interesting JFK fact....

I got a two dvd set on JFK by the History Channel from the library the other day...
anyway....apparently JFK was a rather sickly child...and later adult (very bad back, and intenstinal disease - which the family/administration very actively hid from the public).
he was read his last rights (in anticipation he would die shortly) 5 times in his life. 2-3 while a small child....and 1-2 later on in his adult life.
interesting aye?
anyway....apparently JFK was a rather sickly child...and later adult (very bad back, and intenstinal disease - which the family/administration very actively hid from the public).
he was read his last rights (in anticipation he would die shortly) 5 times in his life. 2-3 while a small child....and 1-2 later on in his adult life.
interesting aye?
“Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish can grow double, triple, or quadruple its size.”
-Big Fish
-Big Fish
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Joe Jr was a built athlete and made better grades, he was the obvious choice to come out as a candidate type....then the heroic PT-109 stuff went down and Joe Jr had to outdo his younger sibling and meet his fate in a fiery crash
the rescue mission brought even more physical maladies for JFK, in addition to the back injury he swallowed a bunch of fuel which did all kinds of internal damage
addendum: note how the big lib really came through in the clutch while the hawks always seem to skip out on their service
That is interesting.
On the subject of his last rights, another "amusing" anecdote is that when the motorcade got to Parkland, with JFK dead on arrival and after the doctors tried revive him anyhow, the priest came to read him his last rights ...
whatever section of the bible he had opened to and began reading, Jackie O. ddid NOT find this comforting and interjected, "no. no. no! his last rights, don't you understand? His ... last ... rights!" ... the priest immediately paused, thumbed to a different section and began reading anew.
I was fascinated by that tidbit, along with the mention that she did not cry at all during the events of that day (some say due to severe shock trauma, i tend to believe it was more through sheer resolve and character) and only later in the week, at the funeral, did she openly grieve.
She did say several indicatory things though. When she was on the back of the motorcade holding John, she said (per John Connoly), "My god, i've got his brains in my hand".
And then on three different occassions, including the most memorable, when with her clothes covered in his blood, a reporter asked her if she might want to change in to fresh dress, said, "No. I want everyone to see what they did to him".
She said that 3 times that day, "what they did to him".
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Bobby getting gunned down I think is as sad as it gets. He would have been a great President.
also...during the cuban missle crisis...the actual tapes of those events from the white house show how great a leader he was...
all his military and advisors said.."invade Cuba"...JFK was litterally one of the only ones who wanted another option.
then they had a Russian guy who was manning some of the missles...and he said they had like 90 nukes aimed at us...and if we had invaded...the last thing he would do before he died was shoot every last one of those missles at the u.s.
(thank God he didn't listen to his war hawk military advisors on that one...)
-Big Fish
It's a great account of history and after reading it I can see how JFK adapted some of it's lessons into his thinking.
Clinton and Bush Jr. are the torch bearers for skipping out on the military service.
Bobby got gunned down by "the establishment" as well.
There is apparently a good bit of controversy over the Sirhan Sirhan lone gunman theory. I have yet to dig in to that.
Either way, you're right.
From what little i know he had done so much in his previous positions to motivate and magnetize the people around him. It is sad that the Kennedys never really had their time in office. It is real sad.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Theodore Roosevelt Jr served in both World Wars, and as the assistant division commander of the 4th Infantry Division as a brigadier general, Roosevelt was the first off his landing craft at Utah Beach. He was also the only general to land with the first wave of troops on D-Day. (Roosevelt was portrayed by Henry Fonda in the 1962 war classic The Longest Day.) A presidents son in the first wave of troops on D-Day! He could've stayed on the ship with the other generals, but he was the first out of the boat.
5/16/06 - Chicago, IL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
5/4/10 - St Louis, MO
...tickle my nausea...
I watched that recently. They made mention on more than one occasion that he always said and truly believed that he would not live a long life. He expected to die young.
And it was definitely interesting to watch.