Barak Obama-just another politician.

In an interview with the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune published September 26, Democratic Senate candidate Barack Obama said he would favor the use of “surgical” missile strikes against Iran if it failed to bow to Washington’s demand that it eliminate its nuclear energy program. Obama also said that, in the event of a coup that removed the Musharraf regime in Pakistan, the US should attack that nation’s nuclear arsenal.
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I saw an interview with him on CSpan in 2003 or 2004, and he said "I am no pacifist, and if pushed I would support wars with North Korea and Iran"
yet every time I say this to people, they dont believe it. Its like people have no memory.
While obama seems like a new type of politician, he in my mind is in fact the same old boss we have had for centuries.
The question is begging for asking: If you are antiwar, and you vote for Obama because you think he will get us out of Iraq, how is he going to alter things for the better by going to war with iran and north korea?
It isnt a fair trade off in my book. War in Iraq for war in iran and North Korea?
Seems like we need a politician who vows not to get us into another war, and will NOT attack North korea and Iran. and will pull all troops out of Iraq.
Plus it makes no sense whatsoever to go after North Korea. If you think Bush is stupid, he at least knows enough that if he attacks north Korea that we would have what they used to call in the cold war "MAD" or mutual assured destruction. Meaning we would use a nuke on them, and they would use one on us, thus killing everyone on the globe. Bush knows enough not to be that stupid.
Yet Obama seems to be stupid enough to kill us all
AND you thought bush was bad.
Thats what I meant in previous threads. There is NO CHOICE currently for 2008. Either you vote for hilary and her prowar crap or vote for obama and he will get us out of Iraq but will get more of our young ones killed in other wars.
How hard is it to say "I am running for president, and I am a pacifist. I will bring all the troops home from all bases, and will not wage any more wars that kills innocent civilians and kill of our young generation".
I am still pro nader. But its sad, i really have no doubt, that the dems will refuse to nominate kucinich. Which is depressing considering there are alot of people who think he has good ideas.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Reviewing the speech, Ha'aretz Washington correspondent Shmuel Rosner concluded that Obama "sounded as strong as Clinton, as supportive as Bush, as friendly as Giuliani. At least rhetorically, Obama passed any test anyone might have wanted him to pass. So, he is pro-Israel. Period."
Israel is "our strongest ally in the region and its only established democracy," Obama said, assuring his audience that "we must preserve our total commitment to our unique defense relationship with Israel by fully funding military assistance and continuing work on the Arrow and related missile defense programs." Such advanced multi-billion dollar systems he asserted, would help Israel "deter missile attacks from as far as Tehran and as close as Gaza." As if the starved, besieged and traumatized population of Gaza are about to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Obama offered not a single word of criticism of Israel, of its relentless settlement and wall construction, of the closures that make life unlivable for millions of Palestinians.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
there's been plenty said
also, i saw on cnn tonight that when he was in alabama talking to white ppl he had a normal accent, then later in the day when he was talking to a black church he suddenly had a southern drawl and spoke differently...seems like pandering
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Folks, don't get me wrong. Up until now I was a Republican. My move to Obama wasn't only based on his anti-Iraq-war stance. It was based on the fact that my party has disappointed me, time and time again. McCain disappoints me. Rudy seems a step up but he's quoting the same rhetoric as Bush, so far, when it comes to the war. I watched Bush's State of the Union address and I watched Rudy's interview afterwards. It really saddened me.
Kucinich makes a lot of sense, but I have to be realistic. He's at 1% in the polls so far. Except for here in the Pit, I've never even heard him mentioned on the news. I'm going for a candidate who has shown himself capable of being bipartisan, intelligent, inspiring....and who has a chance. Who would've thought two months ago that Obama would be so close to the Hillary Machine in the polls this soon? I watch both of them daily on the internet, and he is getting much better press. Yes, Rudy beats both of them in the press, and polls, so far....but Rudy is backing Bush's surge in troops, too.
I am not into people that play games. I dont like people who do things, bad things, or things at all costs to win. Thats wrong. I want someone who says "hey this wars wrong, lets pull out now and end the war".
Politicians are jerks. They are liars. i want someone who tells the truth.
Its quite telling that someone like an Eddie Vedder or Jon Stewart or Bruce Springsteen or ian mackaye would all make better presidents than any of the candidates. Its telling when a man who helms a fake news show is a better and more informed person than any of the people running in 2008.
I am sick of being lied to. I want the truth. If you can point out a politician who is doing that besides Kucinich, then by all means...
The things is....if people like you wouldn't be afraid of throwing your vote away he would have WAY more than 1%. It's effectively letting the media and the money tell us who to vote for. I'm going to vote for someone who I agree with at least for the most part on the key issues. No one can make your vote not count except yourself going against what you believe in. There's always the opportunity in this country for change...we just have to man up and do it.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
not all that much
when i'm around black friends i don't start saying things like 'say word, son!' or anything like that
when i'm around german ppl at work i don't suddenly adopt a german accent in my speech.
i don't do those things b/c it seems disingenuous.
the difference in speaking to a friend vs a boss is not the same thing as you're in the south so suddenly you adopt a southern accent or i'm around black ppl so suddenly i talk like them...all i'm saying is it seems like an act, which it is.
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
What a sad, bleak view to have...that we will never have any options other than these sorry two choices of Dems or Reps. Your dismal line of thinking keeps 3rd parties out, complete lack of faith and hope and an unwillingness to stand up for what's right. Your line of thinking is what keeps them in power and creates what we have now...a government with no accountabilty. Why should they even worry about all the wrong they do? They know they'll have people like you telling everyone this is as good as it's ever going to get, this is the best we can do so deal with. You can save that load of crap because I ain't buying it.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
3% for Party 1 (Socialist)
14% for Party 2 (Hard Core Liberal)
30.8% for Party 3 (Soft Liberal)
29.2% for Party 4 (Soft Conservative)
19% for Party 5 (Hard Core Conservative)
4% for Party 6 (Fascist)
Under this scenerio, Party 3 wins the election. Parties 1 and 2 continue to complain a bit, but it's Parties 4, 5, and 6 that are really pissed. So they pull together and look past certain issues to beat Party 3. The next election looks like this:
3% for Party 1 (Socialist)
14% for Party 2 (Hard Core Liberal)
30.8% for Party 3 (Soft Liberal)
38.2% for Party 4 (Soft Conservative)
10% for Party 5 (Hard Core Conservative)
4% for Party 6 (Fascist)
So this time it's Party 4 that wins the election, and Parties 1, 2, and 3 are super pissed. So they do the same as Party 4 did and pull resources - and the easiest to pull under is Party 3. This back and forth continues until the only viable options (in fact, they were always the only viable options) are Parties 3 and 4. The only way to break Party 3 or Party 4 is to overtake it. But then all you've done is change the name of the party - you're still going to end up with two.
The only way to really change this is to implement either a proportional represention style democracy or a run-off election system. Even then, the executive branch would still likely fall under one of the two middle parties, but you'd see the legislative branch open up quite a bit.
The faces change, but the policies stay the same. It is not the responsibility of government to do what is right, it's to do what they are told.
Yes, our whole system is bullshit but I don't believe anything to be set in stone. If we gave ourselves more credit as human beings then we'd see the's only a matter of time.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i know another president who has a pretty good rep by using nuclear weapons.
In his defense - he is subject to the same media as the rest of us...
I guess with all the lies we hear everyday - we are forced to choose our own reality.
Once in office - The president of the united states can have anything clarified that he chooses..
Tough to judge someones foreign policy - when nobody is entitled to honest objective facts - we are left to judge charactor in other ways.
Its funny, not really, the media in the United States. The more important the recipient of the information the more controlled it is. I can't imagine what the president hears from his sources. We can be sure its the most indoctrinating, propaganized information there is. Same with Senators and Congressmen...their opinions are more important to control than the general population.
But it sure helps if you're serious about an actual withdrawl and not an occupation with no real time frame.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
of course, normal as in the way he normally, usually, talks <most of the time>, you get the idea? not as in 'normal' as in a set way everyone must talk, how you came to that conclusion is beyond me as cultures are pretty plenty and varied.
if i went to work tomorrow and started talking in a jamacian accent would that be normal? not for me it wouldn't be
and look, this is just a small point, just that it shows them putting on an act, not being themselves...i prefer ppl who act real, be authentic, true to themselves...
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Frigid statue standing icy blue and numb
Where are the frost giants Ive begged for protection?
I'm freezing
Are you afraid, afraid to die
Don't be afraid, afraid to try
that maybe some ppl don't want to pre emptively attack another country again
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Frigid statue standing icy blue and numb
Where are the frost giants Ive begged for protection?
I'm freezing
Are you afraid, afraid to die
Don't be afraid, afraid to try
Why cant we have a politician like that!!!
These people like Ed, bruce, uncle neil, dylan, tool all say what they mean. They arent lying. They tell the truth.
When Bruce says "bring em home" we need to bring them home indeed.
I am so sick of democrats refusing to stand up for their prinicples. 3,000 plus youngsters are dead partly because the democrats were wimpy enough not to challenge bush in the aftermath of 9/11 for fear of being called antiamerican.
This has got to stop, and where is our generations McGovern, RFK, and Mccarthy?
Where are the politicians who speak for the youth? Where are the politicians who feel the pain of the families who have lost more than is imaginable in the loss of a child in iraq? Where are the politicians who say "not one more child"? Where are the politicians who say to us "you were lied to, and I will not lie to you. This war is unwinnable, and the only way out is to bring em home"