Stars And Stripes Of Corruption

Finally got to Washington in the middle of the night / I couldn’t wait / I headed straight for the Capitol Mall / My heart began to pound / Yahoo! It really exists / The American International Pictures logo / I looked up at that Capitol building / Couldn’t help but wonder why / I felt like saying, “Hello, old friend” / Walked up the hill to touch it / Then I unzipped my pants / And pissed on it when nobody was looking / Like a great eternal Klansman / With his two flashing red eyes / Turn around, he’s always watching / The Washington monument pricks the sky / With flags for pubic hair ringed ‘round the bottom / The symbols of our heritage / Lit up proudly in the night / Somehow fits to see the homeless people / Passed out on the lawn / So this is where it all happens / The power games and bribes / All lobbying for a piece of ass / Of the stars and stripes of corruption / Makes me feel so ashamed / To be an American / When we’re too stick up to learn from our mistakes / Trying to start another Viet Nam / While fiddling while Rome burns at home / The Boss says, “You’re laid off. Blame the Japanese” / “America’s back”, all right / At the game it plays the worst / Strip mining the world like a slave plantation / No wonder others hate us / And the Hitlers we hand-pick / To bleed their people dry / For our evil empire / The drug we’re fed / To make us like it / Is God and country with a bang / People we know who should know better / Howl, “America rules. Let’s go to war!” / Business scams are what’s worth dying for / Are the Soviets our worst enemy? / We’re destroying ourselves instead / Who cares about our civil rights / As long as I get paid? / The blind Me Generation / Doesn’t care if life’s a lie / So easily used, so proud to enforce / The stars and stripes of corruption / Let’s bring it tall down! / Tell me who’s the real patriots / The Archie Bunker slobs waning flags? / Or the people with the guts to work / For some real change / Rednecks and bombs don’t make us strong / We loot the world, yet we can’t even feed ourselves / Our real test of strength is caring / Not the war toys we sell the world / Just carry on, thankful to be farmed like worms / Old glory for a blanket / As you suck on your thumbs / Real freedom scares you / ‘Cause it means responsibility / So you chicken out and threaten me / Saying, “Love it or leave it” / I’ll get beat up if I criticize it / You say you’ll fight to the death / To save your useless flag / If you want a banana republic that bad / Why don’t you go move to one / But what can just one of us do - / Against all that money and power / Trying to crush us into roaches? / We don’t destroy society in a day / Until we change ourselves first / From the inside out / We can start by not trying so much / And treating other people like dirt / It’s easy not to base our lives / On how much we can scam / And you know / It feels good to life that monkey off our backs / I’m thankful I live in a place / Where I can say the things I do / Without being taken out and shot / So I’m on guard against the goons / Trying to take my rights away / We’ve got to rise above the need for cops and laws / Let kids learn communication / Instead of schools pushing competition / How about more art and theater instead of sports? / People will always do drugs / Let’s legalize them / Crime drops when the mob can’t price them / Budget’s in the red? / Let’s tax religion / No one will do it for us / We’ll just have to fix it ourselves / Honesty ain’t all that hard / Just put Rambo back inside your pants / Causing trouble for the system is much more fun / Thank you for the toilet paper / But your flag is meaningless to me / Look around, we’re all people / Who needs countries anyway? / Our land, I love it too / I think I love it more than you / I care enough to fight / The stars and stripes of corruption / Let’s bring it all down! / If we don’t try / If we just lie / If we can’t find / A way to do better than this / Who will?