Why did it take so long for an African American candidate to seriously run?

or more to the point, why did it take 200 plus years for an African American candidate to be at 50/50 in terms of being president?
Why do you think now people are more accepting of the idea of an African American candidate, as opposed to 5-10-20 years ago?
Racism isnt dead. Just look at some of the stuff Mccain/palin have pulled this election.
I have said again and again, obama isnt my candidate and I stick by that, but it would be cool to see a black president.
I still dont think he can win in the deep south. There is just to much history in that part of the country.
Why do you think now people are more accepting of the idea of an African American candidate, as opposed to 5-10-20 years ago?
Racism isnt dead. Just look at some of the stuff Mccain/palin have pulled this election.
I have said again and again, obama isnt my candidate and I stick by that, but it would be cool to see a black president.
I still dont think he can win in the deep south. There is just to much history in that part of the country.
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and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
With an Obama leadership it will be easier for America to rape Africa and the rest of the world of it's natural resources, nothing about Obama and his policies indicate a change from the past presidents, he's just a friendly face for the people who brought the world friendly fire.
America will present itself to the world as fair,just and equal...simply because they were able to elect a black man to a white house, forgetting that he will still be owned by corporations and be guided by the only colours that matter to America, the green paper and the black liquid, I feel sorry for the American people who believe that Obama has anything to do with change
Are the American people more accepting now? No, they are just ready to be fooled by a new face. Perhaps that's change.
Pow! Right in the kissa!
or, to paraphrase a black congressman whose name i cant remember, " he's running to be the president of America, not president of black America."
At least that's Biden's theory.
Exactly what kind of Change are we expecting? Why are we going to be disappointed like your man Nader said?
I (for starters) want a President that will read all the briefings and at least one newspaper each day.
I want a President that listens.
I want a President that is intelligent.
I want a President that has his own ideas.
I want a President that doesn't think that negotiation is cowardly.
I want a President that was born into middle class and doesn't forget it.
I don't expect us to completely leave Iraq very soon. I don't expect corporate regulations that do more harm than good. I'm still a capitalist and I believe that most Americans are as well.
I expect some attempt at a national health program.
I am not afraid of taxes as long as I'm helping the system and not fighting unnecessary wars.
I expect to be told everything will be allright rather than spoon-fed fear for an agenda.
Am I going to be disappointed? If so, then why, and what's your answer?
C'mon ,......Break it down for me man!!!!! I happen to be a really naive American.