Tacoma School Shooting

Another one happened today, one student dead.
When will adults wake up. Its not marilyn manson or video games or tv. Its the entire culture. We are taught violence is good from birth, why be surprised if some school kid solves problems by shooting up his school!
Parents are so goddamned clueless about our generation. I can just picture the coverage of this tragedy. instead of focusing on the actual tragedy the scapegoat will emerge. It wont be adults or adult culture. But it sure as hell will be some thing the kids hold dear and value.
When will adults wake up. Its not marilyn manson or video games or tv. Its the entire culture. We are taught violence is good from birth, why be surprised if some school kid solves problems by shooting up his school!
Parents are so goddamned clueless about our generation. I can just picture the coverage of this tragedy. instead of focusing on the actual tragedy the scapegoat will emerge. It wont be adults or adult culture. But it sure as hell will be some thing the kids hold dear and value.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Fuck, just heard it on the Dutch news...so sad...
As much as I agree with what you say. I have to also add that parents don't know what is going on because they aren't parents. You don't plop a child who's head is mush infront of a fucking t.v. and call that babysitting. So a kid grows up learning from Barney and Sesame Street and then graduates to MTV and Killer Instinct, Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto without an ounce of guidance from either of the two people who made the child. What are the kids supposed to think is right? Or even really know reality from fiction?
And it isn't the parents who go after the excuse it is the people in power who don't provide enough places for kids to hang out and not get harassed and just grow up being humans who hang out and get to know other humans with an actual human touch.
I have never come across so many children who can't read properly who are in their teenage years. Remember when your mom or dad would actually read you a story and you were expected to be able to understand or be able to ask questions to a human who would give you an answer when expected.
Now a days when my niece or nephew come to visit. They want my house to be like theirs. They lay around and watch rented movies. Just like at home.
Sorry for going off a little but some things about parents and the way they rear their children is out of this world. So when the kid dosen't really live in the real world to start with. Hell if his/her hero from a video game, movie or fave MTV video deals with a problem with violence. Ta-da.
I couldn't agree with you more. it boggles my mind to see how some parents just don't raise their kids properly. I see it with some of my oldest son's class mates. A perfect example, he had his 9th birthday party just this past Friday. His classmates where running around goofing off as 8-9 year old kids do. My soon to be ex-wife's best friend's daughter was there, and just happened to be the only girl. I over hear one of my son's classmates state to another that she is pretty and he is going to make out with her and rub her vagina (he didn't use vagina but I don't want to use the term he did use). Now tell me what fucking 8 yr old kid talks like that. Kids learn that at home. It just sickens me how parenst, like you said, let tv or playstation raise their kids.
someone popped a guy outside a school and ran. that's not really a school shooting.
so it's a little early for speculation it appears.
I had hoped when this movie was made that the movie would force people to change and address "THE REAL" problems that are causing school shootings.
Yet we still continue to blame trenchcoats, goths, marilyn manson for school shootings.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Oh you are fucking amazing, it's cultures fault and totally wrong huh? This coming from a guy who's posting his name as Che Guevara, I don't know if you knew this but that violent asshole wrote a book called "Guerilla Warfare.
What's your excuse?
Breaks my heart...
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Geez lady, if your planning on shooting your kid in a few years I'll call the cops.
"Behave like rock stars - not like the President." (live - Noblesville, IN - 8/17/98)
"Yeah, I was gonna learn to play it (Breath) but somebody slipped me a bottle of viagra and was busy doing something else six times last night" (live - New York, NY - 9/10/98)
when are you americans gonna learn that your weapon culture in nothing more than a bad thing??
look at the history ....
Antwerp -Belgium- Europe
I grew up watching plenty of Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, etc. and I'm fine. I'll gladly let my 16 month old sit in her little elmo chair and watch teletubbies or elmo's world anytime she wants, especially when I have housework to do. Hell, I'll turn it on in the living room and sit there with her and watch it. I don't consider that irresponsible parenting, I consider it taking advantage of what technology has to offer. TV is not the devil unless parents allow the TV to be the devil. It's a quite clever learning tool that I use as well as all 3 of my children. I don't know what I'd do without my news and information channels.
The downfall of technology is when parents do not monitor what their children are taking in from the TV, video games, etc. My boys (ages 6 and 10) have directv receivers in their bedrooms and the receivers require codes to unlock inappropriate programming (based on TV show ratings). They have video games but absolutely no games that involve humans getting shot, maimed, etc. I'd say that the most liberal we get with the boys is when it comes to books...they can read whatever they want without my screening.
I guess my point is that culture doesn't have shit to do with these shootings. Peer pressure and genuinely disinterested parents have everything to do with them.
Have you read The Fountainhead?
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
It seems you're not focusing on the tragedy either...you're using adults as the scapegoat, and turning this into a broader problem where it's adults vs. "our generation". You didn't even mention the kid's name nor the victim's name. It's not about another kid who shot up a school because he grew up in a bad environment cultured by adults.
"You know, Mrs. Buckman, you need a license to buy a dog, to drive a car - hell, you even need a license to catch a fish. But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a father."
seems to be a huge part of the problem--everyone wants to place blame on social forces beyond the control of anyone, but really we are each humans in some degree, and as such there is responsibility upon us each to interact w/in the universal-environment towards realizing the ideals we all know could and should exist in the various cultures of out singular human-society,....
blame is a laziness that prevents real-solutions from ever entering the world(s) of imagination and perception.
unfortunately [organized]-Religions are truly to blame as the original-roots of individuals' tendancies/instincts towards using blame as an acceptable form of intellectual-resolution(s) for social-problems.
dont get me wrong,.. i havent yet conceived of any real-solution(s) for the massive ills of civilation,.. but of course appropriate diagnoses are essential to climb the stairway of vitalogy.
to dust i guess,
forgotten and absorbed into the earth below,..
That was a quote from the movie "Parenthood". I never thought anything that came out of Keanu Reeves mouth would produce a thought provoking post like that.:)
only because you filtered out the dumb for me
to dust i guess,
forgotten and absorbed into the earth below,..
I haven't.