I dont give a damn about Obama

Voting someone into office wont change anything. Plain and simple. As Matt Taibbi said, Obama is merely an example of the disturibing extent to which the system reinvents and cons us into thinking things will be different.
I vote with my heart. I voted Nader in 04 because Kerry wasnt antiwar. He wasnt going to end the war.
I will vote with my heart in 2008 and vote nader.
Obama will continue the war in iraq. He will continue it with "vigor". Its merely a change in tactics and strategy, not a real change in thought. He and others still believe we should fight terrorism. Until we get someone who rejects that threat, who says, we dont need to fight in iraq or afghanistan at all, things will never change.
Read your history people. Go through the presidents. None has ever rejected the ideas of capitalism, of expansion, of nationalistic jinogistic bullcrap. We are all bought and sold every 4 years, we are all duped because we think the parties are different. they are the same masters. they are the same slave owners.
Real change doesnt happen by electing a politician. go through radical history, feminism, environmentalism, antiwar, workers rights, anything like that, it all came about because regular people were pissed off. Not because some politician cared.
Its 5 months now until the election, an election my generation seems to care about, and I could care less. i am sick of obama, I am sick of his mug on tv. I dont read any updates about his campaign, and have ignored the whole election 2008 mess. This wont change I dont think. I could care less about politics.
I dont put faith in politicians. All i know is, when people find out Obama duped them, when they find out he is a politician just like the last 43 presidents we have had, and that all he cares about is votes, people are going to be pissed. And I will say I told you so. But I will also be joining those who will be the true "agents of chaos" as heath so expertly put it. I dont care about change, being an agent of change is useless. I will be there as will my activist friends, and we will start tearing up the roads, and concrete. We will bring this rotten currupt system to its knees.
Dont look to Obama.
I vote with my heart. I voted Nader in 04 because Kerry wasnt antiwar. He wasnt going to end the war.
I will vote with my heart in 2008 and vote nader.
Obama will continue the war in iraq. He will continue it with "vigor". Its merely a change in tactics and strategy, not a real change in thought. He and others still believe we should fight terrorism. Until we get someone who rejects that threat, who says, we dont need to fight in iraq or afghanistan at all, things will never change.
Read your history people. Go through the presidents. None has ever rejected the ideas of capitalism, of expansion, of nationalistic jinogistic bullcrap. We are all bought and sold every 4 years, we are all duped because we think the parties are different. they are the same masters. they are the same slave owners.
Real change doesnt happen by electing a politician. go through radical history, feminism, environmentalism, antiwar, workers rights, anything like that, it all came about because regular people were pissed off. Not because some politician cared.
Its 5 months now until the election, an election my generation seems to care about, and I could care less. i am sick of obama, I am sick of his mug on tv. I dont read any updates about his campaign, and have ignored the whole election 2008 mess. This wont change I dont think. I could care less about politics.
I dont put faith in politicians. All i know is, when people find out Obama duped them, when they find out he is a politician just like the last 43 presidents we have had, and that all he cares about is votes, people are going to be pissed. And I will say I told you so. But I will also be joining those who will be the true "agents of chaos" as heath so expertly put it. I dont care about change, being an agent of change is useless. I will be there as will my activist friends, and we will start tearing up the roads, and concrete. We will bring this rotten currupt system to its knees.
Dont look to Obama.
Post edited by Unknown User on
She moaned "people think this is a game. A game of who's up and who's down".
I spit out my food at that point. Is she blind and deaf? Politics is ALL about who's up and who's down. Its about the horserace. Its a game. A rigged one.
What I find most surprising is how many people buy into Obama's lies. Our generation could be the least political in history. We are kids of parents who grew up and came of age during Watergate and Vietnam.
Our generation doesnt believe in politicians. They are all liars. And its a sentiment we all share.
lighten up Francis
you aren't going to do shit
a "yawn" a "lighten up" and a roll eyes.
All that Obama passion and that's all you say? You don't really even touch the thread. Like you have zero points to make. So desperate,like mike tyson when he bit the guy's ear. You can't box the guy, so like fucking bite his ear off.
sorry, i dont qualify for the special olympics, otherwise i would box circles around him
until then, get the adults and lets discuss some real issues
i am probabaly more of an idealist then you could imagine... but the idealist in me doesnt pay mind to immature rants talking about destroying roads and bringing systems to their knees... i mean come on, isnt there any adults left around here?
you nuts man
I actually agree with that. Anyone who wants to vote should fill in a form first:
Q: Are you going to waste your vote thinking your opinions and aspirations should count?
Q: Do you know how the electoral system works and that you're not going to change it, sonny?
Q: Are you going to be a good boy/girl/Ani Di Franco fan, and just vote for the big business guy who isn't as bad as the other one?
nice one.
And McCain is an idiot.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
you know what's better than winning a gold medal in the special olympics?
not being retarded.
*sorry, i know that was in poor taste. but then, so is much of the mt, so i guess i'm good.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7