Footage from the 2007 Canadian seal "hunt"
And the Canadian government calls this hunt "humane". Please.
I'm so angry and sad watching this footage. Just sick, merciless and unecessary cruelty.
And the Canadian government calls this hunt "humane". Please.
I'm so angry and sad watching this footage. Just sick, merciless and unecessary cruelty.
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08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
Can you see me now
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that would probably be better than killing people who wear seal fur
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naděje umírá poslední
Can you see me now
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I'll ride the wave
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I'll hold the pain
Release me
The gov obviously wants these seals dead. So the cheapest solution in doing that is by clubbing them. It's cheaper than guns. And if you think the gov looks at it any other way its time to wake up and realize just how the western world works... like I said is that how I'd run a country? no.. but I know this is the reality of things with the govs here
08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
They are using guns as well during this "hunt", however it is equally brutal. There's some footage of these seals on this tiny ice flows, barely clinging on, the "hunter" shoots them and the seal doesn't die right away. It struggles and eventually falls off into the water to drown. But I agree with your sentiments about the government in general.
And the screen on a van outside the stores that sell fur is a great idea. Now if I could only afford it.
Also almost all seal hunters use rifles!!!! really how much do bullets cost???????? And they do not kill pups, that has been illegal since the 70's. The only reason that this gets any attention is because the blood shows up on the white snow so clearly. Dumb celebrities who do not know the facts and who do not want to know the facts jump all over this and the uninformed public jump with them.
I hope you guys who are protesting this hunt don't eat chicken.....that is far worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Would you consider an 11 day old seal a baby??? Most people would. And that's the age they can start being slaughtered. Over 90% of the seals slaughtered in the Easteren "hunt" are between 11 days and 2 months of age. During this time they cannot swim so they cannot escape. Most have also never eaten a solid meal. They are babies, so get over the lies.
Secondly, watch the footage. They are using guns, yes, but they are also still using clubs. The footage on the posted video is from a few days ago. And, as mentioned above, the gun method is no less cruel and disgusting.
It is you who really needs to get your facts straight.
As well, their meat is notoriusly bad tasting. There is zero market for it, so no economical justification either (not that that would make it any less horrific and pointless)
Chickens are intelligent animals. Some friends of mine raised one from a chick until about 4 months old. He would follow them around the house, beg for food, nap on their laps, play with toys, go to the door when someone rang the was just like a dog. While I support your thoughts about the seal "hunters", I have to question why you draw the line when it comes to cows or chickens? It's all needless cruelty and suffering.
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I had no idea that kinda thing went on, then again it doesn't really surprise me.
And they can be taught to play a mean game of tic tac toe.
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i will not watch the video on the link posted @ the start of this thread..
it would make me extremily sad and so pissed off id freak the fuck out..
tears would fall i am sure..
human-beings are fuckin out of their minds..
they are destroying this earth, our mother earth..
and all her animal life forms..
id love to beat down some scum bag piece of low life shit with a club..
disgusting and beyond barbaric is my thoughts..
evil and heartless..
only a lowlife dicksuckin piece of garbage would do shit like this to an animal..
i am pissed just knowing this is still going on..
i am a earth dude big time..
holy fuck..
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
youre out of your offense
your logic makes no sence what so ever..
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
a human-being is no better than a bear, seal, elephant, ect..
sum folks turn bad which in my view changes them to a lowlife scumbag..
killers, rapists, child preditors, ect..
in the begining tho of a sick fuckers life he/she wasnt any better/worse than any other life form..
these seals have a spirit just like a human-being does..
and for saying ppl are liberals for defending a seal beating is insane..
probably the stupidest thing ive read all day or maybe all decade..
or longer..
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
You conservatives cry for days about those boys in Iraq but don't bat an eye when a man goes for a vasectomy.
Illogic and generalization is a mental disorder.
08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
Vasectomy and terminating a viable pregnancy are not comparable.
Talk about being illogical.
Yes and clubbing a baby seal and having an abortion are perfectly comparable.
08/02/07 - LOLLA!!!
The fucked up emotional priorities are the issue.
Care more for a baby seal than a baby human.
You'll never get it.