"The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot

I would like to shortly present the book I just read called ”The holographic universe” by Michael Talbot. Link as follows to wikipedia on the author and relevant links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Talbot
Put shortly, the book takes as starting points and lean heavily on the theories of a physicist named David Bohm and a neurosurgeon named Karl Pribram, both who in different ways argue for a holographic model of the universe and the brain, respectively. The point of a hologram is that it is a 3-dimensional representation in which all information about the whole is contained in the parts, and the information of the parts contained in the whole. The consequence is that the universe is an unbroken whole that cannot really be divided into parts.
The book presents a lot of experiments and scientific findings to corroborate this theory, perhaps the centrepiece from physics being the ability of two tiny particles shot away from eachother at a speed which denies information to travel between them via light, still can gain information about eachother and align accordingly. From this starting point the book goes on to many different types of phenomena, from medical cases, the apparent power of the mind to many kinds of paranormal phenomena which are all fitted together into a comprehensive theory of everything which allows for these phenomena to exist. Another main point being centered around the mind’s healing power and ability to influence it’s surroundings as well.
There’s a lot more to this, but the main arguments is that the universe is just a hologram, or wave frequency which our minds (also frequencies) interpret into our experienced world. Since the solidness of reality is first and foremost an illusion, we have the power and ability to change parts of it using only our mind.
Actually there is too much going on in that book for me to cram it into a couple of paragraphs here. And I think I am making a bungle of it right now.
As a criticism, I posit that many of the leaps and conclusions Talbot land at throughout the book is lightly corroborated at times. I am not completely sure whether I buy into all of it, or even the grand total theory he proposes. Nevertheless, much of what he relates is very interesting in and by themselves, even if one does not buy the whole package.
As for my personal opinion of this book, I must say it was a spiritual experience for me really. Maybe the world doesn’t work like he proposes, but I hope with all my heart that it does, as the picture he presents is truly beautiful and meaningful. Many parts of it also underscored and clarified notions and beliefs I was already entertaining. The book goes from physics via lots of different kinds of miracles (medical and otherwise) and the paranormal and ends up in what is basically the spiritual realm, and it does so fluently and naturally.
Also, I do like one of the points he emphasizes a couple of times throughout, as a criticism towards modern science, namely that science should also consider what is reported outside the laboratory by thousands of people today and through the ages and at least treat it as there being “something” there, even if it’s hard to know what it would be. Or as he quotes from a physicist I think (possibly Bohm): “It is of more interest to know what’s probable about the important things, than to be certain about the trivial”.
*gets off soapbox*
*readies himself for questions or comments*
Put shortly, the book takes as starting points and lean heavily on the theories of a physicist named David Bohm and a neurosurgeon named Karl Pribram, both who in different ways argue for a holographic model of the universe and the brain, respectively. The point of a hologram is that it is a 3-dimensional representation in which all information about the whole is contained in the parts, and the information of the parts contained in the whole. The consequence is that the universe is an unbroken whole that cannot really be divided into parts.
The book presents a lot of experiments and scientific findings to corroborate this theory, perhaps the centrepiece from physics being the ability of two tiny particles shot away from eachother at a speed which denies information to travel between them via light, still can gain information about eachother and align accordingly. From this starting point the book goes on to many different types of phenomena, from medical cases, the apparent power of the mind to many kinds of paranormal phenomena which are all fitted together into a comprehensive theory of everything which allows for these phenomena to exist. Another main point being centered around the mind’s healing power and ability to influence it’s surroundings as well.
There’s a lot more to this, but the main arguments is that the universe is just a hologram, or wave frequency which our minds (also frequencies) interpret into our experienced world. Since the solidness of reality is first and foremost an illusion, we have the power and ability to change parts of it using only our mind.
Actually there is too much going on in that book for me to cram it into a couple of paragraphs here. And I think I am making a bungle of it right now.
As a criticism, I posit that many of the leaps and conclusions Talbot land at throughout the book is lightly corroborated at times. I am not completely sure whether I buy into all of it, or even the grand total theory he proposes. Nevertheless, much of what he relates is very interesting in and by themselves, even if one does not buy the whole package.
As for my personal opinion of this book, I must say it was a spiritual experience for me really. Maybe the world doesn’t work like he proposes, but I hope with all my heart that it does, as the picture he presents is truly beautiful and meaningful. Many parts of it also underscored and clarified notions and beliefs I was already entertaining. The book goes from physics via lots of different kinds of miracles (medical and otherwise) and the paranormal and ends up in what is basically the spiritual realm, and it does so fluently and naturally.
Also, I do like one of the points he emphasizes a couple of times throughout, as a criticism towards modern science, namely that science should also consider what is reported outside the laboratory by thousands of people today and through the ages and at least treat it as there being “something” there, even if it’s hard to know what it would be. Or as he quotes from a physicist I think (possibly Bohm): “It is of more interest to know what’s probable about the important things, than to be certain about the trivial”.
*gets off soapbox*
*readies himself for questions or comments*
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Post edited by Unknown User on
However I did find the section you mentioned below a somewhat stereotypical crticism of science from an author who is convinced that there must be 'something there'. The reason why paranormal experiences and the like have not verified scientifically is not because they have never been considered, but because the experiences amount to no more then anectdotal evience that cannot be replicated. They are more parsimoneously explained by the human tendency to want their to be something else out there, or our ability to misinterpret naturally occuring phenomena.
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except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
The question is if not anecdotal evidence should be worthy of consideration, if there piles up enough of it. And it also poses the question whether the subjectless observer is a useful or even realistic ideal. There was an important turn on this with the phenomenological turn, the acceptance of qualitative data, and the dethronement of quantitative and lab-measures in science. At least within social sciences there were such a turn, anyway.
I recommend going on reading. I was kinda put off at first as well, but it gets better. Interesting subject matter in any case.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Well, now it sounds boring.
No sale.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
The book is some of the more intriguing cosmology/theory of everything I have ever read until now.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
I guess that's cool that you have that interpretation. I don't read much of this kind of thing, but it does sound entertaining, to me.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I think all physicists would like the universe to behave this way, but most realize that's just a fantasy.
On what grounds do you think that most physicists would want that, and further how most of them see it as a fantasy anyway? The big theories of everything in science are poorly corroborated most of them, even the most popular ones. This holographic theory looks promising for further inquiry into it, as far as I can see.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Not to my knowledge he isn't. I think he dies of cancer years ago, although I could be wrong. He was freinds with Whitley Strieber - who wrote 'Communion'.
The Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer arrived at the same conclusion by way of raional deduction. The Eastern Philosophers and mystics/shamen the world over also believed in these things. Finally science has caught up.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Maybe this one: Check out his in/famous essay on women. It's a hoot!
The idea of a Holographic Universe can mean one of two things. First is how you suggested with the whole containing all the parts like a hologram card. Or also I call this a fractal universe and I also agree that is a likely probability. The second meaning is that internally we all take in waves of light and waves of sound and we interpret those, just as we interpret the atomic repulsion as solidity. I also believe this to be true, I'd go so far as to say I know that is true.
Besides that we can't actually do a lot, we can't manipulate any of that stuff in physical reality. We can only interpret it differently. If we can do that then what are we really doing? Are we interpreting it any better at that point? I don't know. I've no reason to think I'm bigger than the universe. If I could manipulate the universe, what would everyone else do? I exist within a reality that has pretty solid understandings. Walls are typically impenetrable and I cannot see through them. I'm satisfied with that. That is something I know. I know it because I'm a human being and not an atom. I exist at this point in the universe.
Maybe it does explain some phenomena the way that quantum physics might. But it's far to speculative, I'm willing to bet there are far simpler and less gratifying explanations for most phenomena. Like alien abductions, NDEs, OBEs, they are probably all just hallucinations. That's reality man, it's cold, it's hardcore, it doesn't give a shit. On the other hand, we can make it better by positively influencing it. We aren't just victims of reality, we can manipulate it physically, our attitudes have a huge impact on our behavior and the reality we experience. That's the internal reality.
Anyway, that's what I think about it. This guy Talbot is a fantasy writer, he's bound to think like this. Many scientists either believe in some fantasy or wish they could, but most of them tend to recognize certain things as reality. For example Einstein said "Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as well as the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.". He acknowledge determinism, but then claimed their to be some God or piper. Arthur Schopenhauer also said "A man can surely do what he wills to do, but cannot determine what he wills.", since you guys mentioned him. However Schopenhauer believed in some kind of cosmic intelligence, or God like Einstein.
Tell that to a shaman and he/she will laugh at your arrogance. Just as they'd laugh at the self-imposed certainties of most people in the 'modern' world. It all comes down to perception and levels of consciousness/awareness. You would not feel the same way about concrete objects if you were lucid dreaming, or experiencing a trance state. You would also not feel the same way with regards to your physical environment if you'd been born and raised a member of the Amazonian Yanomami tribe, for example.
Indeed you do. But being able to change your surroundings does not in itself make you omnipotent or anything. It may just be that we have the potential for a bigger and in Talbot's view more direct interaction with the fabric of reality. He draws the concept of the holographic universe and it's (possible) consequences all the way. Which means that time and space are not constants, as the hologram always contains all information and nothing is lost. It may be a bit speculative, and I also expressed some reservations to that effect. But I'm not quite as willing to dismiss it all as "hallucinations" first hand either. Besides, many paranormal phenomena he describes goes way beyond "point of view" problems and affects physical reality. Consider the medical records of miraculous healings and the effect of mental disposition on health for instance. That part of the book, he makes his best case I feel.
Since he also writes fiction we cannot trust him? Besides, much of the theory is not his, but derived mainly from the work of Bohm and Pribram. Having a good writer present a theory is not necessarily so wrong is it? And this theory doesn't decide the determinism/free will debate either, although the author tends towards free will. It can just as easily fall into a determinist position. Or quoting Bohm himself on the subject from the following website http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/science/prat-boh.htm:
Anyway, I find the ideas intriguing and worth pursuit. And although Talbot perhaps tries to cover a bit too much, and add together more than he may have good reason to, the basis of the idea seems pretty solid. As solid as any comprehensive theory on reality at any rate. I'd recommend you to read at least the first chapters concerning the physics and the medical side of it, and look away from the latter chapters delving into various paranormal and in the end spiritual subjects. Especially since you dont seem totally alien to the idea of holographic reality.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Well the Shamans aren't walking through walls, are they? If it was possible and these Shamans had acheived it, we would all know beyond a doubt, it'd be recorded on video and broadcast around the world, scientists would be studying the phenomena. No. What happens is they take psychoactive drugs or meditate to put themselves into a psychoactive mental state. They may feel like they are transcending reality, but in reality they are convulsing on the floor, and when they die from over-dose, what do you call that? Becoming one with the universe? No wonder so many people kill themselves to acheive spiritual oneness with the universe. Hey, next time a comet flies by let's suicide and we will all become God.
Yea, I think Talbot is stretching it too far, it's ruined the meaning of the science.
My Catholic Philosopher friend wants me to read another book after, I can't remember what it's called, but he says it will challenge my beliefs, so I'm guessing it's from his perspective, I said I would, I've no quams with reading an opposing viewpoint, but doubt he will read anything I suggest.
So you believe that we are merely physical entities and nothing else besides?
You sound pretty confident for someone who has never had a shamanic/mystical experience.
I've taken drugs before.
Salvia Divinorium is one version of sage plant used by Shamans. It could be legally purchased at High Times in Canada. It causes a psychoactive hallucination, and convulsion, very possibly leading to death in some cases. The experiences it induces will make the greatest skeptics believe they experienced an alternate reality, while in this reality they are overdosing and dying. The full effects of the drug aren't known, but it's my guess that it activates a part of the brain responsible for belief.
It's not that I've never looked into these theories, it's just that the alternate possibilities, the not so fantastic possibilities are actually quite tragic.
You should check this out: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Breaking-Open-Head-Daniel-Pinchbeck/dp/0007149611/ref=sr_1_8/203-0570104-2124748?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1176430528&sr=1-8
And whilst your at it...
Not all shamans use drugs to achieve heightened states of consciousness. Some use drumming. Others use dancing. Others still use meditation.
I understand that. I'm really not interested in convincing myself that life is a dream. I don't want to be an empty shell laying on the floor while thinking I'm in some other reality. I'm quite content with this reality. I've also no reason to believe that I am beyond this reality.