I don't equate ignorance with reasoning, Gore lost his presidency of his own doing, period.
Nadar won't even get 1% of any state, let alone the country. Only chance he has of this not being true is if Clinton is the Dem candidate. Some Obama ppl may go to Nadar, and some of the independents will go to McCain, many won't even come out to vote, yet Hillary will still win the White House.
Hopefully that won't be the case and Obama will win the day.
I agree with you about Gore. But I will remain optimistic about Nader's support this go round. And even he doesn't do well, I'll still know I stood up for who I believed best represented my ideals.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Nader is our only hope for peaceful negotiations with the elite. If he continues to be marginalized the fight will be taken to the streets.
I agree that if society continues to be marginalized by the wealthy there could (hopefully) be some fighting in the streets. But to say if Nader is ignored this will happen is a bit out there IMO. Nader is a small pickle in this fight. Unfortunately the majority of Americans will have to hit rock bottom before they quit watching their gladiator games and pay attention to what is going on in this country and around the world.
I agree that if society continues to be marginalized by the wealthy there could (hopefully) be some fighting in the streets. But to say if Nader is ignored this will happen is a bit out there IMO. Nader is a small pickle in this fight. Unfortunately the majority of Americans will have to hit rock bottom before they quit watching their gladiator games and pay attention to what is going on in this country and around the world.
Nader may not be the catalyst, but we are close to somethign like that. As a people we can only take so much. And we will resist.
America is a young country...but our resistance has been very successful, its just been missing of late. The time has come to rise again, to fight the wiretappping, to fight the police state, to fight the corrup gov't. We are getting informed at this point, and when enough people realize the truth, there will be class war.
Two-party system fears Ralph Nader's candidacy
By Stephen C. Smith
March 3, 2008
Heee's baaaack! On Feb. 24, Ralph Nader announced he will pursue his third run for president. Already, we are hearing the inane rhetoric, remarks like, ''Your name on the ballot will take votes away from a Democratic nominee,'' or, ''Al Gore would have won in 2000 if you didn't run.'' These statements only show ignorance that the democratic process allows more than two parties to vie for the presidency.
Anyone who has ever heard Mr. Nader speak knows he is trying to make people aware of the corruption that lives inside our government. For decades he had warned us about the power lobbyists and their lawyers have in the decision making process inside government; that this corporate control will continue as long as both parties readily accept millions in contributions; and, the need to shift the power from the few to the many.
These are just a few issues Mr. Nader is bringing to our attention. He is a man working for the rights of the average American. He's dedicated more than 40 years to work as a consumer advocate, citizen group organizer, and environmentalist. His profoundness to question authority has made people admire, disdain, or fear his character.
It is because of his character that he will be getting my vote for the third time as the person I would like to have as our president. Does he have a chance to win? Definitely not! That is mostly due to the overwhelming power and control our two-party system has created in stifling any third party run for the presidency.
In 1988, a private corporation was formed, The Commission on Presidential Debates. It consisted of five Democrats, five Republicans and one Independent. This group took over the reins once held by the non-partisan League of Women Voters. It wanted its own rules and restrictions in place to run the format for presidential debates. It changed the original ruling for a third party candidate to have a 15 percent average instead of a 5 percent average in five national polls to be allowed to enter a debate.
This change came into effect in September of 2000. It was enacted out of fear from the two-party system. Ross Perot's 19 million votes (nearly 10 percent) in the 1992 presidential elections is what brought this un-democratic process to law. Our two-party system fears outside voices and it fears the likes of Ralph Nader.
Consider an October 2000 presidential debate at the University of Massachusetts. Mr. Nader was invited to the debate by the university. With his ticket in hand, he was to watch the debate, not in the debate hall, but in an auditorium on a big screen. Upon his arrival he was greeted outside of the building by a security consultant from the debate commission along with two state troopers. Even with an invite and ticket, he was not allowed inside or he would face arrest. (Nader sued and later got an apology and a monetary settlement from the commission.) The fear of not even allowing a third party candidate to watch a debate at a public university is turning our major two parties into a dictatorial regime.
The Founding Fathers who wrote our Constitution would have had none of this. John Adams once stated, ''There is nothing I dread so much as the division of the Republic into two great parties, each under its leader.''
With that being said, and in light of the corrupt handling of keeping third party voices from reaching the ears of all Americans, we need the likes of Ralph Nader to bring democracy back to the people. We need to hear what's wrong with our political system in order to correct it. We need the ''need for change'' that is not coming from either party running the show. That is why I am voting with my conscious for Mr. Nader. It is not a wasted vote. It is a vote for a change in our electoral process so all candidates can be heard on an equal basis. That my friends, would be democracy in action.
I'll vote Nader this time around. Why the fuck not. I've been a registered Republican since I was able to vote and I've voted for candidates from both major parties and have never been happy with the results. I was really inspired by Ron Paul's campaign this go around and I'll still cast my vote for him in the PA Republican primary. I don't agree with everything he stands for but much more than any other candidate right now. It's hard not to admire a man that fights everyday to make sure our rights, guarenteed by the constitution, are protected.
So I'll vote Nader just to say fuck you to the other guys. It will take a lot for them to even pay attention though. Be nice to have another big name step in and have a four party run.
Unionizing non-profit organizations isn't as cut and dry as you think. Most of the time they have to scrape by with the limited to resources they do have in order to focus on the cause they represent.
so decent pay, decent hours, and collective bargaining are a threat to non profit organizations and their causes? i strongly disagree... it is only collective bargaining, thats all... and if a non profit doesnt support reasobable wages, reasonable hours, and worker organization then i dont support them...
i love nader, i liked 50% of what ron paul had to say...
but i think it is hilarious their supporters just glance over major issues such as insanely racist newsletters and war stock ownership, insider trading and manipulation... i guess these 2 are not "mainstream" enough to face the same scrutiny as the mainstream candidiates...
could you imagine the GW BUSH newsletters saying the same things? i know one thing is for sure, you people would be all over that shit, as would I...
so decent pay, decent hours, and collective bargaining are a threat to non profit organizations and their causes? i strongly disagree... it is only collective bargaining, thats all... and if a non profit doesnt support reasobable wages, reasonable hours, and worker organization then i dont support them...
It's not as cut and dry and you're hoping it to be. You don't even address the points I bring up. Just nevermind.
I guess you have no problem supporting people who accept money from the nuclear power industry and then sell it as 'green' to the people.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i love nader, i liked 50% of what ron paul had to say...
but i think it is hilarious their supporters just glance over major issues such as insanely racist newsletters and war stock ownership, insider trading and manipulation... i guess these 2 are not "mainstream" enough to face the same scrutiny as the mainstream candidiates...
could you imagine the GW BUSH newsletters saying the same things? i know one thing is for sure, you people would be all over that shit, as would I...
That newsletter has been played out and I don't believe Paul to be a racist or it to even be an issue. I'm not gonna vote for the guy, anyway...he just happens to be quite admirable when it comes to sticking to his principles.
Post Obama's stocks.
It's got shit to do with 'mainstream'. I'd expect shit like this from cornifer but not you. I posted plenty of stuff on Obama and you haven't addressed it. Frankly, I don't think anything people bring up about him would change some of your minds. It's not about what you believe in, it's about winning and gaining power....nevermind the shit you've said you stood for all these years posting here in the pit. So fantastic, you've got your winner....enjoy that.
I'm voting for the person whose platform best represents the things that I believe in. Obama doesn't come close....he's closer to Hillary and even McCain than he is Nader on the issues. But that's the last thing you want to discuss because all you can manage to come back with is what you think other people want instead of standing up for what you believe in.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I'm surprised to see people still bringing up the Ron Paul racist newsletters thing. It's like all the people that still believed Iraq had WMD in 2006....
The only show stoppers people can have with Ron Paul are abortion and health care.
He should be elected president for wanting to abolish the federal reserve alone, and being so vocal about it.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Yes, according to a five-month investigation by the Associated Press.
The AP found a vast array of pharmaceuticals - including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones - with unknown health effects - in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans.
The AP reported that even though U.S. waterways coast to coast are contaminated with residues of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, there's no national strategy to deal with them - no effective mandates to test, treat, limit or even advise the public.
Now, how did we get to this point in our history?
In 1974, Ralph Nader was instrumental in getting passed into federal law the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The idea was to ensure that the water we drink is safe and regularly and publicly tested for heavy metals and other contaminants.
But years of budgetary neglect by the corporate controlled two parties has eviscerated the law and undermined enforcement.
The corporations and their political puppets have made regulation a dirty word.
And, so, here we are.
Time to bring back some law and order for corporations.
But how?
Help get Nader/Gonzalez back on the ballot in states across the country.
Yesterday, we announced a drive to get Nader/Gonzalez on the ballot in New Mexico.
To give the people of New Mexico a choice for law and order for corporations.
We need to raise $10,000 by midnight tomorrow, Wednesday, to fund the New Mexico effort.
Yesterday, thanks to your support, we raised $5,002.26 from 51 donors.
So, we're halfway home.
Once we hit the $10,000 mark, we'll ship off our eight young volunteers to New Mexico and put Nader/Gonzalez on the ballot there.
The deadline for the New Mexico signatures is April 1.
So, there's no time to lose. We're looking for 100 people to give $100 each for our New Mexico ballot drive. Please help push us over the top now.
Again, thank for your support in this historic effort to challenge the two corporate parties.
I'm voting for the person whose platform best represents the things that I believe in.
At the end of the day, that use to give us solace for the next four years, but you, like the rest of us know that is no longer enough. It can no longer be about the "me" concept. It can no longer be about fuck it I didn't vote for that person you did attitude. The country as a whole is doing bad. You, me, and 93% of the people on this board can articulate the problems facing this country as well as any candidate out there. Many of us know people who are living the problems. People who after the elections are over will still be in the same boat or worse, while the candidates go back to their riches.
The fact is that Americans need immediate help to avoid a full blown recession that means whomever is elected is going to have to work within the current system to make improvements, that includes Nader, Obama, Clinton and McCain.
In listening to all the candidates, I realized that it's not about them, it's about us. We stopped thinking for ourselves. We allowed ourselves to be herded into control groups, red states, blue states, conservative, liberal, hippie, neo-conservative, pro-war, anti-war, my religion is better than your religion, etc., etc. Our thinking was controlled and our voices silenced. If the Bush years has taught anything, it has taught us that we can not longer be content. We have to realize that it shouldn't make a difference who is elected because that person is elected to the Office of the President of the United States to serve the best interest of the PEOPLE and NATION as a WHOLE, not their personal power trips. We, you, me and the rest of the people who have awoken to see a government serving itself have got to hold them accountable to us, the citizens of this nation.
We may not be able to direct the President, but we control our State officials. We control the votes for our local, city, and State officials. We control who get elected senator or congressman of our States. If we want grassroot changes, then we need to get active at the grassroot level. I've read your posts, ever think about running for city councilman? or local school board? You don't have to be savvy, just honest in the fact that you want to do the best you can for the community as a whole. If we let this awakening disappear for the next four years simply because our candidate didn't win, then no one wins, we remain status quo as voters without a voice.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
At the end of the day, that use to give us solace for the next four years, but you, like the rest of us know that is no longer enough. It can no longer be about the "me" concept. It can no longer be about fuck it I didn't vote for that person you did attitude. The country as a whole is doing bad. You, me, and 93% of the people on this board can articulate the problems facing this country as well as any candidate out there. Many of us know people who are living the problems. People who after the elections are over will still be in the same boat or worse, while the candidates go back to their riches.
The fact is that Americans need immediate help to avoid a full blown recession that means whomever is elected is going to have to work within the current system to make improvements, that includes Nader, Obama, Clinton and McCain.
In listening to all the candidates, I realized that it's not about them, it's about us. We stopped thinking for ourselves. We allowed ourselves to be herded into control groups, red states, blue states, conservative, liberal, hippie, neo-conservative, pro-war, anti-war, my religion is better than your religion, etc., etc. Our thinking was controlled and our voices silenced. If the Bush years has taught anything, it has taught us that we can not longer be content. We have to realize that it shouldn't make a difference who is elected because that person is elected to the Office of the President of the United States to serve the best interest of the PEOPLE and NATION as a WHOLE, not their personal power trips. We, you, me and the rest of the people who have awoken to see a government serving itself have got to hold them accountable to us, the citizens of this nation.
We may not be able to direct the President, but we control our State officials. We control the votes for our local, city, and State officials. We control who get elected senator or congressman of our States. If we want grassroot changes, then we need to get active at the grassroot level. I've read your posts, ever think about running for city councilman? or local school board? You don't have to be savvy, just honest in the fact that you want to do the best you can for the community as a whole. If we let this awakening disappear for the next four years simply because our candidate didn't win, then no one wins, we remain status quo as voters without a voice.
I don't think things are going to be much different under a Dem. They have let us down term after term. It's time we, as a people, got bold enough to stop playing this rigged game we'll never win and start making our own rules. There's a lot about Obama that bothers me and others. It would make me feel a bit better if people were honest about these things and pressed him about it. They just seem content with whatever he throws out there...there is no effort or even strong/ skeptical criticism to guide him as a candidate into more of what the left and even center believes in.(single payer healthcare, reduction in military/defense spending, better alternative energy plans to name a few) That's what so important about having independents running. It forces the mainstream guys to address the issues that their corporate contributors would rather they continue to ignore. If they don't address our concerns then they'll lose votes from those of us who will not play their game and will be not simply sit back and be complacent about what direction we want the country headed. It's not about me in the least...it's about all of us standing up as true citizenry and showing our politicians we are activiely involved and aware of what's going on, that we know about their shady dealings, that we have a problem with them saying one thing and not really doing it, that we're not going to be the apathetic types who just shrug and accept it anymore. As long as the two party system has us in check believing that we have no power over the situation and that they are the best we can hope for...they are going to continue to do, as they have for as long as I can remember, the least possible they can get by with to keep the population appeased while maintaining power. I'm not going to be appeased by them anymore. Voting for them is saying I don't mind the shit they've been pulling...that I'll just deal with it as long as it keeps a Rep out of office. That is half-assed. They don't have any power over me and I will vote for who I think would be the best president. If we all did the same, they wouldn't have power now. Nothing is stopping people from voting these guys out but our own fear.
I do write my representatives and I bug the shit out of the local school district regularly....(most recently about the new single gender programs and their horrible sex ed programs which kids don't even have to attend) I have not ran for any kind of seat...I'm a bit shy and very awkward about public speaking. But I have given it thought. I would love to but I have a lot of personal issues I'd have to overcome. I also have groups I've joined but they are mostly based in Asheville and it's hard to be able to make those meetings.(I don't drive and it's 2 hours away). I live in a small town in SC that is very conservative so it isn't the best situation for me. I do what I can. If I lived elsewhere it would be more ideal to do the kind of things I'd like to but my family is here and they need me now.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I don't think things are going to be much different under a Dem. They have let us down term after term. It's time we, as a people, got bold enough to stop playing this rigged game we'll never win and start making our own rules. There's a lot about Obama that bothers me and others. It would make me feel a bit better if people were honest about these things and pressed him about it. They just seem content with whatever he throws out there...there is no effort or even strong/ skeptical criticism to guide him as a candidate into more of what the left and even center believes in.(single payer healthcare, reduction in military/defense spending, better alternative energy plans to name a few) That's what so important about having independents running. It forces the mainstream guys to address the issues that their corporate contributors would rather they continue to ignore. If they don't address our concerns then they'll lose votes from those of us who will not play their game and will be not simply sit back and be complacent about what direction we want the country headed. It's not about me in the least...it's about all of us standing up as true citizenry and showing our politicians we are activiely involved and aware of what's going on, that we know about their shady dealings, that we have a problem with them saying one thing and not really doing it, that we're not going to be the apathetic types who just shrug and accept it anymore. As long as the two party system has us in check believing that we have no power over the situation and that they are the best we can hope for...they are going to continue to do, as they have for as long as I can remember, the least possible they can get by with to keep the population appeased while maintaining power. I'm not going to be appeased by them anymore. Voting for them is saying I don't mind the shit they've been pulling...that I'll just deal with it as long as it keeps a Rep out of office. That is half-assed. They don't have any power over me and I will vote for who I think would be the best president. If we all did the same, they wouldn't have power now. Nothing is stopping people from voting these guys out but our own fear.
I do write my representatives and I bug the shit out of the local school district regularly....(most recently about the new single gender programs and their horrible sex ed programs which kids don't even have to attend) I have not ran for any kind of seat...I'm a bit shy and very awkward about public speaking. But I have given it thought. I would love to but I have a lot of personal issues I'd have to overcome. I also have groups I've joined but they are mostly based in Asheville and it's hard to be able to make those meetings.(I don't drive and it's 2 hours away). I live in a small town in SC that is very conservative so it isn't the best situation for me. I do what I can. If I lived elsewhere it would be more ideal to do the kind of things I'd like to but my family is here and they need me now.
You'd be an asset to anyone's campaign, even your own.
SIN EATERS--We take the moral excrement we find in this equation and we bury it down deep inside of us so that the rest of our case can stay pure. That is the job. We are morally indefensible and absolutely necessary.
I agree with you about Gore. But I will remain optimistic about Nader's support this go round. And even he doesn't do well, I'll still know I stood up for who I believed best represented my ideals.
just a note, my opinions of the Nadar situation are never in anyway knocking anyone for voting for what they believe.
the way Hillary has handled her campaign staff, a mess, and is not attacking Barak personally, I don't think I would vote for her she was able to steal the nomination.
anyone think the FL situation was a calculated move on the Republican party? the state government, republican controlled, moved the primary against the Dem's wishes, and you had to see this mess coming a mile away once the dem party didn't back down in striping the delegates last year. Fl state dem's need to use this against the Republicans.
"Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)
I don't think things are going to be much different under a Dem. They have let us down term after term. It's time we, as a people, got bold enough to stop playing this rigged game we'll never win and start making our own rules. There's a lot about Obama that bothers me and others. It would make me feel a bit better if people were honest about these things and pressed him about it. They just seem content with whatever he throws out there...there is no effort or even strong/ skeptical criticism to guide him as a candidate into more of what the left and even center believes in.(single payer healthcare, reduction in military/defense spending, better alternative energy plans to name a few) That's what so important about having independents running. It forces the mainstream guys to address the issues that their corporate contributors would rather they continue to ignore. If they don't address our concerns then they'll lose votes from those of us who will not play their game and will be not simply sit back and be complacent about what direction we want the country headed. It's not about me in the least...it's about all of us standing up as true citizenry and showing our politicians we are activiely involved and aware of what's going on, that we know about their shady dealings, that we have a problem with them saying one thing and not really doing it, that we're not going to be the apathetic types who just shrug and accept it anymore. As long as the two party system has us in check believing that we have no power over the situation and that they are the best we can hope for...they are going to continue to do, as they have for as long as I can remember, the least possible they can get by with to keep the population appeased while maintaining power. I'm not going to be appeased by them anymore. Voting for them is saying I don't mind the shit they've been pulling...that I'll just deal with it as long as it keeps a Rep out of office. That is half-assed. They don't have any power over me and I will vote for who I think would be the best president. If we all did the same, they wouldn't have power now. Nothing is stopping people from voting these guys out but our own fear.
I do write my representatives and I bug the shit out of the local school district regularly....(most recently about the new single gender programs and their horrible sex ed programs which kids don't even have to attend) I have not ran for any kind of seat...I'm a bit shy and very awkward about public speaking. But I have given it thought. I would love to but I have a lot of personal issues I'd have to overcome. I also have groups I've joined but they are mostly based in Asheville and it's hard to be able to make those meetings.(I don't drive and it's 2 hours away). I live in a small town in SC that is very conservative so it isn't the best situation for me. I do what I can. If I lived elsewhere it would be more ideal to do the kind of things I'd like to but my family is here and they need me now.
I think that Obama would lead to more change than most not thought of as radical. If he failed us miserably, that would just strengthen the possibilities inn the future for a Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nadar type. I think it'll take more failures to lead a majority to their thinking, and the way our country works, many more years. Sheep follow the flock, funny thing is they are blind to the fact that they are actually following the wolf.
"Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)
I think that Obama would lead to more change than most not thought of as radical. If he failed us miserably, that would just strengthen the possibilities inn the future for a Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nadar type. I think it'll take more failures to lead a majority to their thinking, and the way our country works, many more years. Sheep follow the flock, funny thing is they are blind to the fact that they are actually following the wolf.
I don't see much changing with him. Did things change much after the 06 elections? No, people saw the Dems come out supporting things they spoke out against in their campaigns. Did things really change much with Clinton? I'm seeing the same wishy washy, vague type plans from Obama.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I agree with you about Gore. But I will remain optimistic about Nader's support this go round. And even he doesn't do well, I'll still know I stood up for who I believed best represented my ideals.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I agree that if society continues to be marginalized by the wealthy there could (hopefully) be some fighting in the streets. But to say if Nader is ignored this will happen is a bit out there IMO. Nader is a small pickle in this fight. Unfortunately the majority of Americans will have to hit rock bottom before they quit watching their gladiator games and pay attention to what is going on in this country and around the world.
I hope you are correct.
I'll vote Nader this time around. Why the fuck not. I've been a registered Republican since I was able to vote and I've voted for candidates from both major parties and have never been happy with the results. I was really inspired by Ron Paul's campaign this go around and I'll still cast my vote for him in the PA Republican primary. I don't agree with everything he stands for but much more than any other candidate right now. It's hard not to admire a man that fights everyday to make sure our rights, guarenteed by the constitution, are protected.
So I'll vote Nader just to say fuck you to the other guys. It will take a lot for them to even pay attention though. Be nice to have another big name step in and have a four party run.
so decent pay, decent hours, and collective bargaining are a threat to non profit organizations and their causes? i strongly disagree... it is only collective bargaining, thats all... and if a non profit doesnt support reasobable wages, reasonable hours, and worker organization then i dont support them...
but i think it is hilarious their supporters just glance over major issues such as insanely racist newsletters and war stock ownership, insider trading and manipulation... i guess these 2 are not "mainstream" enough to face the same scrutiny as the mainstream candidiates...
could you imagine the GW BUSH newsletters saying the same things? i know one thing is for sure, you people would be all over that shit, as would I...
It's not as cut and dry and you're hoping it to be. You don't even address the points I bring up. Just nevermind.
I guess you have no problem supporting people who accept money from the nuclear power industry and then sell it as 'green' to the people.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
That newsletter has been played out and I don't believe Paul to be a racist or it to even be an issue. I'm not gonna vote for the guy, anyway...he just happens to be quite admirable when it comes to sticking to his principles.
Post Obama's stocks.
It's got shit to do with 'mainstream'. I'd expect shit like this from cornifer but not you. I posted plenty of stuff on Obama and you haven't addressed it. Frankly, I don't think anything people bring up about him would change some of your minds. It's not about what you believe in, it's about winning and gaining power....nevermind the shit you've said you stood for all these years posting here in the pit. So fantastic, you've got your winner....enjoy that.
I'm voting for the person whose platform best represents the things that I believe in. Obama doesn't come close....he's closer to Hillary and even McCain than he is Nader on the issues. But that's the last thing you want to discuss because all you can manage to come back with is what you think other people want instead of standing up for what you believe in.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
The only show stoppers people can have with Ron Paul are abortion and health care.
He should be elected president for wanting to abolish the federal reserve alone, and being so vocal about it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Yes, according to a five-month investigation by the Associated Press.
The AP found a vast array of pharmaceuticals - including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones - with unknown health effects - in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans.
The AP reported that even though U.S. waterways coast to coast are contaminated with residues of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, there's no national strategy to deal with them - no effective mandates to test, treat, limit or even advise the public.
Now, how did we get to this point in our history?
In 1974, Ralph Nader was instrumental in getting passed into federal law the Safe Drinking Water Act.
The idea was to ensure that the water we drink is safe and regularly and publicly tested for heavy metals and other contaminants.
But years of budgetary neglect by the corporate controlled two parties has eviscerated the law and undermined enforcement.
The corporations and their political puppets have made regulation a dirty word.
And, so, here we are.
Time to bring back some law and order for corporations.
But how?
Help get Nader/Gonzalez back on the ballot in states across the country.
Yesterday, we announced a drive to get Nader/Gonzalez on the ballot in New Mexico.
To give the people of New Mexico a choice for law and order for corporations.
We need to raise $10,000 by midnight tomorrow, Wednesday, to fund the New Mexico effort.
Yesterday, thanks to your support, we raised $5,002.26 from 51 donors.
So, we're halfway home.
Once we hit the $10,000 mark, we'll ship off our eight young volunteers to New Mexico and put Nader/Gonzalez on the ballot there.
The deadline for the New Mexico signatures is April 1.
So, there's no time to lose. We're looking for 100 people to give $100 each for our New Mexico ballot drive. Please help push us over the top now.
Again, thank for your support in this historic effort to challenge the two corporate parties.
The Nader Team
There are two n's in there. If you're going to call me out in a fucking discussion i have noting to do with at least spell the shit correctly.
BTW, piss off.
But pookums....
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
At the end of the day, that use to give us solace for the next four years, but you, like the rest of us know that is no longer enough. It can no longer be about the "me" concept. It can no longer be about fuck it I didn't vote for that person you did attitude. The country as a whole is doing bad. You, me, and 93% of the people on this board can articulate the problems facing this country as well as any candidate out there. Many of us know people who are living the problems. People who after the elections are over will still be in the same boat or worse, while the candidates go back to their riches.
The fact is that Americans need immediate help to avoid a full blown recession that means whomever is elected is going to have to work within the current system to make improvements, that includes Nader, Obama, Clinton and McCain.
In listening to all the candidates, I realized that it's not about them, it's about us. We stopped thinking for ourselves. We allowed ourselves to be herded into control groups, red states, blue states, conservative, liberal, hippie, neo-conservative, pro-war, anti-war, my religion is better than your religion, etc., etc. Our thinking was controlled and our voices silenced. If the Bush years has taught anything, it has taught us that we can not longer be content. We have to realize that it shouldn't make a difference who is elected because that person is elected to the Office of the President of the United States to serve the best interest of the PEOPLE and NATION as a WHOLE, not their personal power trips. We, you, me and the rest of the people who have awoken to see a government serving itself have got to hold them accountable to us, the citizens of this nation.
We may not be able to direct the President, but we control our State officials. We control the votes for our local, city, and State officials. We control who get elected senator or congressman of our States. If we want grassroot changes, then we need to get active at the grassroot level. I've read your posts, ever think about running for city councilman? or local school board? You don't have to be savvy, just honest in the fact that you want to do the best you can for the community as a whole. If we let this awakening disappear for the next four years simply because our candidate didn't win, then no one wins, we remain status quo as voters without a voice.
I don't think things are going to be much different under a Dem. They have let us down term after term. It's time we, as a people, got bold enough to stop playing this rigged game we'll never win and start making our own rules. There's a lot about Obama that bothers me and others. It would make me feel a bit better if people were honest about these things and pressed him about it. They just seem content with whatever he throws out there...there is no effort or even strong/ skeptical criticism to guide him as a candidate into more of what the left and even center believes in.(single payer healthcare, reduction in military/defense spending, better alternative energy plans to name a few) That's what so important about having independents running. It forces the mainstream guys to address the issues that their corporate contributors would rather they continue to ignore. If they don't address our concerns then they'll lose votes from those of us who will not play their game and will be not simply sit back and be complacent about what direction we want the country headed. It's not about me in the least...it's about all of us standing up as true citizenry and showing our politicians we are activiely involved and aware of what's going on, that we know about their shady dealings, that we have a problem with them saying one thing and not really doing it, that we're not going to be the apathetic types who just shrug and accept it anymore. As long as the two party system has us in check believing that we have no power over the situation and that they are the best we can hope for...they are going to continue to do, as they have for as long as I can remember, the least possible they can get by with to keep the population appeased while maintaining power. I'm not going to be appeased by them anymore. Voting for them is saying I don't mind the shit they've been pulling...that I'll just deal with it as long as it keeps a Rep out of office. That is half-assed. They don't have any power over me and I will vote for who I think would be the best president. If we all did the same, they wouldn't have power now. Nothing is stopping people from voting these guys out but our own fear.
I do write my representatives and I bug the shit out of the local school district regularly....(most recently about the new single gender programs and their horrible sex ed programs which kids don't even have to attend) I have not ran for any kind of seat...I'm a bit shy and very awkward about public speaking. But I have given it thought. I would love to but I have a lot of personal issues I'd have to overcome. I also have groups I've joined but they are mostly based in Asheville and it's hard to be able to make those meetings.(I don't drive and it's 2 hours away). I live in a small town in SC that is very conservative so it isn't the best situation for me. I do what I can. If I lived elsewhere it would be more ideal to do the kind of things I'd like to but my family is here and they need me now.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Then they should have no problem with letting him in on the national debates, now would they?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You'd be an asset to anyone's campaign, even your own.
Thank you
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
you should volunteer for the Obama campaign
As a spy.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
just a note, my opinions of the Nadar situation are never in anyway knocking anyone for voting for what they believe.
the way Hillary has handled her campaign staff, a mess, and is not attacking Barak personally, I don't think I would vote for her she was able to steal the nomination.
anyone think the FL situation was a calculated move on the Republican party? the state government, republican controlled, moved the primary against the Dem's wishes, and you had to see this mess coming a mile away once the dem party didn't back down in striping the delegates last year. Fl state dem's need to use this against the Republicans.
Stop by:
I think that Obama would lead to more change than most not thought of as radical. If he failed us miserably, that would just strengthen the possibilities inn the future for a Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nadar type. I think it'll take more failures to lead a majority to their thinking, and the way our country works, many more years. Sheep follow the flock, funny thing is they are blind to the fact that they are actually following the wolf.
Stop by:
I don't see much changing with him. Did things change much after the 06 elections? No, people saw the Dems come out supporting things they spoke out against in their campaigns. Did things really change much with Clinton? I'm seeing the same wishy washy, vague type plans from Obama.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
On Monday morning, we put out a call for $10,000.
To fund our ballot access drive in New Mexico.
We asked for $10,000 by midnight Wednesday.
And we blew past it sometime early last night.
In fact, 149 of you kicked in $12,607.27 in just two days.
If our math is correct, that's $84 a donation.
That's exactly what we needed when we needed it.
And starting this morning, our road-trippers are headed for Sante Fe and Albuquerque.
**$12,607.27 was reached before the last update Wednesday morning!** 3/12/08
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You guys need to push/guide your candidate into addressing the issues they have so far been avoiding. Many progressives aren't going to vote for them.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde