More proof Tories are fucking mad
"Shut down Liverpool and Sunderland, and send all the Scousers and Mackems darnnn sarfff."
Post edited by Unknown User on
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
its a thinktank bouncing around ideas
the tories call it insane.....
It's the most influential "Independent" (i.e. Tory) thinktank, with close ties to Cameron. Did you know that Policy Exchange was founded by Michael Gove, the Tory education spokesman? Did you know that the policy director is Anthony Browne, who works for Boris Johnson and is tipped for a top position should the Tories assume power at the next election? Did you know that another prime mover in the thinktank, Nicholas Boles, also worked for Boris? That's how it's proof that the Tories are fucking insane. Cameron is now only performing a damage limitation exercise, like a total poshboy PR chocflap, because the word got out.
Er, we can safely equate Policy Exchange with the Conservative Party. Cameron's only get-out is that one of the authors of the report, Tim Leunig, isn't a Tory and that the thinktank passes itself off as "Independent". It does have token Labour speakers such as Hazel Blears, but ... well, fuck Hazel Blears.
It's thought of as one of the main forces in shaping Project Cameron:
If we can't fix their schools, we'll at least send them to schools that are already doing well! So stupid, right?? Me finks that quite baarrrrmy indeed mate.
Oh...I have a feeling that's not what the OP was going for ;-)
-Enoch Powell