Ages of consent - Do they mean anything?

Do the ages of consent mean anything anymore?
Are the lines that easy to draw when so many people develop sexually and emotionally at a wide range of different times?
If a 16 year old has sex with a 14 year old, is that illegal and if it is/isn't, then should it be?
Also, why is sex, in some parts of the world, still deemed a sin?
Are the lines that easy to draw when so many people develop sexually and emotionally at a wide range of different times?
If a 16 year old has sex with a 14 year old, is that illegal and if it is/isn't, then should it be?
Also, why is sex, in some parts of the world, still deemed a sin?
'The more I studied religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself.' - Sir Richard Francis Burton
Post edited by Unknown User on
That is true...
Does this mean that the ages of consent are now irrelevent to our times like so many other ideas we take from religion?
Everyone is a potential pedophile in some mother's eyes.
I don't even bother speaking to strange children anymore unless I'm with my wife.
I spoke to a child last summer at the Zoo and his mother snatched him up and had a look of horror on her face and preceded to scold him...
Made me feel kinda uncomfortable...
legally, yes they absolutely do.
and that has ALWAYS held true, and yet as a society we have always looked towards 'age of consent' guidelines. it may be a proverbial line drawn in the sand, even haphazardly...but as it has a very good intention, to protect seems reasonable.
and no, two underage but consenting minors may engage in sex and it would not be considered illegal...nor should it be imo.
and i don't know of ANYwhere in the world where 'sex is deemed a sin.' premartial sex, adulterous sex, underage sex, ssame-gender sex...sure....SOME deem em all sins, but not sex itself.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I've had many similar experiences...I work in a book shop and it's always interesting the reactions you get from parents if you are smiley and friendly with their children...some like it and others don't which is a shame as many parents are almost encouraging ignornance in their children in order to 'protect' them......
But anyway back on topic, it is interesting to me how sex, one of if not the most basic and primal act that can happen between two humans, is so fiercely regulated.....
It saddens me that in the 21st century in some parts of the world homosexuality is still considered a sin.....
What's wierd is, if you've ever studied psychology you'll find mothers are fiercely protective of sons and fathers fiercely protective of daughters and it's all about animal instincts that we repress.
Oooh... fascinating question!
I see in the intention of and merit in such laws. At the same time, I don't think it's really possible to generalize anyone's sexual and/or emotional maturity based on age. Why am I too immature to decide one day and then - boom! - the next day when I turn a year older I'm magically mature enough? Or why am I mature enough one day and then - boom! - the next day when my boyfriend turns 18 I'm suddenly too immature?
Regarding specific laws, I believe they vary by state. And I think some people would be surprised to know what the laws really say.