The Matrix of Illusion

"Don't be afraid, ever"
A great video on consciousness, perception of reality and matter and the source of fear, greed and stress rooted in clinging to the material world.
A great video on consciousness, perception of reality and matter and the source of fear, greed and stress rooted in clinging to the material world.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'll always remember that I first heard that Bill Hicks quote below, which is shown at the end of the video, on this board as posted by El Kabong.
It's one of my most favouritest quotes ever. So true
"The world is like a ride at an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round, it has thrills and chills and it's very brightly colored and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride." And we…kill those people. "Shut him up. We have a lot invested in this ride! Shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry…look at my big bank account…and my family…this has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter because: it's just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money; a choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off; the eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one."
~ Bill Hicks
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Here's a link to the Bill Hicks thread.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
There was another thread, too, with just the quote at one time. I remember farfromglorified challenging the part where Bill said: "No effort, no work, no job"....
I missed it, but yesterday, one of our mutual myspace/message pit friends sent around the Matrix of Illusion video as a bulletin yesterday, too!
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Yeah, Kabong has posted a lot of Bill Hicks stuff. He's the one who got me into him. I just remembered the video being in that thread I posted last year. FFG takes on Bill Hicks...I missed that one.
I must have missed the other bulletin, as well but I can guess who it must have been.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Call Life: though unreal shapes be pictured there,
And it but mimic all we would believe
With colours idly spread, --- behind, lurk Fear
And Hope, twin Destinies; who ever weave
Their shadows, o'er the chasm, sightless and drear.
I knew one who had lifted it --- he sought,
For his lost heart was tender, things to love,
But found them not, alas ! nor was there aught
The world contains, the which he could approve.
Through the unheeding many he did move,
A splendour among shadows, a bright blot
Upon this gloomy scene, a Spirit that strove
For truth, and like the Preacher found it not.
by Percy B. Shelley
As she slams the door in his drunken face
And now he stands outside
And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
And his tears fall and burn the garden green
If we look for him, will he magically appear before us?
edit: some Feynman ( ) playing the really likes his orange juice.
I present you one of the greatest theoretical physicists of our time...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Consciousness is a quantum state until awareness from any particular stimulus collapses the quantum state into a matter of choice or measurement. Our brains our basically storage devices, hard drives, where we can reference and make correlations to pass stimuli and occurrences (decisions) and referencing memories from the brain over time gives us the ability to predict outcomes. For example, in my field there are numerous procedures and clinical steps of which I have to be aware of possible outcomes. In short, learning how to be analytical. In contrast, to show how a consciousness of a child, very young, or one that has no collection of memories or experiences that an adult would have, the possibilities of any problem in their mind at that point really are a quantum state, meaning that even possibilities that don't fit or make sense are considered. For example, my daughter thought that I could hide behind the toilet when we played hide and seek. There is a correlation between creativity and it being diminished by the substrata in our minds by the analytical processes. These processes can be looked at as logical statements and groups. Logic is the software of the the software which comprises our computers. Code and scripts have to follow a linear logical sequence and can not be discontinuous. All of high mathematics (calculus and theoretical ) focus on the importance of continuous functions. To have a range of inputs and then to have a range of outputs where some of which are unknown is a discontinuity. Creativity in contrast to logic is a discontinuity. There is a sudden 'jump' from what is known to something new that was previously unknown with no indication of where or how that jump was made. You just kind of arrived there, it is an inspired moment. In other words, a discontinuity is that quantum pool of infinite probability from which miracles can be represented. Godel's theorem supports that, that a complete system is inconsistent. Creativity is a function of consciousness and likewise logic can only be manifested where there is a consciousness stepping through it. You can not run an if/then statement if there is no consciousness to step through that measurement. The 'I' is an illusory discontinuity collapsed by our brain/mind measuring device ( consciousness.)
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Yeah, I kind of miss him. I'm sure he would have a lot to say about this.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein