Chavez sees clearly
He is absolutely correct in his assessment of the United States. I hope he succeeds in his goals of bringing the international community to oppose the world dictator and also to wake up the American public to the crimes being committed in our name.
He is absolutely correct in his assessment of the United States. I hope he succeeds in his goals of bringing the international community to oppose the world dictator and also to wake up the American public to the crimes being committed in our name.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Oh yeah, definitely. If only every country were as peaceful and economically successful as Venezuela.....
World dictator? Crimes being committed in our name?
It's always a good laugh to come on the board and read ridiculous comments such as these.
Yeah...that's his "goal" :rolleyes:
Chavez's only goals are to keep oil prices high and to appease his populist base so that he can stay in power. These kind of tactics play into the former.
I'm all for criticizing George Bush, but your hero here is nothing more than a common charlatan.
bush is a war criminal.
What are you talking about? They can. The just don't all choose to.
They can. And they do.
old music:
I agree... The speech was delivered in a juvinile manner, but the message was clear and it was accurate. additionally, our president has been far more juvinile on several occations. Not just in his bumbling words, but more importantly his actions.
In reality, the world doesn't revolve around George Bush.
Yet, to the Democratic Party, and dictators (that actually ARE) dictators, around the globe, the world does revolve around George W. Bush.
Question to the board: What PCT of your average day do you think about George Bush?
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
I don't hate anyone.
I'm more of a hate...stylist.
Probably alot more than would be considered healthy.
Seriously, I listen to a lot of talk radio and vist a lot of message boards and blogs.
Obviously I'm biased, but the one thing that strikes me is that the right wing perspective puts for a lot of rhetoric, some of which I agree with, and some of which I don't...but they discuss what they think is going on, and what should be done about it.
I also listen to Ed Schultz (who is moderate in this day and age), Randi Rhodes, et al...and ALL they talk about is George Bush. He is their center of the universe and are completely obsessed.
It's weird.
Am I wrong? or am I missing the substantive arguments?
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Could...or...would? And it happens quite frequently, especially on this forum.
Low Traffic CIO MIW
I'd go with this answer too, but I think Chavez has done some good for his country even he hasn't lived up to all of his promises.
Such as? You can't just call yourself a Socialist and thereby magically be a good person. You actually have to walk the walk. Chavez is corrupt, and all accounts point towards a major erosion of democracy and basic freedoms in Venezuela.
Oh great seer, when will this occur?
Some of you people crack me up. The bottom? Dream on. And if we go down, we're taking most of you with us, so we won't be lonely. Don't worry.
I didn't say he was magically a good person because he calls himself a socialist. I think he has to cater to his people somewhat to keep himself and his friends in power. Its just like the situation in Cuba. Yes, its far from ideal, but its still better than the regimes they replaced.
Chavez is a moron, the fact that other foreign leaders would laugh at his devil comment just shows how big a joke the UN really is.
And, yes bashing and blaming President Bush for everything is an everyday and sometimes all day activity for most liberals. If they didn't have that they might actually have to come up with some substantive policies to better our country.
For me, it's not George Bush, it's the far right - which is often viewed as the moderate right in this day and age. George just happens to be at the helm. As for why they "focus" on Bush, it's simple - they're the opposition. That's what oppositions do - they oppose. If you think it's "weird," then you certainly need to get out more. Or jog your memory and think back to when the Republican party didn't have the White House.
How do you know Chavez is corrupt? Do you live in Venezuela? Do you see their local news or read their newspapers frequently? Do you even know a Venezuelan citizen? Do you even speak spanish?
Personally I dont know much Chavez, but alot of people here seem to know Chavez very well without knowing squat. Many here just cant stand to see a brown skin latino calling out your beloved president for what you all know he is. Most here like to attact the messenger because they are to macho to admit that they backed an immoral person to run their country.
Yup, it's latino-hatred. You figured it out.
Its not latino hatred, its a superiority complex. The thought that Americans are far above everybody else and how dare a some latino president from a "banana republic" call us out.
Don't know if you've ever heard of economic indicators, poverty statistics, unemployment statistics, news reports, etc... You may want to look into them. It allows people to understand things about a place without actually having to live there. Strange, I know.
And nice job playing the race card. That is always effective.