Too many secrets!

How can we, as a people, critique our government if a lot of what they do, how they come to decisions, how they handle situations, are so behind closed doors? How can we, as a people, decide if what they're doing is right and what we, again as a people, deems acceptable is they are done under black ops? The government works for us, we elect them. How can they put blinders onto our eyes and then not allow us to decide what is accpetable by OUR country? It makes no sense to me. They don't do it for our protection. They do it for their protection. They do it for their careers. I don't understand.
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I'd like to have an answer, but it would take too much faith in human beings, a faith that I don't have. We have yet to see on earth one form of government made by the people, instead of greed and violence. Such greed and violence is what has to be hidden to the eyes of the people in a so called "democracy"... I don't think we're evoluted enough for that, and I don't believe we'll ever be. History has always been the history of the conflict between the power and the people, and an history of wars made for the good of the power, not for the people. The only thing we can do is to fight for a real democracy in the world, for our rights, and for a better humankind, but to really believe it will ever happen is another story.
we elect those people you speak of to make decisions on our behalf.
Like JFK. I'm not sure if the government was involved in the assasination. But they are certainly involved in restricting information. What are they saying now, the people will know what happened by 2075 or some shit...
are you serious? we elect these people to represent our decisions, not make decisions on our behalf. and we elect them to make these decisions OPENLY. you are responsible for the decisions your leaders make, they are YOUR decisions. you vote for george bush and you vote for war, for homophobia, for anti-environmental legislation, for loss of civil liberties and human rights, for expanded powers of the executive branch, for torture, for abolishment of the geneva convention, for abolishment of habeas corpus, for signing statements allowing the executive branch power to interpret laws instead of following them, for favoritism of big business over the good of the people, for halliburton, for his response to katrina, he does not make these decisions on your behalf, you make these decisions by electing him, he simply represents you when he makes these decisions. the way you put it absolves the voting public of their responsibility in the process. and the thread was started asking why we these decisions are being made in secret and hidden from the public that they represent. i cannot understand why you are ok with this. but i guess if you believe that it is the governments job to make decisions for us as opposed to representing our decisions, then i suppose that explains your post. all of your posts really.
aerican was founded as a republic which means elected officials make decisions on our behalf. they speak for the people. you are free to vote for whomever you want. if you dont like it, you are free to go at anytime. sooner rather than later.
You are not understanding what it is that I am saying. I said in my previous post that I realize america is a republic. What I am trying to understand is how we are supposed to know that the best decisions are being made for us. Take they're word for it? No. That is leaving too much to too few. They limit and hide information about decisions they make which makes it hard to determined if they are doing their job correctly. How can they speak for the people when the people don't even know what they're saying?
You are voting for Arnold, right?
I know I was repsonding to robbie. I understand where you are coming from. the only thing you can do is run for office. get elected. other then that, take care of yourself and your family. people here worry a bit too much.
I'd never get elected. Way too honest!
Anyone going to see his new movie?
I'm waiting for it. when's it come out?
The problem is the fifty year waiting period. By then it's way to late to realize you've been duped.
I'm not sure, he had his premier already. But I have no idea when it will be in theaters. I won't see it until it's on DVD, so let me know how it is.
I will. So you don't like the movies heh? How come? The price? The crowd?
(I can't give up the movie experience. I love it.)
I just don't think it's worth the effort of going out, spending the extra bucks and sitting in a cramped theater. With my luck, I get some big-hair freak in-front of me that screams the whole movie.
I always remember the time I went to see Star Wars 2 with a friend and he was trying to force-lightening the guy infront of him. It was pretty embarassing.
That's some pretty funny shit. There's this movie theatre around here that only has four movies at a time but tickets are always five bucks.
I worked at a theatre during star wars as a concessionist and I swear I had ATLEAST five darth vaders try to do the jedi mind trick to get free popcorn.
As for what you're saying hippiemom...I know. It's so damn frustrating but I really don't expect the people to pull off the blinders, communicate with each other, and to turn off the tube.
so how exactly do we stop it? turn my TV off and think. got it.
are democrats the answer? you wouldnt say they both are equally as corrupt?
hippiemom, I respect your opinions. you are one of the few who try to stay somewhat respectful, i'm just trying to learn from you.
Political reform, your two-party system sucks ass.
What pisses me off is that more people vote on american idol than in NATIONAL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS! That is mind blowing to me.
I was talking to hippiemom, thanks for your useless opinion.
I heard a single person can vote multiple times on American Idol. But I think the show basically sucks and I'm suprised anyone even watches it.
it is crazy but the majority of the people who vote on american idol are under 18 and cant vote for officals
Oh you are welcome. I have more to say. Vote for a multi-party system man, you will thank me in the end.
As for the two party does fucking suck. Too many people pay way too much attention to the titles. I say a no party system. That way we would all have to pay attention to their platforms instead of simply labeling them as a lying dem/rep.
I don't have any illusions that it will actually happen, but I'd love to see everyone in the country vote against the incumbant, whichever party they come from, even the few that I think are head and shoulders above the rest. That would put the whole lot of them on notice that we're sick of this business as usual bullshit, we are finally paying attention, and we expect them all to work together to actually accomplish something that's good for US, not just good for Haliburton or ClearChannel or TimeWarner or whoever, and if they don't do it we won't hesitate to throw their asses out in two to six years either. They need to be reminded that they work for us, not the other way around.
I'd like to see Americans by the millions demand public financing of campaigns in order to diminish the influence of corporations and lobbyists, and announce that they will never vote for any representative who doesn't support this and work towards it. The we follow through and actually don't vote for them.
That's just a start, but I think you get the idea. Honestly though, I'm pessimistic. For the most part, I think the people on this board are involved and informed, but we're politics geeks and news junkies, we're not a representative sample. When I look around at my family, my friends, my co-workers, etc., it's very discouraging. Sadly, most of them make their voting decisions largely based on television ads, and as long as that's the case, it's hopeless. I don't know what it will take to shake this country out of it's stupor, but whatever it is, it hasn't happened yet.
I hear what your sayin. maybe one day things will change around here. you have good logical ideas. for me, I don't think things are so bad. Like I said before, the anti-everything tone around here is depressing.