
i work at a mental health hospital. i get annoyed by how many times people come in. they come in for detox... not once, twice or three times. they come in maybe for about 10 times in a year and make it a habit, almost a career or hobby.
frankly, this frustrates me.... and it's nothing easy. i work saturdays and i hate it.... passionately. mainly because there are only two of us working... and for some odd reason people feel much better coming on the weekends which makes it worse. there are only two of us now and we have 4 patients with a possibility of 2 more coming in. it's ridiculous. what's even more ridiculous is that the patients don't get better. they don't, no matter what. with the exception of a few.
i want out.... my cousin had the nerve to call me a "wuss" for wanting to quit this job. i should've never listened to my friend in the first place about getting this job. it's nothing easy, plus you get involved in all this political and moral agendas. like for instance, a suicidal person who wants to end their life.... and the people who oppose the laws that are implemented on suicidal patients.
this line of work is bullshit plain and simple.
sorry, just venting.
frankly, this frustrates me.... and it's nothing easy. i work saturdays and i hate it.... passionately. mainly because there are only two of us working... and for some odd reason people feel much better coming on the weekends which makes it worse. there are only two of us now and we have 4 patients with a possibility of 2 more coming in. it's ridiculous. what's even more ridiculous is that the patients don't get better. they don't, no matter what. with the exception of a few.
i want out.... my cousin had the nerve to call me a "wuss" for wanting to quit this job. i should've never listened to my friend in the first place about getting this job. it's nothing easy, plus you get involved in all this political and moral agendas. like for instance, a suicidal person who wants to end their life.... and the people who oppose the laws that are implemented on suicidal patients.
this line of work is bullshit plain and simple.
sorry, just venting.
This isn't the land of opportunity, it's the land of competition.
Post edited by Unknown User on
It's pretty obvious you're not happy with it.
And I wouldn't say it's bullshit, it's just not for you, apparently.
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I agree.
It will all become clear after that...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
There's nothing more frustrating than being given a job to do, but not being given the resources to do it well. I'd definitely say it's time for a change. And if you're the sort of person that likes to see immediate results, I'd say that working with addicts is probably not the line of work for you. That's not a criticism ... I couldn't do it either, I'd find it much too frustrating.
and i know.... helping people is the best thing but it can be very very frustrating.... even to the most helpful person. everyone i work with gets frustrated from time to time. i particularly get frustrated on saturdays cos i hate working on those days. next time i'll make up something and say i can't work saturdays cause it's against my religion or something. j/k
DRug addiction is not about physical addiction. It's about not having a set of non-drug coping mechanisms. That takes years to develop, once you realise that is what you need to do.
Also, you can't help people, people help themselves. Guiding poeple, and giving them space etc is one thing, but sooner or later or not at all, they have to step up to the plate for themselves and do their own personal hard yards.
Kinda like Bill Gates has to do his own gym work, bo mater how rich he is, no-one else can do that for him.
Drug rehab is a burn-out job too, you either quit caring, or you burn out.
Sounds like you have burnt out. Congratulations, that means you still care !!
but ask my friends and family and they call me a "wuss" :rolleyes:
well is your life or their life? rhetorical question, just making a point....:)
ha....exactly....time to sack up and do what you want to do...:)
I could never do what you do. It would make me too depressed and weirded out.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
They proabbly thnik too much of the idea of committment. It's one thing to be able to see things through, but it's another to stick at something that is sucking the life out of you. I used to hate doing ward rounds on a Saturday mornig, and just seeing one patient after another with cigarette caused disease. I could just think that if they did not abuse themselves so, I could have been at the fricking beach.
I don't work weekends now, at all !!!!!!!!
I spent most of last year remodelling my life so that I did not drown in it.
Mental health work of any sort is hard, and it's quite OK, to take a break and do something different. Sounds to me like you need to take that break.
Addiction work is not easy, and it does not sound like you are getting the support you need.
As for the family, well they either get that, or fuck em !!
i say get out. speaking as someone in recovery, the people who try to help addicts while having never been addicted can't accomplish shit anyway. nothing personal. they just have no clue what it's like, let alone how to get better. the only professionals i ever respected and listened to were the ones who have been through the wringer.
sometimes there are patients who don't want to stay and there's really nothing life-threatening or whatnot... but still are forced to stay at times, given medical reasons or doctor's opinions, so they give them court-order's and stuff. sometimes these order's are questionable and not always do the deputies agree with the doc's.
You're only a "wuss" if you believe it. I'd rather be considered a "wuss" by others but enjoying life to the fullest. You get to a point in life (usually after college), where you don't give a shit what others think of you....and I mean you really don't care, and you just do your own thing. What i mean about REALLY not caring is, that you don't give "stupid-shit-like-that" the time of day....not how a high school kid thinks they're "cool" by saying they don't care what others think (because at that point that's all they care about). You'll know what I mean when you get to that point.
uhmmm no...not a chance.,
Whoever said that, is missing a few hard facts....
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
As for your friends and family, they've got one hell of a lot of nerve. They've got their own lives to live, this one is yours. You'll be a lot happier and a lot more effective if you're doing something more suited to your talents and your temperament.
Fucking crap !! I have met plenty of previously addicted counsellors etc, and they were fucking useless. Indulgent, ineffective, always bleating on about how much they knew, making excuses for all the crap.
You don't neeed to know what it's like to be a drug addict to be effective, you actually need to know how to live without drugs and deal with shit.
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
sad fact of life, it's true. although i tend to agree with you and i strongly believe in what you say, the truth is when the music is over everyone is waiting for their big fat paycheck.
Actually, I really believe people do a better job when they are working for money, rather than for altruism. So, don't feel bad about that.
It's what your clients believe that is the problem here. You bust your slot, give them every chance, and they squander it time after time.
Personally , I give them one chance, and tell them that in the first interview, and if they blow it, that's it.
Occasionally, someone steps up to the plate. Most don't.
Your hospital does not care how many times they come back.
Seriously mate, it's really important to work out who and what any siruation is about. Best advice I ever got was "Don't let people make their problems your problem".
And for a bit of light relief onn the subject, grab the latest White STripes, and listen to the last song, "Effect and Cause".
PM me if you like, I have more than a tad of experience in health care, and especially in caring for health professionals.