The real reasons Israel invaded Lebanon

1)They intended to bomb the cities and kill as many innocent as possible, then blame Hizbollah for hiding behind buildings in order to turn the people of Lebanon against Hizbollah. Basically a pr campaign that cost over a 1000 people their lives, a campagin that had the opposite affect.
2)Now that Hizbollah has depleted part of their arsenal, Washington is looking for the resuply lines-trying to find out where the weapons come from and who supplies them.
3)The Bush administration and its allies in Jerusalem see this as an essential step toward: 1) the removal of the Syrian Baathist regime, and 2) the launching of a full-scale war against Iran.
4)Assessments have been published in the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, also numerous newspapers internationally. They simply state what is by now obvious: the Israeli attack on Lebanon was the realization of a long-planned act of aggression.
2)Now that Hizbollah has depleted part of their arsenal, Washington is looking for the resuply lines-trying to find out where the weapons come from and who supplies them.
3)The Bush administration and its allies in Jerusalem see this as an essential step toward: 1) the removal of the Syrian Baathist regime, and 2) the launching of a full-scale war against Iran.
4)Assessments have been published in the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, also numerous newspapers internationally. They simply state what is by now obvious: the Israeli attack on Lebanon was the realization of a long-planned act of aggression.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Sorry, for some reason, I read every word of this post as it was written in crayon.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Way to adress the issue. Is that what you do, when you have nothing to offer? Straight ot the personal attacks?
Care to address points made? Or can you?
later gator...
I'll still post here because, as I've said before, it's like a car accident. I can't help myself from looking at it even though it's repulsive.
that is quite posibly the most delusional post i have ever read.
What's sad is that there have definitely been even worse posts on this site. Scary.
I don't think he has the ability. Kudos for trying though.
And yeah, great, although obvious to the rest of the civilised world, points made in the original post.
Once a point is made, it'll be addressed.
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
1. or the militant wing of hezboallah really is a state within a state and needs to be dealt with. If Israel can never be in the right, as some here feel, then yes your idea is prob right in their eyes. Or hezbollah is just a pawn of syria and iran to destroy a sovereing country and iran wants the us to attack it.
2.they know who supplies them...iran and syria...they didn't need a war for that
3. Iran will only be attacked if they provoke it...i don't think there will be anymore pre-emptive strikes. congress would not give approval for that right now and international tensions are such that the US would be ostracized from just about every where.
4. israel got fed up with hizbollah, remember the entire region wants israel gone...i bet you'd snap if someone came to your land and kept berating you, then you withdrew from some of it and then it still happened, then had people saying you should be wiped off the map. I'm sure you'd finally get fed up with it and take matters into your hands since the international community wouldn't do anything.
Yeah man, all those songs and lyrics about peace and equality and protecting the exploited, yeah, they must REALLY get on your goat.
Does bushleaguer make you vomit?
Does WWS give you the shakes?
Does WMA make you tremble with racist borne rage? (Or maybe you see that as a song that promotes your kind, the WMA kind of person.)
Does DTE make you scream "No Eddie!! Your all wrong!! Bush is great !!"
Does Rival or Comatose make you scream blue murder about those goddamned awful homosexuals?
Does Even Flow make you shout at the stereo, "Homeless, WHAT FUCKING HOMELESS!! This is America!!"
Does the phrase "Drilling for fear makes the job simple," or "the haves have not a clue" make you cry and wonder how the author of such lovely love songs as Black or EWBTCIAST can stoop so low as to attack our own government and bash America??
Hey, goodbye, thanks for joining in, don't forget your coat.
You found me out, silverstein. I hate black people, and gays, and the homeless. Congrats.
Little baby.
does antagonizing people make you happy? It's an honest question.
I think I can answer on silverstein's behalf - he loves to antagonize. Look how many of the threads he's been involved in have been shut down.
I only antagonise racists, bigots, homophobes. I only antagonise those who wish to paint pictures of an entire group of people as inhuman, as below their expressed, racist opinion.
Ill hound, antagonise and piss off such people until I render their slanted, hateful world view for all to see, and all to despise.
Is that a bad thing? THat's an honest question.
Im stil waiting for that link to a post where I have been bigoted.
If you can't, then you have rendered everything you say as impotent, and not worth a damn.
Not that we needed such confirmation.
But the thing is most people on this board already recognize how immature and childish you are. You pull out the racist card more than Cynthia McKinney.
This coming from the little baby that says I hate gays and blacks and homeless people. You're a joke.
Ahhh, the old "racist card" chestnut.
Been bailing out bigots since the sixties !!
Like you were alive in the sixties - have you reached puberty yet? You're a sad, pathetic little baby. Grow up.
it is if you become hate while doing it.
Antagonism NEVER gets anything accomplished it just makes the antagonizer look like an ass and the one biting look like an nothing gets accomplished.
Be careful labeling people as racists, bigots, and homophobes those are STRONG words.
Be careful? Why should I be careful when its plainly obvious. Referring to palestinians as "those animals," isnt racist?
Equating homosexuality to bestiality, is not homophobic? (on another thread - onelongsong)
And thats just today!
You're absolutely right - I should not even address his attacks.
You must be really antagonise yourself based on what you've just written.
i'm not gonna play moderator for the board b/c the present one does just fine. Just remember the old adage if your pointing your finger at someone, you've got 3 pointing back at you.
hate just begets more hate and it seemss in your attempt to enlighten the board more hate ensues. and that's my $0.02
Like Jsand above, you wil not be able to post a link to anything I have said that is racist, bigoted, or homophobic.
IF you can, ill donate a thousand bucks to AIPAC today.
And that's a promise.
Hey man, I really do see your point. BUT, what would you have me do?
Let those things go unchallenged?
What would you do?