Will Bush be able to continue the war into 2008?

Seems like the antiwar movement is at its peak, the majority of the country is antiwar, and against Bush, yet Bush has said repeatedly, he will not pull out troops and will continue the war until he gets out of office on jan 20, 2009.
Will he be able to do this? Will the pressure put on him by the antiwar movement be so great on him that he is forced to step aside (a la Johnson during Nam)?
It seems the music that was such a major part of youth culture, and youth rebellion during the sixties, has morphed, and current day protest songs and music ie NIN, or El-P or Tool or whoever have gotten more apocalyptic. I am heavily into any political music, and I cant think of any protest music from the days of Vietnam that was apocalyptic. It got angrier and angrier but didnt seem to get to the point of "its time to give up".
Can this war continue, or will it be stopped?
Will he be able to do this? Will the pressure put on him by the antiwar movement be so great on him that he is forced to step aside (a la Johnson during Nam)?
It seems the music that was such a major part of youth culture, and youth rebellion during the sixties, has morphed, and current day protest songs and music ie NIN, or El-P or Tool or whoever have gotten more apocalyptic. I am heavily into any political music, and I cant think of any protest music from the days of Vietnam that was apocalyptic. It got angrier and angrier but didnt seem to get to the point of "its time to give up".
Can this war continue, or will it be stopped?
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But apparently the Nuremberg Defense is alive and well in the american mind.
Where do you get the idea or information that makes this statement your group's "credo"? The majority of the country is anti-war? Or is it just a simple case of "if you say it enough, it will become true"? I dont think the majority are against the war, tho maybe a good portion are against the way its being handled. Big difference.
Remember back in the elections? Grandma Pelosi and all the anti-war Dems were in hiding...they didn't run on anything, especially their policies on the war. Look at the Dems that won...Tester, the guy in PA who beat Santorum, heath shuler, etc, none of them were anti war...
if you look back on the election season, democrats intentionally didn't reveal their plan for the war...b/c if they did, they'd have lost. just like if they were to reveal their true opinions on anything else, they'd continue to lose elections.
now, somehow they have a mandate? if they do...and if the american people are truly "anti-war" as the disingenuous poster who started this thread suggests...why not just simply defund the war? after all, the american people are behind you?
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
Regardless of anti-war protestors, it's clear that George will do What Ever He Wants.
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
Also, we will never leave (as proven by the world largest embassy under construction) because we must protect our investment and oil.
Thats all folks.
Your naivity is astounding. You tell me how this country will last a week without our military forces, our front line of defense. And yes, Bush does hold the gun. He is the top gun of all branches of the US military.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Great. TOP GUN fancies himself a tough guy (even though he pissed himself when he was young enough to serve). But hey - he is a WAR PRESIDENT and it is hard work!
The purpose of the US military is to protect the homeland. Not to be used for midterm election bullshit and some Neo Conservative nation creating fantasy from a bunch of spinless weasels who would shit themselves in they ever stepped into a war zone. and that includes the deserter in chief.
Saddam was in power for 30 years. I lost count of how many times he and his surrogates attacked America !!! I think it was like a million right>!!>!>>!
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I'm not sure what you're implying here.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
where does he say abolish the military?
He's suggesting that troops not follow their orders, or that they not be American soldiers simply because the President is a fuck-up that has got them into a mistake. Or, perhaps that they turn their guns on the President himself. As justified as that all may be, the reality of making something like that happen is now limited to a few brave "deserters" taking their chances in a court of law. Iraq isn't the only place in the world our military personnel tour, in our defense.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
Let me set up a scene for you. You just signed up for the army. Why? Who knows, you could be a patriot, you could need money for college, you could be completing a family tradition. So there you are, in basic training and a war breaks out. You being deployed to the far away country of assholia. Why are we going over there, you ask. The only thing you're told is that the assholes of assholia or a threat to your country and its your time to serve it. It's pretty clear they didnt have anything to do with the attack a year ago on your nation, other wise known as Righteous. A lot of your fellow Righteous citizens were killed but the assholes had nothing to do with it. Everyone knows it was the fucktards, for fuckalio. But your a soldier. You go. Now, you're on your third tour of duty. You've seen ten of your friends fall to their knees before you. You've been shot. You've been hit with shrapnel. Everytime the possibility of leave comes within a six month range, it gets pushed back nine months. You finally get home. The want you to go back. You refuse on the grounds that it is an illegal war, and an illegal occupation, and you are a solider, not a mercenary that has no rules to play by. But guess what, your defense of an illegal war, the only thing that would have saved your ass...the judge refuses to hear it. Now you're wondering what they give to deserters in military court. And now you're wondering if anyones gonna remember you when you get out. And you're gonna wonder if you're gonna be that poor bastard on the street begging for a dollar, trying to get another drink just to kill the pain again. Now, let me ask you. Who's the fucking idiot? People who signed up for something that hadnt happened yet. People who are forced to serve in a illegal occupation because they risk serving jail time if they come home alive. Or the ones who think they're serving their country. Or the ones, and let's face it, it fucking happens, that join up cause thats their only way out of a shitty family that lives in a shitty neighborhood where someone's always ready to work someone over for a few fucking bucks. Or maybe its the assholes who say "Fuck them. They knew what they were getting into."
To those who support GWB, why do you not enlist?????
Because playing with green little army men is more fun...and you don't even have to leave your recliner.
*** APPLAUSE ***
i love the armchair warriors who promote "stay the course" who watch football and eat cheetos on the weekends.
Meanwhile, the poor grunts in the military are doing multiple 15 month tours in the fucking desert. Stay the course is great for them I am sure.