Take away YOUR rights? What the fuck?

So I just saw a clip from the virginia con talking about gay marriage. The dude says he will not allow them to take away OUR rights or values.
I can get the value part, that's the cards the cons have been playing all along. Get married in a drive thru by vegas, get divorced a week later, but letting a queer get married is going to ruin EVERYTHING.
But the rights part? What rights is this dude talking about? The right to oppress? Seriously, what fucking right does he have that allowing gay marriage would take away?
I can get the value part, that's the cards the cons have been playing all along. Get married in a drive thru by vegas, get divorced a week later, but letting a queer get married is going to ruin EVERYTHING.
But the rights part? What rights is this dude talking about? The right to oppress? Seriously, what fucking right does he have that allowing gay marriage would take away?
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The right to say 'I'm married' and have everyone know that you aren't gay then???????
I have no idea. I'm not sure why this is an issue.
Really?! Just how in the hell can they dictate who someone gives their possessions to IF THEY FUCKING D I E?!?!?! Hitler, you live on.
I am not sure, but I was speaking to a family member of mine who straight, but single, and she said that if this bill passes, she would not be allowed to leave her belongs to a friend of hers. I guess it keeps gay couples from sharing possessions, God for Bid!!!
Is the reason behind the sheer hatred of gay marriage because those who oppose it will eventually be exposed? Not trying to cause trouble here, I just don't see how what two people do in their bedrooms affect anyone else. If they love each other and want to join together in union, they should.
Everytime a gay couple marries, a straight person loses the freedom to paint his/her house any color outside of purple. AND I DON'T WANT A PURPLE HOUSE! No to gay marriage.
the problem becomes that people feel marriage is a religious institution first and a social institution second. If we made it 2 separate things people would have less problem with it. Everyone should get a civil union license to allow for insurance, purchases, wills etc... Marriage should be a religious institution... compromise. It's semantics but then again, that's why people are pissy. That and people think it's a right to be married...i view it as a privalege
I don't think most are gay or even have "leanings." I think that deep down a lot of people realize that being gay is not a choice. And therefore many have some level of fear that "perhaps I'll wake up gay one day." If they could all magically realize "I am only attracted to the opposite sex. There is no way in hell I can be gay", the fear part would disappear and they would probably put less effort into hating gays.
This literally happened to me. I had a period of time where I was so freaked out that I may be gay that I was litereally feeling ill for a week. I told my parents about it and they asked:
"do you like men or women?" "Women."
"what guys do you want to fuck?" None."
"case closed"
Not long after that time (summer after my freshman year of college), I was done with the homophobic language, etc. When I used it before it was insecurity, plain and simple.
The Wisconsin gay marriage ammendment that will pass today will not only outlaw marriage, but anything that allows any benefits of marriage. So it's not just the marriage there, but the civil unions that will get outlawed in the constitution.
I disagree. I think it should be a right.
But marriage isn't a religious institution. Matrimony is. Marriage can be done by any official that has the authority to grant it. I have no problems with unions as long as they grant everything a marriage does. And I don't view marriage as a priviledge. If celebrities have no problem abusing the state of marriage the way they get married and divorced in the space of a month or so, it's definately not thought of as a priviledge. It's a right.
I don't think that is true. Sure, there are some cases of it, but as a whole, I really think it comes down to a lack of understanding. If you are straight and you never have to deal with homosexuality in your life (friends, family, etc.) it is easy to say 'It's gross' and then vote against it. You are just voicing your opinion...you think. But what you are really doing is taking away someone's freedom to do what they want when it doesn't hurt anyone else.
Also, while religion is great for many reasons...this is not one of them.
and i like the comment about vegas.
It's like with me, I'm attracted to crazy ,fucked up chicks. I can't control it.
100% agree with all of the above.....it does come from intolerance....for some it is vert difficult to accept something that is different from their own personal world.....but alas if you don't affect yourself personally why worry about it that is my feeling....if your one to believe that gay marriage is the work of the devil than who cares if two guys/gals want to hitch up they will be going to hell and not yourself....
what about the people who don't get married in a religious setting (like at the courthouse)? i'm asking that in response to the comment about marriage being a religious institution first.
i mean, i understand and i think i agree with the rest of what you're saying, but i don't get the part about the current situation being religious. i agree that, sure, marriage should be a strictly religious tradition, and that civil unions could exist for the nonreligious folk but have all the same benefits. though would that complicate things if the state endorses such a religious tradition as marriage in that scenario?
although ultimately i think it's weird that the government celebrates relationships and personal commitments to begin with. i think it's indicitive of our societal values (monogamy, procreation, heterosexuality) and i just wish it wasn't the case. i personally don't think the government should be in that business and that people should be able to establish rights (wills, insurance, etc) in other legal ways.
cross the river to the eastside
i think of it as a punishment.
*oh, and matrimony was what i was looking for in that other post. thanks.
cross the river to the eastside
not everyone who holds religious values is a homophobe....
ebay isn't evil people are
The South is Much Obliged
To steal from JS Mill:
While it is true that not all religios people are homophobes, it is true that most homophobes are religious.
(I put is religious for conservatives and homophobes for stupid)
They would get a civil union certificate (which would grant all the benefits legally that marriage gives now). They would say we were "wed" at the courthouse and that's how they got our union certificate / license.
I don't think the state would be endorsing a religious tradition, in that proposed scenario. The process for licensing for unions would consist of a legal process; it wouldn't matter who you are. The marriage ceremony would be more of a show and religious practice in addition to the legal process. So in essence it would be above and beyond what the law required. But we could define marriage between a man and a women based on the religious view point BUT we could extend the societal benefits of unions to all.
I agree.
I wouldn't care if people who are all hung up on semantics wanted to make up different words for different types of unions. It seems like a big waste of time to me, but if it would get everyone to quit whining about it, it might be worth the effort for that reason alone. Churches that don't approve of gay marriages don't have to perform them, and no one is suggesting that they be forced to.
hey we finally have something in common. but I dont know if im attracted to them or if they are just all like that
Its not what I meant....addresses to homphobes and those that hold traditional (should have put in original post) religous values that practise IMHO intolerance (which is mighty bunch in the world.....where I interpret holy text as saying to love everyone regardless of who they are.....however there are many open-minded relgious folk that open their arms to everyone and I repsect that....
no one is suggesting that the gov't will force the church to do anything, unless you're reading things into what i'm saying. I feel that marriage is a religious institution and that marriage should be reserved for heterosexual people, i'm not apologizing for that. I also feel that it's a shame that homosexuals can't form a legal contract to get the benefits. which is why i proposed an alternative instead of pissing and moaning about how supposed rights are being violated...sorry i'm fired up with work
on a serious note... this argument is rather purile.
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