Mccain/Obama-both Hawks

Both have said they support the murderous regime of Israel, both have said they oppose the so far peaceful regime in Iran (to the point of using military force agasint them), and both will expand the war on terrorism, including sending forces into Pakistan. More war, good for business, the corporate candidates getting in line.
A question was asked at the 'debate' last night, would the US help Israel if Iran attacked it? WTF is that? Israel has nukes. Iran would get its ass kicked. Why in the hell would Iran commit suicide like that? But the candidates said blah blah, thanks for the good question, here's my rehearsed bullshit spiehl about middle east policy, mor eguns, more bombs, more war.
Send in the Hawks.
A question was asked at the 'debate' last night, would the US help Israel if Iran attacked it? WTF is that? Israel has nukes. Iran would get its ass kicked. Why in the hell would Iran commit suicide like that? But the candidates said blah blah, thanks for the good question, here's my rehearsed bullshit spiehl about middle east policy, mor eguns, more bombs, more war.
Send in the Hawks.
Post edited by Unknown User on
If I say who I'll just get bashed.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The good news is they are both head and shoulders above Bush.
Really how? They are both driving the same car down the same road, just pretending it's a different car on a different road so people will get in and want to play with the stereo...
It's also the same music being played by the same band on the radio.
All politicians have to listen to this band...they are owned by them...and so are we.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Hawks are terrorists, they just happen to be in charge of a country when they commit their atrocities.
Coo Coo for Coca Puffs. You honestly believe that nonsense? Shit happens and I would rather be on our side than someone else's. This country is not perfect but we sure as hell are not terrorists.
What's your definition of terror?
So what do you propose?
1951- CIA is involved in a coup to overthrow nationalist Primeminister Dr. Muhammed Mossadeq in Iran. Supports Iranian military in massacre of Mossadeq supporters and returns the Shah to power. In 1976, Amnesty International concluded that the Shah's CIA-trained security force, SAVAK, had the worst human rights record on the planet, and that the number and variety of torture techniques the CIA had taught SAVAK were "beyond belief." 1951-CIA involved in terror campaign against democratically elected Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala. After Arbenz government is overthrown, CIA backed regimes murder more than 100,000 Guatemalans over the next 40 years
1961- CIA recruits 1500 Cuban exiles to invade Cuba and overthrow the Castro regime. The Pay of Pigs invasion would be a disaster, however the CIA would continue with more than two dozen attempts to kill Castro.
1963- The CIA have South Vietnemese president Ngo Dinh Diem overthrown and assasinated for supporting negotiations with the north. After 20 years of covert war the U.S. turns to direct military invasion, in a war that costs tens of thousands of Vietnemese, Cambodian and U.S. lives
1963- CIA recruits Iraqi Baath Party (including a young Saddam Hussein) to assasinate the new leader, Abdul-Karim Kassem. After the coup, the CIA gave the Baath a long list of communists and others to liquidate. During the 1980s the CIA would go on to help provide weapons to both Iraq and Iran in a war that would kill over one million people.
1965- CIA provokes a coup that leads to the overthrow of Indonesian leader Sukarno, who is replaced by General Suharto. In the follow ing weeks between 500,000 and one million people are murdered by death squads using lists provided by US State Department.
1973- After interfering in Chilean elections in 1958 and 1964, the CIA begins a campaign of sabotage and terror after leftist Salvadore Allende is elected president in 1970. In 1973, a CIA supported coup overthrew and assassinated Allende and installed fascist General Pinochet, resulting in thousands of murders over the next two decades. This year in France, former U.S. secretary of state, Henry Kissinger was served a (mostly symbolic) warrant for arrest as a war criminal for his role in the coup.
1979- After Nicaraguan dictator Samosa is overthrown in 1979, the CIA helps to train Samosa's National Guard into death squads known as the Contras. The Contras are used to terrorize rural Nicaragua while the US military blockades Nicaragua's harbors with mines. In 1989, after 10,000 deaths, the US is successful in ousting the Sandanista government.
1989- US invades Panama to overthrow and "arrest" Manuel Noriega, who has been on the CIA payroll since 1966 and supported through decades of drug running, political assassination and corrupt elections. After the invasion, which included the fire bombing of an entire urban ghetto, human rights observers uncover mass graves and estimate that over 4,000 died during the invasion.
1991- US and allies (mostly Britain) invade Iraq after U.S./CIA supported Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait. 200,000 Iraqis are killed, including over 400 civilians killed by two U.S. missiles in the Al-Amerya air shelter. Over the next 10 years another 400 tons of explosives will be dropped on Iraq killing another 300 civilians, and hundreds of thousands more starved through U.S. imposed sanctions. The U.S. forces Saudi Arabia to allow thousands of U.S. military to remain indefinitely within its boarders.
1998- Al Shifa pharmaceutical plant in Khartoum, Sudan is bombed without warning by 13 U.S. cruise missiles killing a janitor. The attack deprives Sudan of desperately needed medical drugs and potentially killing tens of thousands of people. The CIA later admits that information linking the plant to Osama bin Laden was probably "incorrect."
Due limitations of space I have not included the U.S. support of Israeli acts of terror against Palestinians, the atomic bombing of 200,000 civilians in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the numerous other U.S. invasions south of the Rio Grande, the invasion of Grenada ,the 19th century war of terror against U.S. indigenous peoples or the 200 years of slave trade.
Source: The CIAs Greatest Hits by Mark Zapezauer
We agree on this one.
Whether it's a Democrat pushing the buttons or a Republican pushing the buttons, dropping bombs on innocent people is terrorism--something both of these candidates seem poised to do.
Interesting to see he's lining up pretty much exactly to my original expectations.
It's bigger than what the face man in the suit on the teevee has to say to scam votes.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Obama's different...and unlike McCain and past administrations with Obama at least there's a chance things will get better. Yea he uses the same lame talking points...but has to in order to get elected....take the chance..what the hell do you have to loose???
McCain needs to fail simply to tell the religious right and all they're extreme positions to take a freakin hike..then maybe the next republican nominee won't court they're evil ways.
Obama grew up in a different era...the modern progressibe era...just the boost we get from increased status from other progressive humans in the world is a benefit from voting in same old fear mongering crap we've been forced to listen to in last 8 years...Obama will not do this...just that alone!!!!
Some say the end is near
Some say we'll see armageddon soon
I certainly hope we will
I sure could use a vacation from this
Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of
Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away
Any fucking time, any fucking day
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay
Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car
It's a
Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of
Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away
Any fucking time, any fucking day
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay
Some say a comet will fall from the sky
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves
Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits
Some say the end is near
Some say we'll see armageddon soon
I certainly hope we will 'cause
I sure could use a vacation from this
Silly shit, stupid shit...
One great big festering neon distraction,
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied
Learn to swim
Mom's gonna fix it all soon
Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be
Learn to swim
Fuck L. Ron Hubbard and
Fuck all his clones
Fuck all those gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes
Learn to swim
Fuck retro anything
Fuck your tattoos
Fuck all you junkies and
Fuck your short memory
Learn to swim
Fuck smiley glad-hands
With hidden agendas
Fuck these dysfunctional,
Insecure actresses
Learn to swim
'cause I'm praying for mayhem
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way
I wanna watch it all go down
Mom please flush it all away
I wanna see it go right in and down
I wanna watch it go right in
Watch you flush it all away
Time to bring it down again
Don't just call me pessimist
Try and read between the lines
I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend
I wanna see it all come down
Suck it down
Flush it down
Sure, he as a person might be different in some ways, but quite frankly he's missing the mark on a very big issue namely the federal reserve system. He's not addressing the real problems because he's owned and controlled by bigger interests, therefore he will come to serve those masters, and he;s shown very much already that he's right in line.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)