Interesting thought

Read this from a friend's blog and I can't help but think how much truth it holds
"The Democratic primaries were shaped and influenced by the media's preoccupation with the "historical" significance of the Democratic nominee being either a woman or an African-American, to the exclusion of any real reporting of the issues.
Personally, I think the historical significance of having a near fascist in the White House for the past two terms outweighs whether or not the next has ovaries or a dark tan.
This tongue-in-cheek analysis is meant to show how stupidly myopic people can be.
Had Dennis been gay, the media might have expanded our concerns to include where his penis had been, thus making this a 3 person contest. At that point, perhaps our collective, latent intelligence would have given us a choice that would make a difference.
Were Kucinich to have been gay, the outcome of the race could have actually yielded a candidate of ethics and substance who might well have changed the world"
"The Democratic primaries were shaped and influenced by the media's preoccupation with the "historical" significance of the Democratic nominee being either a woman or an African-American, to the exclusion of any real reporting of the issues.
Personally, I think the historical significance of having a near fascist in the White House for the past two terms outweighs whether or not the next has ovaries or a dark tan.
This tongue-in-cheek analysis is meant to show how stupidly myopic people can be.
Had Dennis been gay, the media might have expanded our concerns to include where his penis had been, thus making this a 3 person contest. At that point, perhaps our collective, latent intelligence would have given us a choice that would make a difference.
Were Kucinich to have been gay, the outcome of the race could have actually yielded a candidate of ethics and substance who might well have changed the world"
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Post edited by Unknown User on
For Clinton the draw was the name and the fact that she is a divisive character. Love her or hate her, the media will get a reaction from talking about her.
For Obama, once he got that "rock star" label, and once he delivered the best, most inspiring speech in recent political convention history, he was instantly a media darling... He is young, fresh, articulate and was seen from that day as the party's future.
And there are two reasons they share:
Money - One through charisma and one through connections, it became evident early on, that these two could basically print their own money. And we all know how far money will get you in this process.
Both are sexy (and I'm using the excitingly appealing/glamorous definition here) - Let's face it, no other candidates were sexy in this race... look at them - The experienced ones - Dodd, Richardson, Biden, etc. - not sexy... Nice guy, and everyone's second choice John Edwards isn't sexy, Kucinich isn't sexy at all (except his wife), and while his ideas are incredibly admirable, they don't sell well on TV.
And no use bringing up the Republican side, but besides maybe the charming and funny baptist minister and a brief love affair with an actor (people's "the next-Reagan" fantasy) there wasn't any excitement on that side. We had a flip-flopper Ken doll, a corrupt pro-choice all-9/11-all-the-time mayor with more divorces and affairs than political platforms, an enthusiastic but very small scale rEVOLution, the king of deportation, and we are now left with a former "maverick", now pandering geriatric that even the right hates.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
as a matter of fact a woman has been the VP on the democratic ticket... Mondale chose Geraldine Ferraro as his VP for the 84 election which they lost to Reagan... she is currently invloved with the Clinton team currently, i believe...
no pitty party for Kucinich here... i strongly support him and always will... but i am not going to blame his losses or lack of support on the fact that clinton and obama are a woman and a black man...
especially when the argument i keep hearing the last 24 months is America would not vote for a woman or black man for president...
baby steps
How do you know what the American public feels about the issues? I posted polls showing the major of americans want single payer universal healthcare....and these polls were from cnn and cbs even. The truth is, you don't know what the american people are ready have to rely on media to tell you what they want. And you can't really trust them. Just like those polls could be bullshit for all I know. The media definitely has a long history of skewing the facts and sway public opinion(and it's still working like a charm)...all we can do as citizens is decide what we, ourselves, want to support and stick to that. That way each voice is truly heard. It makes no since to make your decisions based on what you think others want. The only way you could honestly know what the public really wants is to go cross country taking your own survey and somehow I'm doubting you went to such measures. So from now, tell me what YOU want not what you think everyone else wants. That's like getting an ice cream cone and you really want cookies n cream but the sign at the counter says their most popular flavor is vanilla(and they just happen to have an overstock of it) so you go ahead and order vanilla even though you really don't like it too much. Thus never getting the icecream cone you really wanted.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
but honestly, i dont need a nationwide poll to tell me the american public isnt progressive enough currently for single payer health care, universal education throughout, massive reduction of our military and its global influence/presence, marijuana legalization, repeal of the death penalty, gun reform, a department of peace, etc, etc, etc... Kucinich and his platform are ahead of it's time in this country, unfortunately... and i happen to agree with Kucinich on 99% of the issues
by the way, if i cant make generalizations about the public, then neither can you generalize about the public being controlled by the media...
i am not a big fan of vanilla by the way, i would go cookies n' cream in a heartbeat, no matter what the sign says
Find me the polls then.
The point you didn't address is you should make decisions based on what you want to see and not based on what speculations you may have about what everyone else wants.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
of course, your completely right
and i do make my decisions based on what I want to see and feel is right... always have and always will, hopefully
i differ with the "majority" on just about every single issue, and i am cool with that... understanding the reality of the situiation doesnt mean i reject my ideals... i have to be realistic about how to attain them... i was just pointing out how i percieve the american public, which seems to be accurate to me
I just don't understand your need to bring up what you think the public wants when addressing your support choices then.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i am supporting obama based on issues, with the understanding that a politician doesnt have to be 100% in line with me on every issue
I'm supporting a candidate that's pretty close to where I stand on the issues. Obama is much further off.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
How did the person who wrote the blog get their information? I think it's a pretty silly position to take, but if it's true, then the Democrats are choosing their candidates for very superficial reasons and it shows that they really have no interest in issues. Kind of sad.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
3 good reasons to vote for Obama...
i will say it again... this is nothing new
First of all, i don't think its true. Secondly, it points out just why the internet, despite its benefits, can actually be a dangerous thing. i'm not a huge fan of major media either, but i also recognize the danger in getting one's information from their friend's web log. i have no problem with Kucinich. i think its ridiculous to imply though that he didn't do well based on the fact that he is not Black, femal, or gay. Its just ridiculous and i seriously doubt Kucinich would make these claims himself.
I don't think Kucinich would say the same, myself. But this is someone's opinion and it's no more dangerous than your own opinions that you spout on here everyday based on your own perceptions. What do you mean 'getting one's info from a web log'? Where did you get the idea that anyone was passing this off as scientific fact or that i look to this guy or any other blog to get information? I don't even see how someone could not realize it was just a thought the guy had. I visit blogs just as anyone else to read other's opinions and thoughts...same goes with this board. I shared someone's opinion as food for thought. I believe it to be based in some truth but it's not because I read his opinion so I now believe it to be the holy truth just because he said so. It's an opinion, I read it, liked it and shared it. Period. Some of you need to relax.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
speak of the devil...