Marijuana may prevent lung cancer...
Not sure if it's been talked about to death on here or not, but thought it was interesting enough to share. ...
Can someone remind me why it's illegal again?
Not sure if it's been talked about to death on here or not, but thought it was interesting enough to share. ...
Can someone remind me why it's illegal again?
"You are everything, and everything is you. Me, you... you, me -- it's all related."
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and still jonesing for another show....
"the waiting drove me mad..."
Honestly and please do not call me crazy or something in regards to me wearing tin-foil....but I believe it is because of pressure from "big-pharma"...because honestly pot works great for many things....would take a hoot off a joint before popping a pill that is for sure.....if it was legal there would be losses in profit.
However I would hate to see it legal because the government would dictate it, leading to huge taxation. The best case is for decriminalization where you could be fined with possession (like alcohol is dealt with) however never charged with a criminal record.
I don't know how Canada works, but alcohol is completely legal here...
Anyway I think pot should be totally legalized AND taxed. Just think of the balance sheet at work:
Right now we spend billions in the war on drugs on pot alone. So that's a big red (negative) number. Now, legalize it. That red number is now zero. On the other side we now have a huge black POSITIVE number (tax revenue) with which we can pay for education, health care, whatever. And apparently now it helps cancer. What can't pot do?
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
If I have open beer in the vehucle I get a fine....if I do not travel from point A to point B with alcohol I can get a ticket....that is what I is legal but not to the point I can treat it with no thought...if you know what I mean....
Ummmmm there are more drugs out there besides pot, that the war on drugs (as you put it) is fighting. So that negative number would not become zero.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
The money for this "war on drugs" (I fucking hate this slogan...anyway) used to bust marijuana users/dealers could be better allocated.
I would like to see the amount of money that could be re-located by laxing the rules on marijuana.
This article confuses me...smoking never helps but only the active ingredient in pot? Can I smoke delta-tetrahydrocannabinol?
I dont understand too why it´s still illegal.
That's why I specified billions spent just on pot. So yes, that number becomes zero. The point is we go from billions spent fighting a war we can't possibly win, to huge tax revenues from it, while at the same time being able to control and oversee it's distribution. A win-win situation I'd say.
Oh RockinInCanada, I know what you're saying. I was giving you a hard time... I need my friday beer.
"Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. No, wait, not me, you." -Deep Toughts, Jack Handy
As do I....however change the beer for a rye and coke....