Oklahoma City bombing-not all facts are in.

Apparently the Oklahoma federal building bombing theory-that Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh were acting alone-was not so clean cut as the officials would have us believe.
For example...
-General Benton K. Partin (USAF), a man with nothing to gain by contradicting official accounts of the bombing, asserts, "To produce the resulting damage pattern in the building, there would have to have been an effort with demolition charges at column bases to complement or supplement the truck bomb damage."
He also states that it would have been physically impossible for an ANFO (the Ammonium Nitrate) bomb to destroy the many reinforced steel columns supporting the building, situated far from the bomb site, as "blast pressure would have fallen off to around 375 pps, yet the columns were built to withstand 3000 pounds per sqare inch of pressure.
Collumns close to the blast (labelled B-4 and B-5) were still standing, while column A-7, some 60 feet from the blast, mysteriously collapsed.
"The much closer columns...are still standing, while the much larger column A-7 is down...These facts are sufficient reason to know that columns b-3 and A-7 had demolition charges on them," he claims.
-Gary McClenn , an army vet with years of hands on experience detonating ANFO, claims it is a poor choice for taking out concrete. He stood 300 yards from a 16,000 pound blast of ANFO and was unfazed.
But somehow 4,800 pounds in the back of a ryder truck parked outside the building caused that much structural damage? Not likely.
A leaked Pentagon report that appeared in Strategic Investment Newsletter stated that, "the destruction of the federal building last April was caused by five separate bombs."
The ATF needed a reason to exist...Waco was their announcement to Americans that they meant business, and the bombing of the federal building where they were headquartered was destroyed-you can bet they have authority now, not to mention all the funding they need. Just another reason to expand the power of government, over American citizens, as dissent grows.
then 9/11 came and gave them more reasons to take away our rights, to expand their power...how far will they go?
For example...
-General Benton K. Partin (USAF), a man with nothing to gain by contradicting official accounts of the bombing, asserts, "To produce the resulting damage pattern in the building, there would have to have been an effort with demolition charges at column bases to complement or supplement the truck bomb damage."
He also states that it would have been physically impossible for an ANFO (the Ammonium Nitrate) bomb to destroy the many reinforced steel columns supporting the building, situated far from the bomb site, as "blast pressure would have fallen off to around 375 pps, yet the columns were built to withstand 3000 pounds per sqare inch of pressure.
Collumns close to the blast (labelled B-4 and B-5) were still standing, while column A-7, some 60 feet from the blast, mysteriously collapsed.
"The much closer columns...are still standing, while the much larger column A-7 is down...These facts are sufficient reason to know that columns b-3 and A-7 had demolition charges on them," he claims.
-Gary McClenn , an army vet with years of hands on experience detonating ANFO, claims it is a poor choice for taking out concrete. He stood 300 yards from a 16,000 pound blast of ANFO and was unfazed.
But somehow 4,800 pounds in the back of a ryder truck parked outside the building caused that much structural damage? Not likely.
A leaked Pentagon report that appeared in Strategic Investment Newsletter stated that, "the destruction of the federal building last April was caused by five separate bombs."
The ATF needed a reason to exist...Waco was their announcement to Americans that they meant business, and the bombing of the federal building where they were headquartered was destroyed-you can bet they have authority now, not to mention all the funding they need. Just another reason to expand the power of government, over American citizens, as dissent grows.
then 9/11 came and gave them more reasons to take away our rights, to expand their power...how far will they go?
Post edited by Unknown User on
That was never investigated much because they actually (apparently?) caught the guy. That whole thing ended as quickly as it started in the minds of the world.
Now if they only caught that ever elusive mythical Osama creature who daddy bush plays golf with, and dines at his parents house regularly, while tossing around billion dollar covert cash deals like potato chips...
Complete and total bullshit! ANFO is something I know about and have experience with. 16,000 pounds in open air would destroy a person 300 yards away.
I would have to agree with 69er for a change. Demolition grade ANFO has a velocity of detonation of 12,000 ft/s, a lot different from fertlizer however.
In this video you can see ANFO in action.
The guy worked with it for 30 years....retired army. Maybe he was lying, but that's what he said.
Right....2,700 m/sec by itself and 3,400 m/sec when boosted with tnt...great for removing dirt from drilled holes but not for taking out reinforced concrete.
But velocity doesn't indicate blast pressure, which would have fallen off to about 375 pounds per square inch where some of the reinforced concrete columns were known to have collapsed, far below the 3,500 pound compressive yield strength of concrete.
FEMA did a study of their own, and concluded, "4,800 pounds of ANFO would have been virtually unable to have caused the so-called 30-foot crater in Oklahoma City."
How about Samuel Cohen-the guy who invented the neutron bomb, "I believe that demolition charges in the building placed inside at certain key concrete columns did the primary damage to the Murrah Federal Building." He has since commented again, indicating the ANFO theory to be completely false, and that charges had to have been placed for the type of damage that occured.
An FBI spokiesman was on a local news program saying they'd recovered bombs from teh building...
The evidence is overwhelming...
Oh no, I agree with you, ANFO couldn't take out the building. Just saying I don't think you could stand that close to ANFO detonated in open air.
this guy is right, but you don't even have to have basic knowledge of combustible materials to know this. ANFO, C4, whatever...If you stood 3 football fields from 16K lbs. of gas, ignited at once, you would not live. The shockwave alone would break your neck. Once you landed, you would be dead. This thread is depressing as fuck.
Well, then one statement of fact in the article you posted has been discredited here
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
Yeah I've been picking some stuff up on that as well. Amazing how naive I was back then. I believed everything I was told, and the wheels kept turning. Now I look around and see war, and hate, and evil, and greed amongst tiny little slivers of goodness in the 360 cirlce that I turn in. I have no choice really...it's reality now.
Yeah the OkieHomie thing is hurting so badly in evidence, theory, and logic. The question is WTF and WHY?!? And why must I always feel like a conspiaracy kook if something that's bad happens and it just doesn't add up at the most basic level when I read about it.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Blow it off, fine....
But I'm curious as to what our leaders are up to...and why. The ATF sure got their push into an authority position, and the gov't in general got its desire to be able to spy on American citizens granted.
The day will come when the gov't, the all powerful all seeing gov't, will want to elimintate all dissent...you should check out Orwell's 1984-and through acts like this and 9/11-with the ensuing patriot act-they will know exactly who those disidents are. And they'll dissappear....
In the 80's, which history should call the great purge, which it would if it wasn't written by the victors, the CIA supplied all of its military dictatorships in south and central america with lists of all political dissidents...thousands of names...and subsequently they were all tortured and murdered and jailed and so on....and maybe not so coincidentally it was the same time Bob Marley died, John Lennon was shot, and Martin Luthar King jr assissinated. 3 very influential individuals, and 3 very anti war, anti violence, anti imperialist individuals. They were 3 among thousands...
Soon its going to be people like you and me...well not you, because you obviously are in line.....but average people like me and public figures like Eddie Vedder...that day will, unless we expose their lies now and put them in their place before they have too much power over us.
With a belief system like this, you should be the voice for the Second Amendment on this board! Providing the People recourse for the scenarios you put forth is precisely why it was written.
MLK Jr. was assassinated in the '80s? Hmm....
Funny that you say that I'm in line when I have views all over the place. You're the one that seems to be in some sort of line.
Furthermore, you're a "commy" and you think that our government is all-powerful?!! Funny stuff!
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
way to stick to the topic. I notice whenever people debating an issue-especially public debates or things like that...whenever the other side can't come up with anything substantial to refute a claim or a theory they resort to personal attacks or try to discredit the individual making the claims.
fitting right in line now...
Well, it's hard to take someone seriously who thinks MLK Jr. was murdered in the 80's.
Furthermore, I just find it humorously ironic that a "Commy" would refer to a capitalistic system's government as "all powerful".
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
right on topic once again...
late 60's-through the early 80's, how's that for a time frame? then we can throw all kinds of dissidents in there...
Whatever fits your storyline right?
Just to help inform you, incase you'd like to read up on him.
Martin Luther King, Jr., (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968) was born Michael Luther King, Jr., but later had his name changed to Martin. His grandfather began the family's long tenure as pastors of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, serving from 1914 to 1931; his father has served from then until the present, and from 1960 until his death Martin Luther acted as co-pastor. Martin Luther attended segregated public schools in Georgia, graduating from high school at the age of fifteen; he received the B. A. degree in 1948 from Morehouse College, a distinguished Negro institution of Atlanta from which both his father and grandfather had been graduated. After three years of theological study at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania where he was elected president of a predominantly white senior class, he was awarded the B.D. in 1951. With a fellowship won at Crozer, he enrolled in graduate studies at Boston University, completing his residence for the doctorate in 1953 and receiving the degree in 1955 In Boston he met and married Coretta Scott, a young woman of uncommon intellectual and artistic attainments. Two sons and two daughters were born into the family.
In 1954, Martin Luther King accepted the pastorale of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Always a strong worker for civil rights for members of his race, King was, by this time, a member of the executive committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the leading organization of its kind in the nation. He was ready, then, early in December, 1955, to accept the leadership of the first great Negro nonviolent demonstration of contemporary times in the United States, the bus boycott described by Gunnar Jahn in his presentation speech in honor of the laureate. The boycott lasted 382 days. On December 21, 1956, after the Supreme Court of the United States had declared unconstitutional the laws requiring segregation on buses, Negroes and whites rode the buses as equals. During these days of boycott, King was arrested, his home was bombed, he was subjected to personal abuse, but at the same time he emerged as a Negro leader of the first rank.
In 1957 he was elected president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization formed to provide new leadership for the now burgeoning civil rights movement. The ideals for this organization he took from Christianity; its operational techniques from Gandhi. In the eleven-year period between 1957 and 1968, King traveled over six million miles and spoke over twenty-five hundred times, appearing wherever there was injustice, protest, and action; and meanwhile he wrote five books as well as numerous articles. In these years, he led a massive protest in Birmingham, Alabama, that caught the attention of the entire world, providing what he called a coalition of conscience. and inspiring his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail", a manifesto of the Negro revolution; he planned the drives in Alabama for the registration of Negroes as voters; he directed the peaceful march on Washington, D.C., of 250,000 people to whom he delivered his address, "l Have a Dream", he conferred with President John F. Kennedy and campaigned for President Lyndon B. Johnson; he was arrested upwards of twenty times and assaulted at least four times; he was awarded five honorary degrees; was named Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963; and became not only the symbolic leader of American blacks but also a world figure.
At the age of thirty-five, Martin Luther King, Jr., was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize. When notified of his selection, he announced that he would turn over the prize money of $54,123 to the furtherance of the civil rights movement.
On the evening of April 4, 1968 , while standing on the balcony of his motel room in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was to lead a protest march in sympathy with striking garbage workers of that city, he was assassinated.
He said MLK was murdered in the 80's?????? HOLY SHHIIITTEEEEEEEE
so did the gov't give Marley cancer?
I guess we should have suspected nothing less since John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died ON THE SAME day...talk about not being so coincidental, I mean both those guys helped with the declaration and they died on the 50th anniversary of our country. It's no wonder it still goes on in our country, i mean the founding fathers were the first in the long line of conspiracy's.
are you serious? I know the gov't has power over us but there's a point where paranoia is pathological.
You obviously know very little about the nature of gov't and power, authority.
Give them an inch they'll take a yard/
that's very different than saying they are behind everything. Actually, I do know a little bit about the nature of gov't...i'm not saying they are beyond reproach and i'm not saying that aren't shady, but not to that extent.
At least I have a point, relevant.
This forum has gone to shit I must say. You are all so worried about the individual that your not even taking in the information or debating the topic.
Why do you give a SHIT?
Seriously, I don't think twice about the person commenting on a subject...its not about that. If you have something of substance to say...well then its debatable. It seems like all of you are here to attack the indvidual...give me some fucking substance...please. Fuck , how hard is it? Do some research..look it up, find out for yourselves, come at with more than...ohhh god, your a commy, you think like this...ITS not about ME. Fuck..
fair enough. we can agree to disagree.
U have a point in saying MLK was done away with in the EIGHTIES???
Worried bout the individual????
I would come to the conclusion you are very troubled and are trapped in a conspiracy riddled mind that the light of day may never be seen. There is no way to debate an individual who considers every event that occurs the work of the govt.
It is public record that the CIA hired two assassins to kill Bob in the late 70s's. They failed and were subsequently subjected to Kingstown justice...they each got a bullet in the head.
Bob stubbed his toe playing soccer-it got infected...he went to a Miami hopsital and a few years later ended up dead. So the official story is he died from stubbing his toe.
Do you even know what this thread is about? I have 0 people on my ignore list but you're getting close with this drivel.