Jacob Whetterling

musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
edited April 2007 in A Moving Train
What happened to this kid that disappear over a decade ago?
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  • drew2420drew2420 Posts: 61
    He is still listed as missing, I currently am living in St. Cloud and have lived around the area my entire life so I have been aware of Jacob for a long time. I can remember back in kindergarted when his mother Patty Wetterling would come to school and talk about safety around halloween time. Anyways it appears at this point baring a miracle Jacob is likely no longer with us. Ironically I work at a local liquor store in town and happend to cashier for Patty Wetterling last week. She seemed like a very nice lady, cant imagine what she has gone through after all these years of not knowing what happend to her son.
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