youre Republican, Democrat, libertarian...um, or Whig?? I think we can ALL agree on a FAIR trial. I dont see any naiveté in this statement either.
I am an idiot as well. I could've emailed more people. This isnt something to procrastinate on.
:( I feel responsibility as a human for letting this happen.
Capital Punishment has its role where appropriate. I can't really comment on this case specifically as I know nothing about it, but come on, do people who fuck little kids, rape and murder the innocent all with a smile on thier face and no remorse have a right to live at our expense?
Yes, they can be exiled or imprisoned.
as long as they're proven 100% guilty, i have no problem in seeing their life end.
~Michael Bolton
Imprisoned at our expense. Exiled where?
Well, back in the day, we used to ship Lepars off to an Island to die.
We could do the same with Murderers, Rapists and Pedophiles.
Imprisoned at our expense yes. I'd rather spend $10,000/year to imprison a criminal than execute him.
Why? A sadist who exhumes nothing but pleasure from doing sicker shit than we could ever think of to others...Someone who destroys children's lives and thier families? Someone who could not care less about jail, who will be getting fed better than us every day? Someone who could one day get out under the guise of being rehabilitated only to re-offend as we have seen so many countless times. Someone who even in jail still gets a hard on just thinking about the sheer terror they brought upon someone innocent?
Texas is a fucked up place, and who knows what happened in that instance. But if you have a confession, DNA evidence and someone who kills just to do it, fuck em...give me the $10,000, they can live with me, but it sure as hell won't be for a year.
These assholes get off way to easy. Especially in my pussy ass country who sppon feeds criminals and makes ghosts out of victims. I'm fucking tired of it...Fuck Bundy, Fuck Gacy, Fuck Dahmer, Fuck Bernanrdo, Fuck Homolka, Fuck Richard Ramirez, fuck all those assholes who are already dead, who should die, and who have a date with a needle..which is way to fucking easy...
It only takes one mistake to completely undo any justification for execution.
And how many unecessary deaths to justify it?
Personally, i think they should live and suffer. Proven GUILTY people that is. Death is more of a bliss to them (even for Hell-believers), as I have stated soo many times before.
There's no argument here.
Shouldnt Capital Punishment have its role in RESPONSIBILITY????
Do you really think this is about letting murders and child-rapists off the hook.
Yes. Bad people dont always deserve to live. Yeeeeessssss. Very good.
Nooo. Free trial CAN'T be subjected to unfair policies against DEMOCRACY ( American Democracy, for some of those who dont comprehend Universal Human Rights
In my opinion, yes..for the sickest in our society who do such evil, if they aren't destroyed like they should be, they are off the hook..IMO..
Bit naive? Yes...Bit cold hearted yes...But I am not going to hide it and prance around pretending not to be in these situations. Too many people already do...As I said, if there is DNA, confessions, killing just to kill, then I think enough RESPONSIBILITY has been shown to justify the end..
During the opening trial of Zeshen Zhou, 35, of Auckland, New Zealand, crown prosecutor John Dixon gave grim details about the murder of Shunlian Huang, 24, that occurred on September 1, 2005.
Zeshen Zhou is accused of the murder of his wife, Shunlian Huang, shortly after the couple had spoken of separating. Unable to accept the fact that his marriage was ending, Zhou allegedly took a meat cleaver and hit his wife dozens of times on her head, her neck, her shoulders and her forearms.
The woman tried to resist the assault but then Zhou grabbed a knife and stabbed her several times in the neck. Forensic examinations also revealed also that the victim's skull was crushed with a hammer.
When police, alerted by the neighbors, arrived on the scene Zhou admitted the killing saying, "I chopped up my wife", but has since pled not guilty to the murder charge.
Ogrish Report: Giulio Artioli
Just one of many. He was probaly just misunderstood as a child, didn't get enough attention. Mom never loved him enough, and dad was always drunk etc etc etc e t c
I honestly dont get how "some" Christians are against the death penalty. I dont mean this in a judgemental point of view, but sheer confusion.
Dont they want as many people as they can to get to Heaven?? Isnt it Christians' responsibility, to influence Christ in everyone. What about the whole repent-repent-repent, and accept Jesus as youre loving saviour- before you die. If this is justified by the short days before execution- still elusive.
Can you give me some scripture to support your beliefs?
Seriously trying to get educated here. I am not trying to be snarky either ( I dont know what that would gain).
It's pretty fucked up. Now what if he was an arab with a white jury. He'd be executed without due cause, simply because of the politics.
Well, I'm not a christian, the furthest from it, I completely disagree with those fairy tales. However, there is a commandment "thou shalt not kill" I think that has something to do with it.
^ I am not refuting that stance 100%.
If one of your loved ones has been accused without a free trial- would you still say buh-bye to them as well?? thats the simplest, most relatable form to break it down to.
Resonsibility here, isnt synonymous to accuracy + fairness. :(
Some people dont quite measure them in that way- gotta try to respect that.
Even if it may be the most popular religion. There are dear Christians out there, who are non-judgemental and fair.
As far as the "thou shall not kill" command, is there a warrior-like? stance that refutes this saying in the Bible. Is it where religion becomes more of a test or battle- in yielding a more loyal following, that doesnt cater to a weaker-minded, easier perception of living on this planet ie being peaceful, forgiving.
Are there certain passages that specifically allow killing?
From a "religious" aspect, you would think the "thou shall not kill" maxim, would be ESPECIALLY inclusive to fair trials. In all religious respects (aside from basic secular notions), one would fairly assume that CAREFUL examination would play considerable role.
That was amazing.
Yes. THIS is the tragic damage......THIS should be the argument here.
*sigh* :(
Therein lies the problem. Everyone who is convicted is proven guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt. Officially speaking, everyone is 100% guilty or 0% guilty. On occassion, someone gets a long prison sentence for something they did not do. I don't know whether there are any documented cases of someone being executed then found to be innocent (but that does not mean a couple of innocent people have not been executed).
I'd rather let 1 million murderers stay alive in prison than execute one innocent person.
I used to be pro death penalty and there are some people that I frankly think deserve to die. The possibility of killing the wrong person is the only reason I am now anti-death penalty. If anyone finds out, I will never be able to run for office because I am not steadfast.
Thats the whole PROBLEM.
Yea, I don't always agree with Penn & Teller.
However, I like the way they analyze things. They tend to write out all the pros and cons and go through them one by one on their blackboard.
They also have a wicked research team and a shitload of money to spend investigating this stuff.
I wasn't completely satisfied with a few of their episodes, particularly the one on Conspiracy Theories, I was prepared for a major paradigm shift, but it didn't happen. All they did was find a couple of nut jobs to make fun of. It was rather dissapointing. Most of their stuff is good though and can be found on Google Video by searching for Bullshit, Seasons 1-3 possibly 4 can be seen streaming on http://www.saltwaterchimp.com aswell.
Edit: haha, kind of funny, I was going to order their DVDs if they have any, but the Showtime website says "We at Showtime Online express our apologies; however, these pages are intended for access only from within the United States." thankfully Penn & Teller's Official Site works, it's just too damn expensive, it'd cost me almost $100/DVD after exchange and shipping, simply rediculous.
yeah, i guess i should have made it clearer. dna, admission of guilt, photo or video evidence....anything that is completely concrete in proving the persons guilt.
~Michael Bolton
Well, there are flaws in DNA testing, some DNA test results have been wrong. Admission of guilt, see Karr/Ramsey case. Photos and Videos can be doctored.
Plus you are killing someone
On February 18, 2004, jurors deliberated just 2 1/2 hours before returning the verdict in Bertie County Superior Court and acquitting Gell of of the 1995 murder of Allen Ray Jenkins, making Gell the 113th person to be freed from death row. As jurors left the courtroom, Gell, 28, hugged his lawyers. Gell was represented by James P. Cooney, III and Joseph Cheshire V.
Gell appears on this video Bullshit: The Death Penalty
Anyone who still supports the death penalty. I have a lot of words for you I can't share on this forum.
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