
how does everyone here deal with stress?
I am having trouble dealing with the stress of living with a world at war. Its upsetting to read the paper. The war has ripped my life apart. I am upset about the current world, about racism, sexism, homophobia, the environment, workers wages etc...
How do you all deal with the stress of daily life?
Like for instance, this year I was at school. I would have to study for classes,then the next day would read in the newspapers that two more soldiers were killed in Iraq, the day before. It would make me think, "why am I here in school?"
Its upsetting all the violence and death, and I am interested to here how everyone here deals with it.
I am having trouble dealing with the stress of living with a world at war. Its upsetting to read the paper. The war has ripped my life apart. I am upset about the current world, about racism, sexism, homophobia, the environment, workers wages etc...
How do you all deal with the stress of daily life?
Like for instance, this year I was at school. I would have to study for classes,then the next day would read in the newspapers that two more soldiers were killed in Iraq, the day before. It would make me think, "why am I here in school?"
Its upsetting all the violence and death, and I am interested to here how everyone here deals with it.
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As a citizen, as a voter, we are not powerless to do anything about it. Ok, the voting thing hasn't gone too well the last 2 general elections, but we still have a voice, still have the right to protest (almost).
You can make a difference in the smallest of ways. Join mailing lists, talk to friends, spread information, counter the disinformation, join protest groups, go on protests, sign petitions, change your lifestyle to one best suited to further the causes that affect you, and on, and on, and on.
We can't all lead a revolution, but if we can change one persons mind, present them with a truer version of reality, then they may go onto change anothers mind, and another, then another. Just my 2 cents ;-)
The key to getting by is focusing on yourself and your closest surroundings. They are the ones you can affect after all. If you want to feel like you're helping then volunteer for something, and start at a very small piece of the problem you would have fixed. Staring yourself blind at injustice in the world is paralyzing, gets you down and helps noone.
Also, always remember that almost evrything of the good stuff in the world, never makes the news. Things are rarely as bad as they can be propped up to be, although there certainly are big problems around. there are no quick fixes or any simple thing you can do to fix the world. It's too big and complex for that. But you can make a difference in your close relations. focus on that first of all.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
...good question, cause I am struggling big times as well those days.
And I read through the replies and yeah yeah I agree, start within the small possibilities that are given, get local, act global ...
try to do things your way, follow your values and be different.
So, I am even a lucky one who really is able to make a difference with a given business, but still,
things have become so crazy, I feel like loosing it all.
Since more then two years I am pretty involved in the local stage, run a business successfully although I support and integrate all the environmental protection issues and labor rights possible.
The business gets more successful every month, although all is so different as usual...
but around me, around the small town, nothing gets better but worse every day considering all those horrible news from around the globe.
So it is strange, but it seems as more as I get involved and get active as more I think things get worse.
It might be because I know more by now, or I know just that there is another way and still, nothing is really changing on the big screen and that is sooo depressing...
So, yeah, there is stress
and I try to get over it by spending as much time as possible in nature.
and by remembering the good stuff (like Dan pointed out).
sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't.
I guess time is tough so it is to deal with...
.. just accept it and try your best
and most important: DON'T give up on hope for better times!!!
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
one of the best ways to avoid stress is to avoid getting wound up by those out to wind you up
thats the one thing i've learned in the last few days
One analogy I've found useful is the Circle of Concern > Circle of Influence, which can understood by the link below. Stephen Covey includes a Circle of Control aswell, which is invariably the smallest circle.
Check out some of, I just did the "stress test" and my results were low.
I do quite well managing my stress with just the philosphy. There are several suggestions to lower stress such as: spending time with friends, take the stairs instead of the elevator, go to bed early, etc.. But I do just fine focusing on my Circle of Influence and not letting things beyond my influence irritate me.
I express my discontent quite often and in ways that exhibit stress. However, at the end of the day (or even the sentance) it doesn't linger with me. Expressing my opinion is a form of stress relief and projection of influence aswell.