Catholicism VS. Christianity

The Bible states:
That includes aCatholic priest and Darth Vader.
That includes aCatholic priest and Darth Vader.
A whisper and a thrill
A whisper and a chill
"Why do I bother?"
The 11th Commandment.
A whisper and a chill
"Why do I bother?"
The 11th Commandment.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Can I speak for everyone else and say: "Huh"?????
What does that have to do with Catholicism v. Christianity? Furthermore, I don't think the bible says that. After all, it refers to earthly fathers all the time.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
It all depends on who you ask... I guess:
Hail, Hail!!!
Christians vs Christians... that's just laugh out loud funny...
Its like Sunni's vs Shites but more civilized...
religion is the cause of almost all of the wars in the history of the planet... no thanks
Does this mean I have to start referring to my dad as papa?
Because you, obviously, have no idea what you are ranting about, i'd like to clarify some things. First of all i'm not quite sure what the original poster intended. That being said i would like to point out that Christianity and catholicism are NOT synonyms, so i'm afraid you're "laughing out loud" while not even understanding your own joke. Catholicism is a VERY HIGHLY RELIGIFIED denomination of Christianity. i've said it here before, Christianity, inand of itself, is NOT a religion. It just isn't. Its a FAITH. period. There is a huge difference. Catholicism on the other hand, is VERY religious. i don't mean any disrespect towards catholics as i have known catholics with very stron and respectable faith. I will say, however, that having attended cathloic school as a wee lad, and obviously seen the catholic culture, i know that there are many catholics with no faith at all. Many people are catholic by default. They were BORN catholic. Baptised catholic. Raised catholic. Many people are catholic because the church required them to at least proclaim it in order to marry their husband or wife in the catholic church. i've heard people say "I'm catholic, but, I don't really believe it". You see it doesn't even require faith.
Christianity, in and of itself, is not even a religion. ALL it requires is faith. No one is BORN a Christian. Non-denominational Christians do not even practice infant baptism. What makes a Christian a Christian is what they believe. Period. I am a Christian. My children are not. They aren't old enough to make that conciouss decison. There are no Christians by birth, marriage, culture or default. There is no confession, holy water, smoke, incense, robes, rosaries, rote memorization of prayer, Christmas masses in latin, or even celebacy for church leaders. i don't even have to go to church on Sunday if i don't feel like it. If ever i decide i do not believe Jesus was the messiah, i can no longer call myself a Christian. i guess i can, but it doesn't mean anything.
My point here, again, is not to disrespect catholics. i'm simply pointing out that although its very common for people to equate catloicism and Chritianity as synonomous, it is high ridiculous to do so. They are not the same thing.
And as an aside, neither religion OR faith have caused, promoted, or endorsed a single war in world history. Not one.
'Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on Jesus of Nazareth, and on his life and teachings as presented in the New Testament. Christians believe Jesus to be the Messiah and thus refer to him as Jesus Christ.'
Catholicism, as it is defined, is just one of the many denominations of christianity:
'The term Catholicism, while understood in different ways, most commonly refers to the Churches in communion with the Bishop of Rome. These Churches together form the single body that in common parlance is known simply as the Catholic Church, but is also called the Roman Catholic Church. This name is used especially by some who are not of the same communion, but it is also accepted, mostly for that reason, by the Church itself, if only on occasion.'
By the way, comparing Sunni's and Shi'ites are a little different, as they're both different denominations of Islam. That would be akin to comparing Methodists and Catholics.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Christianity is not a religion, despite, what Webster, or Wikipedia says. It is a faith. Religion and faith are not necessarily the same thing.
Then by the same token, all religions are faiths and not religions. I think it's the whole chicken and egg debate all over again. Faith is something you believe in, it could be religion, a basic set of principles, an inanimate object or even a human being. Religion has a common, specific centre for all it's followers, for example Jesus of Nazareth for the Christians.
False. Religion involves, dogma, ritual, and required set of behaviors. i.e. smoke, incense, rote memorization of prayer, prayer five times a day, ablutions, sacrament, celebacy, hierarchy, etc. Faith requires none of that. Faith requires, well... faith.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree then.
'Religion is a system of social coherence based on a common group of beliefs or attitudes concerning an object, person, unseen being, or system of thought considered to be supernatural, sacred, divine or highest truth, and the moral codes, practices, values, institutions, and rituals associated with such belief or system of thought.'
'Faith is commonly known as a belief, trust or confidence often based on a transpersonal relationship with God, a higher power, elements of nature and/or a perception of the human race as a whole. Faith can be placed in a person, inanimate object, state of affairs, proposition or body of propositions such as a religious credo.'
Just a few quotes before i shut up and say no more on the topic.
But hey, who am I to preach?
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Thats what you get for thinkin'.
Uhhh... No.
Should the thread starter have used the word "belief" instead of "religion" or "faith" to keep themselves politcally correct??? This arguement is kind of going of topic here. We know what the person means.
old music:
Catholicism is a HIGHLY RELIGIFIED denomination of the Christian faith. Catholicism and Christianity are not synonyms.
Catholicism is the only christianity, the rest are just cheap imitations.
By the way, I'm an ex-Catholic, God-ward agnostic, and an ardent Celtic supporter. :cool:
Without meaning to sound offensive, I'm guessing you're a Modern Evangelical, right? Because all of them bang on about how 'non-religious' they are, as opposed to Catholics who are 'very religious' - apparently (not in my experience, but hey).
I'm sorry; like I said, I don't mean to cause offence, but I am a Christian. I am a frustrated Evangelical Christian myself, frustrated because we tend to claim the monopoly on everything - truth, correct dogma, practice, 'non-religiosity' - all of which sounds highly 'religious' to me. Every time you disallow a Catholic to be one of the body of Christ, you are being extremely 'religious'. Remember the pharisees? They wouldn't have called themselves 'religious' either. But they would have called themselves 'right on matters of faith'. They were the Evangelicals/Catholics of their day. You say that faith has never promoted a war, and you're almost right. The only 'war' religion - or faith, whatever - does promote, and daily, is the fight between these two branches of the Christian faith. And it has to stop.
It doesn't matter whether I go to church in a warehouse or a church with a spire, or I worship to a rock band instead of an organ, or I listen to a preach instead of going to mass, I'm still allergic to religiosity in my own type of church. The modern evangelical church has its own traditions, customs, history, liturgies and practices that we have been slavishly stuck to for centuries, regardless of how culture is shifting, and regardless of how uninclusive those practices were. THAT is religiosity. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the slave trade was not chiefly the fault of catholics. Do not fall into the trap of 'more Modern means less religious'. It's so cliche. You are right about Catholics having many different emphases on doctrine to Evangelicals, but what happened to seeing the spec in someone else's eye without seeing the plank in your own? Evangelicals of different sorts are warring against each other all the time, and that's nothing to do with Catholicism.
Once again, I am sorry if I caused offence, I am just passionate about this topic. If Catholics believe Jesus died to save the world, they're alright by me. Like you said, there are many Catholics without faith. But there are also many Evangelicals who go to church because of it being modern, trendy, with a cool band, or because a 'hottt girl' goes to the student group - no faith either. As regards your other argument, I've known many people who were born into my 'faith', have a Christian family, they are loved by a Christian community, and they treat all that as a safety net, or permission to do what ever they like. Kind of like a president I know of.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
If those who lead you say to you, "See, the Kingdom is in the sky," then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, "It is in the sea," then the fish will precede you. Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.
- (All the sayings of Jesus gathered from ancient sources and compiled into a single volume for the first time. Compiled by Ricky Alan Mayotte) From The Complete Jesus. (Pg 71) Jesus
Interesting quote. What is your point?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
My point is, if you really want to believe Jesus died for your sins. He says don't put your faith into anything but yourself. Organized religion is bogus. The Bible is bogus. The kingdom isn't in the bible, it's not in the church, it's not in the wrinkles on the pope's face. It's everywhere.
Anyway, I don't care what you do, I was just bored and thought I would share that.