Nifong disbarred
District Attorney Mike Nifong was disbarred Saturday for his “selfish” rape prosecution of three Duke University lacrosse players — a politically motivated act, his judges said, that he inexplicably allowed to fester for months after it was clear the defendants were innocent.
Post edited by Unknown User on
1. Political correctness HAS run amock. The right is correct. Sure, they overuse the term "PC". But it can cause legitimate problems, and not just annoyances. Nifong was scared of being percieved as sticking up for the privaleged, rich, white guys. Polticial correctness run amock.
2. Jobs like this should not be elected. A lawyer, who's job it is to decide who to prosecute and not prosecute, should not have a "political career" to think about.
3. Why has nothing happened to the accuser. She just made this up (thereby doing a disservice to future legitimate rape accusers). Just because a rape conviction does not come about (i.e. the Kobe case), does not mean that the accuser has knowingly committed a crime. However, it seems that she just flat out made this up. It was not a simple "he said/she said." She ruined three lives for seemingly no reason. Why no action against her?
Yeah, but it's college... and bringing a stripper to a party is not illegal. Have you ever been to a bachelor party with a stripper? All it takes is for one made up allegation and your life can be ruined.
It doesn't even have to be a stripper... I went to enough college sports parties when I was in school to see how some girls will do anything to be with the star player... While yes, the guys are sleezeballs, if one of those girls who was so willing the night before regrets it in the morning and goes to the police with a story, they guy's life can be changed forever. The sad thing is there are enough girls that get taken advantage of and even raped, but people who make up things for their personal gain make it even harder for them.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Nope, my friends weren't perverts. You (not meaning you) wanna have sex with some drunk girl at a party that you don't know, then you'll have to deal with the fact that it is some drunk girl that you don't know.
But, they are LaCrosse players. Should we expect anything different?
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
As far as the former coach, it's unfortunate that he lost his job over this issue, but I don't think this will have too big of an effect on him. He won't have trouble finding a new coaching job (he may already have, I cant remember). And actually, you can take out the rape accusation and there have been other off the field issues with several of the players on this team over the last few years and you could argue that he and the university didn't do a good enough job with disciplining players.
Dude, I know she made up the story and the DA was brutal. I just don't feel that much empathy for the lacrosse players. Sorry. If you don't bring drunk, coked strippers into your home, or have sex with random, drunk girls, these kinds of accusations don't turn up that much.
As for the woman, she should absolutely be charged. One reason rape victims find it so difficult to come forward is concern that they won't be believed. They often aren't believed because there's a perception out there that women run around filing rape charges willy-nilly for all sorts of stupid reasons. It's extremely uncommon for a woman to do that, but all it takes is one high-profile case like this to deepen that perception and cast doubt on every rape that's reported. If we want women to be believed (and I think that we can all agree that we do), we have to come down hard on women who make blatantly, provably false accusations. That will make it easier, not harder, for women who have been truly victimized to come forward. The woman in this case has done a horrible thing not only to the lacrosse players, but to women everywhere who are now more likely to find their stories doubted, particularly women on the fringes of society. Strippers DO get raped, but they're going to have a harder time prosecuting their rapists now because of what this woman did.
I never said that they deserved or it was okay that they were charged with rape. What I did say was that I do not feel sorry for them because they brought this drunk stripper into their home. You wanna hang around and associate with that crowd, then you may get burned. Should you? No, but you can and that is why I do not feel as sorry for them as everyone else seems to be.
My bigger problem is that the students and coach are going to sue Duke (or at least the coach is). Like Duke would not have done what any other school would have done. Hell, CBS and NBC were ordered by the public to fire Imus for just comments! You can't sue Duke, you have to sue our culture for rushing to judgments and being politically correct.
CBS and NBC weren't "ordered" to do anything. They made a business decision based on the desires of their viewers and listeners. They decided that their companies weren't well represented by Imus, which is fine with me. If they'd decided otherwise, that would have been fine with me too.
You are still holding to this small-minded view point? I'd love to know what happened in your past for you to make such sweeping generalizations about a group of people (lacrosse players).
Also, if you are going to spout your BS, at least get your facts straight. The coach isn't going to sue Duke, he was already offered a settlement from Duke and quietly accepted it....find a new topic, or group of kids to spew your hate at...
Are your opinions consistent on this? For example, would you feel sorry for a drunk stripper who was raped at a party, or would you say she should've been smarter?
Does anyone deserve to be raped? No. Will I feel less sorry for a drunk stripper or drunk sorority sister who is raped than for a sober woman walking to her car in a parking garage? Yes. More people should think like this.
Sorry, the last interview I heard yesterday said the players were thinking about suing the school and that the coach was already involved in a suit. I don't follow this story that closely, because I don't care about anyone involved. They all fucked up.
At my school the lacrosse players were the wildest of the athletes, and I've heard that is common. Do I know that for a fact? No. Did I still make a joke about it here? Yep. Do I like to answer my own questions? You bet.
Is it more fun to say something on here that might anger someone than waste time actually posting on here to agree with something someone else has alread said? Yep.
"Oh, you think Nifong should be disbarred too? Wow, this is some amazing dialogue we got going!"
And as for screwing drunk girls at parties, I'd say it sounds like someone is just a little pissed about never having had the opportunity.
I didn't go to any parties in college. I do not like being around drunk people. You brought a woman into your party so that she could take all her clothes off for you. That is perverted.
I happen to agree with the above...
while many want to portray those accused as completely innocent victims...they chose to hire a random stripper to dance at a key party full of underage students...
they played with fire and got burnt...
No one is portraying them as completely innocent, they ARE completely innocent.
so you say...
innocent is a subjective term....
listen, I'm glad our justice system worked in this point is this, they chose to hire a random stripper to dance at party, which happened to provide booze to underage people...the choice in doing so lead to some unintended consequences...plan and simple...
is that hard to understand...?
NO, not "so I say." So says the AG of the state you live in, who not only dropped the charges but declared them "innocent." His words, not mine.
I can't see how anyone can say the the consequences were justified because the kids had a party. It is so dismissive of what really went on here.
This was more or less a once in a lifetime injustice, the AG declared them innocent, and the DA was disbarred. That is about as common as a unicorn sighting.
It must be tough, you know, being so black and white in a world full of gray....
anyhoo...people make choices...they made a didn't go so well....
yes, nifong is gone...yes, the AG declared them "innocent"...yes, all college kids party...and yes, they made a choice to attend a party with a stripper, and lots of alcohol....tell me again, how'd that end up for them...?
you see, I understand your point, and I don't disagree with you...however, I doubt you can grasp my point...
haha, I can "grasp" your point, and it is hogwash and inapplicable to this set of facts.
Seriously, think about what happened before issuing a standard, "they made some bad choices and got burnt." You are the one who cannot grasp what happened here, and you are connecting point A to point C, without looking at point B.
Yes they had a party, and yes a woman falsely cried rape. If that was all that happened I could see your point, not that I would agree, but i could understand your prespective.
However, the DA was crooked. It should have ended there, a cursory review of the evidence, would have lead to the charges being dropped and no one would have ever heard about this matter. Instead the DA, along with many in the media attacked the players for months (did you watch Nancy Grace during this time period?) and then the DA indicted them, which eventually lead to his disbarment.
Forever, those 3 kids will have the "Duke rape suspect" tag attached to them. If the DA had done his job, you likely wouldn't even know Duke had a lacrosse team. To say that the party and their arguably poor judgment were causually related to the outcome is a stretch.
Just announced that today Duke offered a settlement to the 3 boys, which was accepted. So your worries are over now.
question: would we be talking about this case if they did not hire a stripper to entertain at their party...?
Doesn't that sound like a great name for an anti-terrorist Special Forces action hero?
Sgt. Duke LaCross of the super secret Special Ops forces known as Omega X... finds his way into the deepest tunnels in Pakistan and bare-handedly strangles Usama Bin Laden... who has this Darth Vader-like armor suit built by the French and Germans that gives him super human strength.
Hail, Hail!!!
No, and that is called a "but for" cause. In fact, one could argue that, "but for" every single thing that the players did, and the strippers did (both "right" and "wrong") prior to that moment, in their entire lives, this would not have happened.
Now, for those willing to go beyond the lowest level of reason, they would look to "intervening" causes, which actually matter. That is, the 1) false claim of rape; and 2) negligent actions of the DA as the real reason this happened. NOT the party.