13 Points of Jewish Mysticism

I'm a Christian...but I'm reading a bit on Kabbalah as I think there is Wisdom in all religions. And heck..if there was ever a mystic Jew..it was Jesus. Anyway, thought I'd share some cool stuff I've really liked. So in the late 1500's there was a sect of Jewish Mystics living in a village called Safed...and this was their creed:
1. Forbearance in the face of Evil
2. Patience in enduring Evil
3. Pardon, to the point of erasing the evil suffered
4. Total Identification with your neighbor
5. Complete Absense of anger, combined with appropriate action
6. Mercy, to the point of recalling only the good qualities of his tormentor
7. Eliminating all traces of vengefulness.
8. Forgetting suffering inflicted on yourself by others and remembering the good
9. Compassion for the suffering without judging them.
10. Truthfulness
11. Mercy beyond the letter of the law with the good.
12. Assisting the wicked to improve without judging them.
13. Remembering all human beings always in the innocence of their infancy.
1. Forbearance in the face of Evil
2. Patience in enduring Evil
3. Pardon, to the point of erasing the evil suffered
4. Total Identification with your neighbor
5. Complete Absense of anger, combined with appropriate action
6. Mercy, to the point of recalling only the good qualities of his tormentor
7. Eliminating all traces of vengefulness.
8. Forgetting suffering inflicted on yourself by others and remembering the good
9. Compassion for the suffering without judging them.
10. Truthfulness
11. Mercy beyond the letter of the law with the good.
12. Assisting the wicked to improve without judging them.
13. Remembering all human beings always in the innocence of their infancy.
“Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish can grow double, triple, or quadruple its size.”
-Big Fish
-Big Fish
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