Cheney on meet the press

Anyone catch this?
It was stunning. My question is, why didnt russert grill people like this before the war? He clearly asked tough questions, in my opionin and wasnt tough enough to be honest, but it was a big change and step forward.
The mainstream media must start pressing the administraiton and the people running the war.
Cheney didnt admit one mistake. What I felt was cold was, how often times antiwar protestors are called unpatriotic and told they dont suuport the troops. Yet cheney, cant come out and say not one more life lost is worth it? Yeah he supports the troops! Give me a break
It was stunning. My question is, why didnt russert grill people like this before the war? He clearly asked tough questions, in my opionin and wasnt tough enough to be honest, but it was a big change and step forward.
The mainstream media must start pressing the administraiton and the people running the war.
Cheney didnt admit one mistake. What I felt was cold was, how often times antiwar protestors are called unpatriotic and told they dont suuport the troops. Yet cheney, cant come out and say not one more life lost is worth it? Yeah he supports the troops! Give me a break
Post edited by Unknown User on
I saw it. It isn't easy stringing all those lies together - so congrats Dick. 31% of the country still believes (or are afraid or two gay men marrying)
TR: Mr. Cheney, in early 2005, you said on this program that you believed that the insurgency in Iraq was in it's "death throes". Sectarian violence has only increased since then, and tens of thousands have died there in the ensuing 17 months. What do you make of your assessment now?
Dick Cheney: I'd suggest you watch it with the smartass questions, fuckwad. You're starting to look like a quail to me. Go fuck yourself.
Russert asked tougher questiions than I figured he would. Of course, Cheney really did not answer very many and Russert usually let him get away with it.
My favorite part (I refer to ) was when Russert showed a 2003 video asking Cheney whether we'd be greeted as liberators or whether we'd be taken as conqurers and a bloody battle would ensue. Cheney (still in 2003) said that the latter was unlikely.
--MR. RUSSERT: In fact, it did unfold that way. It has been a long, costly and bloody war.
--MR. RUSSERT: And...
--VICE PRES. CHENEY: Well, the first part, getting rid of Saddam, was not.
But clearly, the insurgency and the aftermath has been.
--MR. RUSSERT: But again, wasn’t your judgment overly rosy? “Greeted as liberators.” Now we’re not...
--VICE PRES. CHENEY: You, you gave me a choice, Tim, “Will you be greeted as occupiers or liberators?” and I said we’ll be greeted as liberators. And we were.
So Cheney avoided a two year old question on a technicality. Nice work.
I want to see Dick Cheney when he's on "Meet Your Maker".
Hail, Hail!!!
~Michael Bolton
He said it in passing as he suggested that the money spent on the war could have been better spent. Dick retorted that it has been well spent because there are no attacks since 9/11. Russert suggested that the money could have been spent on airport/port things and blah blah blah, we can't even bring shampoo on plains, blah blah blah.
let me ask you one question
is your money that good?
will it buy you forgiveness?
do you think that it could?
i think you will find
when your death takes it's toll
all the money you made
will never buy back your soul
WTF? He answered the question! The question was about how US troops would be greeted. He answers the question factually (which you'd know because the ones dancing in the streets with joy far outnumbered the ones protesting), and it's called "avoiding on a technicality"?
The biases on display throughout all these topics are rather apparent. So much for "reasoned debate and discussion" as stated in the board descriptor.
Man you are as bad as Cheney, himself! What he gave was a politician's answer, filled to the brim with bullshit and loathing for honesty and anything decent. I know its tough being wrong all the time and supporting lying bastards, but I invite you to come over to the "reality community." Its very nice here, and you won't drive yourself neurotic trying to desperately defend these criminals at every turn.
Far moon in a continuing dream
Steam of roasting tea
I love the left. I love how their version of "reality" is all that counts. I love how the same side which will be the first to remind you of "tolerance" and "open-mindedness" more often than not is the very same side that refuses to hear anything remotely approaching a conservative or right-leaning point of view, and then resorts to namecalling.
Says the person painting with a broad brush.
Say your in an all out argument, and I hand your opponent a bat that he proceeds to beat you senseless with. Then, a while later, I stop him and take the bat away. Am I now your hero? Or, after being relieved that the beating stopped, would you turn on me?
Because he thinks invading Iraq was the right thing to do. He's asking these questions now because the way it's being run is obviously questionable. It makes America look like a pitiful giant.
Actually, I think that's the public's job. Mainstream media's job is to generate more advertising revenues.
But I heard something yesterday on Al Frankin's show that made me think about cutting Russert a little slack. He stated that Tim's job is to basically just put these politicians on the record. Sure, he could go on for the length of the show, trying to get them to admit the truth, and probably still get the same old rejecting stonewalling. But that would maybe only give time to address a question or two, and end up as just an argument. Instead, he was able to put Cheney on the record, and hopefully some of it will end up in an advert or two this politcal season. They've certainly given enough material over the last five years or so to make some compelling spots this time around. Just depends if the Dems have the huevos to put it all together, fight fire with fire this time, and not be so concerned with taking the high road. We've all seen where that lack of backbone has gotten us.
And no, I did not chuck the remote thru the TV, although the urge was so incredibly strong this Sunday. As I said, the closest I've come to it yet. Wish me continued strength, as I don't know how well the hub would take that big-ass hole in his beloved TV.
Of course it does. But you seem to essentially be saying "the left is not tolerant and won't listen to the right. The left demonizes the right. That's what liberals do. Conservatives do not. We are quite tolerant of the left. We listen."
In other words, you are EXACTLY what you are accusing the left of. And YOU (a thoughtful conservative who does not hate the left the way the left hates the right) fired the first shot in the Left Vs. Right battle on this thread.
It never ceases to amaze me that someone can spend all their time villanizing the other side and act as if they are the ones always under attack.
Not to mention the fact that the insurgency consists of a few thousand mongrels, while the other , oh, say 14 million Iraqis are trying their best to
help that country
Untill their will grows tired
And it never ceases to amaze me how a side that prides itself on "grace" and "tolerance" hardly ever seems gracious or tolerant when it comes to letting the other side express itself.
not true, there's a clip of him saying it here
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way