Bring Them Home!

musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
edited March 2007 in A Moving Train
How long are we going to continue this goddamn war?

How long are our troops going to stay?

Bring em home!!!

I plan on being at the airport when the troops come home, as they walk off the plane and hug and kiss their loved ones. I will be there, and will give them all a hug and say "I am sorry".

What a loss of life, what a horrible loss.

This war is so wrong, and it cannot continue. It has claimed 3000 plus 20 year olds, how many more will it claim? How many more are you willing to stomach? How many more days of NBC/CBS/Fox/ABC News telecasts will you sit and watch and here "2 more soldiers dead in Iraq"

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    How long are we going to continue this goddamn war?

    How long are our troops going to stay?

    Bring em home!!!

    I plan on being at the airport when the troops come home, as they walk off the plane and hug and kiss their loved ones. I will be there, and will give them all a hug and say "I am sorry".

    What a loss of life, what a horrible loss.

    This war is so wrong, and it cannot continue. It has claimed 3000 plus 20 year olds, how many more will it claim? How many more are you willing to stomach? How many more days of NBC/CBS/Fox/ABC News telecasts will you sit and watch and here "2 more soldiers dead in Iraq"

    The war is wrong on so many levels, BUT,.. to put things into perspective, the other day I was told an average of 5 people die everyday in my occupation in service truck accidents... I suddenly feel like I'm in more danger than being in Iraq. :eek: ..Kind of made me think, considering that my chances of dieing as a cable guy are greater than being in the military.
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    The war is wrong on so many levels, BUT,.. to put things into perspective, the other day I was told an average of 5 people die everyday in my occupation in service truck accidents... I suddenly feel like I'm in more danger than being in Iraq. :eek:

    and there's more of a chance you will die in a car wreck than terrorism, so....

    i think the point you are missing here is iraq is not necessary and so are all those deaths.
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • in my mind, the youth sent to iraq, and even those who arent, must be at war with the adult culture, until, and unless they the boomers die off or step down. They must be forced out, and our generation must take the reigns. We have waited for our shot, and now its our turn to decide what to do with the issues and the world. Its our turn. Our parents tried, and failed. They sold out, and got jobs. They became parodys of The Big Chill actors. So I say until we have some control over things, the boomers and our generation are at war.

    The war is touching all of our lives. Its caused losses of parents, fathers, mothers, cousins, sons, daughters, uncles, aunts etc... The loss of a child in war can never be replaced.

    We have a choice as a generation, do as our parents did in the late 60's and rise up and start challenging stuff, and start to begin overthrowing the order and the system, or we can wait for our parents to die off, and then we will get the reigns. The choice is easy, we must begin to overthrow right now. To wait until they die off is too late.

    How can they send my generation to die in iraq? Who the hell do they think they are? They raised kids and now send them off to die in iraq? What the hell is that?

    The protest movement and antiwar movement must ramp things up. We must make the continuing of the war too costly for the boomers to continue. We must make our own cities uninhabitable for those who continue this war. Complete shutdowns of cities, blocking traffic, blocking municipal buildings, running around nonviolently in federal buildings in our cities and disrupting things. Going into banks or other places like that, and causing chaos, just sitting down on the floor or refusing to leave the banks.

    The question must be asked "when you are old, and grey, and your grandson or granddaughter asks, "hey, what did you do in your youth to help save those things that used to grow hundreds of feet in the air and had leaves, and what did you do to save those things that used to swim in the ocean" what will you say? What will you tell you kids, and how will they judge you?

    Another time in history, the right thing might have been to get a job, provide for your family, or even go to war. Right now, the moral and right thing is one of two things: either drop out completely of society (thus signifiying your disgust with the system) or 2: start to dismantle the system where youth are expendable and disposable. Start to overthrow the liars, and killers that are our parents. Start to destroy what is evil, and rebuild it to something more humane.

    I am sick of people dying in iraq, and I am even more sick of those who say its human nature or natural.

    Until the boomers are forced to go to iraq instead of us, I am not giving in

    Until troops are treated with respect and given care they deserve I will not rest

    Until every office and political race is filled with youth candidates I will not rest

    Until the system is overthrown and our brothers and sisters from iraq come home I will not reast.

    Start it off, rise up children. Rise up. Destroy the system...and rebuild!!!
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    El_Kabong wrote:
    and there's more of a chance you will die in a car wreck than terrorism, so....

    i think the point you are missing here is iraq is not necessary and so are all those deaths.
    well, I see the point, but what if all these military personal come home and start working as service technicians? Driving trucks all day, they are in more danger than Iraq.. my point.
  • but your rationalizing something that shouldnt be rationalized. No deaths anywhere whether thats in your Like an Ocean, or in iraq should be tolerated.

    Although you most likely didnt mean to, you proved my point. Death in iraq is normal to most people. As long as it doesnt disrupt our daily lives, we could care less.

    1 death a day in iraq is too much.

    Again, I am not suggesting you are a mean person for saying what you said Like An ocean, but try telling the mother or father, or son or daughter of an u.s. soldier who died in iraq, tell them that we dont care about deaths in iraq. Tell them that death in iraq is as normal as toast and orange juice for breakfast. Tell them that the death toll is too small to be noticed by people and if only 20 people a day were dying in iraq, only then would be care
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    but your rationalizing something that shouldnt be rationalized. No deaths anywhere whether thats in your Like an Ocean, or in iraq should be tolerated.

    Although you most likely didnt mean to, you proved my point. Death in iraq is normal to most people. As long as it doesnt disrupt our daily lives, we could care less.

    1 death a day in iraq is too much.

    Again, I am not suggesting you are a mean person for saying what you said Like An ocean, but try telling the mother or father, or son or daughter of an u.s. soldier who died in iraq, tell them that we dont care about deaths in iraq. Tell them that death in iraq is as normal as toast and orange juice for breakfast. Tell them that the death toll is too small to be noticed by people and if only 20 people a day were dying in iraq, only then would be care
    I think the point I'm trying to make is that we shouldn't rationalize this war by the statistcs of people dieing rather than the fact that this war is flat out WRONG.. sure putting a pretty face that lost their life in front of the war supporting side paints a better picture, but we should be talking more about how the war is wrong and a waste of money and resources rather than the death toll.

    I seriously feel sick everytime I hear about deaths from the war, but by the numbers, its nothing out of the ordinary.

    Maybe that life doesn't need to die by a terrorist, but by a car accident or whatever its still a life lost. More than anything, this war is a waste of great minds and resources.
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    in my mind, the youth sent to iraq, and even those who arent, must be at war with the adult culture, until, and unless they the boomers die off or step down. They must be forced out, and our generation must take the reigns. We have waited for our shot, and now its our turn to decide what to do with the issues and the world. Its our turn. Our parents tried, and failed. They sold out, and got jobs.

    I have heard you mention this before but still don't get it. How is getting a job selling out? Would you prefer it your parents lived and raised you under the Burnside Bridge?
  • well, I see the point, but what if all these military personal come home and start working as service technicians? Driving trucks all day, they are in more danger than Iraq.. my point.

    War destroys lives, countries, families and maims hundreds of thousands, pollutes the land with DU, destabilizes everything and causes people to live in constant fear. It shouldn't ever be something we should do unless there is no other option...certainly not based on lies like this one has been. There's no comparison between choosing to be a truck driver or cable guy to fighting and living through an unjust war.
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    War destroys lives, countries, families and maims hundreds of thousands, pollutes the land with DU, destabilizes everything and causes people to live in constant fear. It shouldn't ever be something we should do unless there is no other option...certainly not based on lies like this one has been. There's no comparison between choosing to be a truck driver or cable guy to fighting and living through an unjust war.
    No their isn't. Which brings me to another point. We emphisize the three Americans who lost their lives the other day, but what about 50 Iraqis who had their lives destroyed that we don't hear about.. why can't we get the real news?
  • I do realize my parents had to get jobs to take care of me and my sister.

    But during the heydey of the hippies, the late 60's, it wasnt about getting a job. These were people who dropped out of college, and ranaway, and didnt care how protesting and getting arrested would look in terms of their resumes. They just did what they felt was right.

    Most became yuppies, and most boomers are as concerned about money as their parents were, who were the people the hippies were rebelling against.

    I have many times tried to convince my parents to sell the furniture and move to india, but they dont buy into it. They are materialistic and too into their comfortable lives. As hippies they would have moved to india. I many times try to explain to my parents, and these are parents who had Uncle Neils early records, and Jackson Brownes records and Jefferson Airplanes political masterpiece Volunteers. Yet they somehow cant understand why this war is so hard on me and hard on others as well. They dont understand, that as boomers Bush, Clinton, Kerry and others who voted for this war, did the same thing they rebelled against in the 60's.

    I look at boomers as hypocrites, and as I said before, the sooner they are gone, the better. We need to control the way things go down. Our parents had their chance and blew it. They blew it. They have a choice, either they step down, or we force them out. Looks to me like they dont want this war to end and wont stop down.

    As long as parents continue to buy into this materialistic, baseless, sick, gross, and soul destroying system of money, war and greed, they will be my enemies and enemies of alot of other people as well from my generation.

    As long as they are tied into the system, more into having jobs, and getting paid, and making cash, and paying the mortgage, and buying tv's, and buying cars, as long as that outweighs the deaths and pleas of my generation, things are pretty bad...
  • No their isn't. Which brings me to another point. We emphisize the three Americans who lost their lives the other day, but what about 50 Iraqis who had their lives destroyed that we don't hear about.. why can't we get the real news?

    I wish I knew. To me, every life is equal
    If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.

    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
    -Oscar Wilde
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    I do realize my parents had to get jobs to take care of me and my sister.

    But during the heydey of the hippies, the late 60's, it wasnt about getting a job. These were people who dropped out of college, and ranaway, and didnt care how protesting and getting arrested would look in terms of their resumes. They just did what they felt was right.

    Most became yuppies, and most boomers are as concerned about money as their parents were, who were the people the hippies were rebelling against.

    I have many times tried to convince my parents to sell the furniture and move to india, but they dont buy into it. They are materialistic and too into their comfortable lives. As hippies they would have moved to india. I many times try to explain to my parents, and these are parents who had Uncle Neils early records, and Jackson Brownes records and Jefferson Airplanes political masterpiece Volunteers. Yet they somehow cant understand why this war is so hard on me and hard on others as well. They dont understand, that as boomers Bush, Clinton, Kerry and others who voted for this war, did the same thing they rebelled against in the 60's.

    I look at boomers as hypocrites, and as I said before, the sooner they are gone, the better. We need to control the way things go down. Our parents had their chance and blew it. They blew it. They have a choice, either they step down, or we force them out. Looks to me like they dont want this war to end and wont stop down.

    As long as parents continue to buy into this materialistic, baseless, sick, gross, and soul destroying system of money, war and greed, they will be my enemies and enemies of alot of other people as well from my generation.

    As long as they are tied into the system, more into having jobs, and getting paid, and making cash, and paying the mortgage, and buying tv's, and buying cars, as long as that outweighs the deaths and pleas of my generation, things are pretty bad...

    The main reason they protested is pretty simple I think.

    The Draft.

    If we had the Draft today, I guarantee you would see a hell of lot more protesting going on.
  • as dylan said: "you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone"

    "for he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled for the battle outside ragin, will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls "

    "come mothers and fathers throughout the land and dont criticize what you cant understand, your sons and daughters are beyond your command your old road is rapidly aging, please get out of the onew one if you cant lend a hand"

    Once upon a time, these lyrics were written on the dorm walls of every college student, and radical. They were memorized and sung angrily at the parents of the boomers. Now they apply just as much to our parents as they did to our grandparents.

    Its a simple proposition, either our parents start taking repsonsibility for and say I am Sorry and bring the troops home, or we start to overthrow them. Simple stuff. Not too hard to understand
  • we are the future, not our parents. We inherit this earth, and our parents messed it up...completely. We are the future, and we have been dealt a load of crap. We are inheriting a world that is 100 times worse off now, than it was in the late 60's. Are we supposed to thank our parents for that?

    Again, maybe my parents are odd, maybe your parents are different. Ask them tonight, "Will you move to india, and sell the furniture"? My guess is they will ask "are you on drugs" or will laugh in your face. Our parents are liars and jerks.

    How can they be so tied into this moneymaking system that the ideas of their children are falling on deaf ears.
  • South of SeattleSouth of Seattle West Seattle Posts: 10,724
    we are the future, not our parents. We inherit this earth, and our parents messed it up...completely. We are the future, and we have been dealt a load of crap. We are inheriting a world that is 100 times worse off now, than it was in the late 60's. Are we supposed to thank our parents for that?

    Again, maybe my parents are odd, maybe your parents are different. Ask them tonight, "Will you move to india, and sell the furniture"? My guess is they will ask "are you on drugs" or will laugh in your face. Our parents are liars and jerks.

    How can they be so tied into this moneymaking system that the ideas of their children are falling on deaf ears.

    Maybe our parents are trying to acquire wealth so when they die, we can be better off financially? Maybe they realize that we're fucked and won't be able to retire. That is unless we sellout and get nice cushy corporate jobs :rolleyes:
  • The truly sad thing is you know the middle east nukes are coming to US soil. It's just a matter of time.

    The longer as the USA keeps playing boom boom over there the more screws and wires go into launching terrorist nukes(s). I think 9/11 is going to be nothing compared to this next one. What can the US expect to do with 40,000 troops in Afghanistan that Russia couldn't do with 150,000? Iraq is a shambles...
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • luckymanluckyman Posts: 25
    war sucks
    what did they die 4 but oil $
    we need 2 take a big look
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    How long are we going to continue this goddamn war?

    How long are our troops going to stay?

    Bring em home!!!

    I plan on being at the airport when the troops come home, as they walk off the plane and hug and kiss their loved ones. I will be there, and will give them all a hug and say "I am sorry".

    What a loss of life, what a horrible loss.

    This war is so wrong, and it cannot continue. It has claimed 3000 plus 20 year olds, how many more will it claim? How many more are you willing to stomach? How many more days of NBC/CBS/Fox/ABC News telecasts will you sit and watch and here "2 more soldiers dead in Iraq"


    ok man. i'll jump on board with this. its time to bring them home.
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