Those American Express commercials (giving 5 mil. in charity)

THCTHC Posts: 525
edited June 2007 in A Moving Train
Have people seen these commercials? They run very very often. They have Ellen, Andre Agassi, Cheryl Crow, etc. and the commercial is being directed by Scorsese.

Well...they say that they will fund one idea (UP TO 5 million dollars worth) go to a cause you like. African relief...youth, Lake Winnepesaukah.....whatever.

After seeing at least the 20th commercial...I can't help but realize that Amercian Express has paid probably 20 times that much (the "up to" 5 million they say they will give away) in advertizing about how charitable they are, then money they will actually give. Then at the end....they are like....Remember....start signing up, because the more you sign up...the more money we will give.

What a load of crap! Talking about nothing more then a public relations campaign. I don't even view this AS charity. Its nothing but SHAMELESS self promotion.
“Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish can grow double, triple, or quadruple its size.”
-Big Fish
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  • porchdwellerporchdweller Posts: 228
    It is shameless self promotion, but American Express believe it or not is a progressive company that does fund many charitable projects. PR, do good and tell about it. I guess it's better than doing nothing at all like most companies or doing very little and making it seem like it's a lot.
    "That's part of the curse: If you're gonna play the song, you better play it. I've tried to phone in "Jeremy" a few times, and it's tough. It doesn't work."

    THC wrote:
    Have people seen these commercials? They run very very often. They have Ellen, Andre Agassi, Cheryl Crow, etc. and the commercial is being directed by Scorsese.

    Well...they say that they will fund one idea (UP TO 5 million dollars worth) go to a cause you like. African relief...youth, Lake Winnepesaukah.....whatever.

    After seeing at least the 20th commercial...I can't help but realize that Amercian Express has paid probably 20 times that much (the "up to" 5 million they say they will give away) in advertizing about how charitable they are, then money they will actually give. Then at the end....they are like....Remember....start signing up, because the more you sign up...the more money we will give.

    What a load of crap! Talking about nothing more then a public relations campaign. I don't even view this AS charity. Its nothing but SHAMELESS self promotion.

    I can't help but realize that instead of bashing AMEX, you could spend the time doing charity work!
  • Royals32Royals32 Posts: 160
    THC wrote:
    Have people seen these commercials? They run very very often. They have Ellen, Andre Agassi, Cheryl Crow, etc. and the commercial is being directed by Scorsese.

    Well...they say that they will fund one idea (UP TO 5 million dollars worth) go to a cause you like. African relief...youth, Lake Winnepesaukah.....whatever.

    After seeing at least the 20th commercial...I can't help but realize that Amercian Express has paid probably 20 times that much (the "up to" 5 million they say they will give away) in advertizing about how charitable they are, then money they will actually give. Then at the end....they are like....Remember....start signing up, because the more you sign up...the more money we will give.

    What a load of crap! Talking about nothing more then a public relations campaign. I don't even view this AS charity. Its nothing but SHAMELESS self promotion.

    So when Dodge advertises their vans on sale for $249/month with no money down, isn't that a shameless self promo? They don't even say they're going to donate anything to anyone (I used Dodge, but insert Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Mastercard etc...).

    You buy the airtime on TV to self promote your product. That's the point. If someone else benefits out of the process, what's wrong with that? Camp Whateveranockee gets 20 free new boats, a new dock and 10 fully stocked beer fridges. Great for them. Great for AmEx for sharing. They were going to spend that money on ads anyway (see the Master Card Priceless campaign), so at least now someone else gets a piece of the pie - even if it's a relatively small piece...
    #==(o )

    You are not your job.
    You are not how much money you have in the bank.
    You are not the car you drive.
    You are not the contents of your wallet.
    You are not your fucking khakis.
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    I think it's pretty bad to criticize charity...regardless of the form the charity assumes.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    yeah most companies are in business to make money, so that their stockholders and employees can make money, and they can deliver a quality product. Giving it all away would mean eventually they'd have nothing more to give away. Then they themselves would need charity.

    Them buying that air time employees other people too.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • spiral outspiral out Posts: 1,052
    They only give to charity because it's tax free thus saving them money.
    Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!

    The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
  • Royals32Royals32 Posts: 160
    spiral out wrote:
    They only give to charity because it's tax free thus saving them money.

    You're sorta right, but that doesn't mean it's bad that they're donating $5,000,000. I don't think it's the ONLY reason. Either way, that's a lot of money.

    That reminds me of a Seinfeld episode...

    Kramer: "It's a write-off for them."
    Jerry: "How is it a write-off?"
    Kramer: "They just write it off."
    Jerry: "Write it off what?"
    Kramer: "Jerry, all these big companies, they write off everything."
    Jerry: "You don't even know what a write-off is."
    Kramer: "Do you?"
    Jerry: "No, I don't, but they do. And they're the ones writing it off. I wish I had the last twenty seconds of my life back."

    Episode: "The Package"
    #==(o )

    You are not your job.
    You are not how much money you have in the bank.
    You are not the car you drive.
    You are not the contents of your wallet.
    You are not your fucking khakis.
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    spiral out wrote:
    They only give to charity because it's tax free thus saving them money.

    not exactly, charitable giving just takes the intermediary IE the goverment out of the picture. Instead of the government choosing how to distribute the wealth they are giving directly to the people that need it so the government takes that out of the tax debt for that amount to an extent anyway. They are still paying the same amount out, it's just that a portion of the tax money is given directly away.

    All tax is ultimately paid by individuals, that's what makes the "windfall profits" taxes so stupid. Corporations pass all thier tax burden to consumers if there is enough demand for their product. It's just going to make the cost go up more.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • THCTHC Posts: 525
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    I can't help but realize that instead of bashing AMEX, you could spend the time doing charity work!

    Currently I am working a year of Americorps at a community mediation center making 12k this year (even though i have a master's degree). I also volunteer 5 hours a week on top of my reg. 40 hr. a week job at a Hispanic Advocacy Non-Profit down the road.

    check and mate :)
    “Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish can grow double, triple, or quadruple its size.”
    -Big Fish
  • THCTHC Posts: 525
    my main point was...if you are going to have a commercial... then have a commercial. don't play off people's good will to make yourself a buck. If you're gonna give...then give. Don't tell everyone how great and altruistic you are when the money you are going to give is .005% of your operating budget. Especially when they are going to make more money off this campaign then anyone will.
    “Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish can grow double, triple, or quadruple its size.”
    -Big Fish
  • blackredyellowblackredyellow Posts: 5,889
    THC wrote:
    Currently I am working a year of Americorps at a community mediation center making 12k this year (even though i have a master's degree). I also volunteer 5 hours a week on top of my reg. 40 hr. a week job at a Hispanic Advocacy Non-Profit down the road.

    check and mate :)

    So the organizations that you work for couldn't use the money that amex is donating?

    I just don't get the point of complaining about the motives of someone who is donating millions of dollars to charity. They would be purchasing airtime to advertise anyway, why not make it for a good reason, even if it means good PR for the company.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • Royals32Royals32 Posts: 160
    THC wrote:
    Currently I am working a year of Americorps at a community mediation center making 12k this year (even though i have a master's degree). I also volunteer 5 hours a week on top of my reg. 40 hr. a week job at a Hispanic Advocacy Non-Profit down the road.

    check and mate :)

    So what if American Expess donated $5,000,000 to either of the charities you are involved with?

    *Edit* blackredyellow beat me to the question...
    #==(o )

    You are not your job.
    You are not how much money you have in the bank.
    You are not the car you drive.
    You are not the contents of your wallet.
    You are not your fucking khakis.
  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    i think the underlying thing here is that charitable and corporate social responsibility is becoming bigger these days ... with investment in socially responsible companies on the upswing and consumers now using these indicators to determine where they spend their money ... this is a logical off-shoot ...

    any company who aims to do "good" has to be prepared for cynicism and criticism ... same with individuals ... it's all part and parcel ... if their intentions are pure - then i'm pretty sure they don't care too much ...
  • THCTHC Posts: 525
    I just don't get the point of complaining about the motives of someone who is donating millions of dollars to charity. They would be purchasing airtime to advertise anyway, why not make it for a good reason, even if it means good PR for the company.

    Yeah...i suppose my org. would want the money to use. I'm not gonna lie. I guess my opinion comes from a more statistical point of view. I guess i liken it to a rich guy at church who wants everyone to know he has just given 100 dollars into the jar, or whatever. And then he tells you about it all week long...Oh...i put a hundo in the jar!..I put a hundo in the jar...tell everyone! (when in actuality that hundred is really nothing to him. its like a nickel to someone else.). Then there is an old women who is not rich, far from it. She puts in 5 bucks, but to her it is much more of her net worth perportionately. And she doesn't tell anyone. She gives like you are supposed to give. Without expecting anything back. AMEX IS EXPECTING SOMETHING BACK. they are expecting more customers...more revenue...and a better perceived public image. They are far from giving for the right reasons.

    And yes...i realize...this can get into a somewhat retorical question of does it matter what someone's reason's are for giving. There are lots of ways to look at it....but i'm just getting a bit fed up w/ seeing this commercials 10 times a night!
    “Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish can grow double, triple, or quadruple its size.”
    -Big Fish
  • godpt3godpt3 Posts: 1,020
    I think it was AMEX (but it might have been one of the other CC companies) that had the balls to use John Lennon's Imagine (cutting out all the relevant bits in the process) in a comercial during Christmas time several years ago. I've never forgiven them for that.

    Besides, all advertising is just a legalized form of rape.
    "If all those sweet, young things were laid end to end, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised."
    —Dorothy Parker
    THC wrote:
    Currently I am working a year of Americorps at a community mediation center making 12k this year (even though i have a master's degree). I also volunteer 5 hours a week on top of my reg. 40 hr. a week job at a Hispanic Advocacy Non-Profit down the road.

    check and mate :)

    That is very admirable!....sorry for my cynicism!

    Back to the issue you raised.

    Off course, Amex is doing it, to some degree, for glory. But, some worthy organization is going to get $5M.

    If Amex offered your mediation center a $5M donation, would you question their intentions, or would you take the money and use it to better the community?

    I could see someone taking issue if some dodgy organization (racist, radical political/religious) offered money, but, in the big picture, AMEX ain't so bad!
  • THCTHC Posts: 525
    JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    That is very admirable!....sorry for my cynicism!

    Back to the issue you raised.

    Off course, Amex is doing it, to some degree, for glory. But, some worthy organization is going to get $5M.

    If Amex offered your mediation center a $5M donation, would you question their intentions, or would you take the money and use it to better the community?

    I could see someone taking issue if some dodgy organization (racist, radical political/religious) offered money, but, in the big picture, AMEX ain't so bad!

    apology accepted :)

    I actually disagree. I think cc companies are actually very bad. It scares me how much power and influence they have. Charging someone 20% interest (which is typical for someone without great credit), is almost like stealing!

    * point that pisses me off most about this is that people will logically say...Oh..they are giving 5 million*

    (but they are not, they are giving UP TO 5 million...depending on how many new people sign up for the cards). So...they are taking credit for an amount they "may" give to charity. Hell...they may give 1 million, I don't know...and I bet...we'll never really find out how much they gave!
    “Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish can grow double, triple, or quadruple its size.”
    -Big Fish
  • surferdudesurferdude Posts: 2,057
    Pearl Jam has advertised their charitable giving program to their audience of consumers. All Amex is doing is the exact same. Maybe they took the cue from the PJ camp.
    “One good thing about music,
    when it hits you, you feel to pain.
    So brutalize me with music.”
    ~ Bob Marley
    THC wrote:
    apology accepted :)

    I actually disagree. I think cc companies are actually very bad. It scares me how much power and influence they have. Charging someone 20% interest (which is typical for someone without great credit), is almost like stealing!

    * point that pisses me off most about this is that people will logically say...Oh..they are giving 5 million*

    (but they are not, they are giving UP TO 5 million...depending on how many new people sign up for the cards). So...they are taking credit for an amount they "may" give to charity. Hell...they may give 1 million, I don't know...and I bet...we'll never really find out how much they gave!

    Sure, CC companies are bad, but AMEX makes most of their money on fees, as opposed to interest.

    Charging 20% interest is crazy, but, except for those people who are forced to charge their food, medical, other essential needs, those who run up huge credit card debt are paying the price for enjoying something now, even if they can't afford it.

    People here have mentioned that they run-up their credit card debt to travel to see PJ perform. Traveling to a gig isn't a true "need" ( please don't debate this :) ), so those people are electing to pay 20% on a loan to see the band.

    A lot of credit card debt gets unpaid, so part of the blame for high rates must go to those never end up paying their credit card debts.
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    THC wrote:
    Yeah...i suppose my org. would want the money to use. I'm not gonna lie. I guess my opinion comes from a more statistical point of view. I guess i liken it to a rich guy at church who wants everyone to know he has just given 100 dollars into the jar, or whatever. And then he tells you about it all week long...Oh...i put a hundo in the jar!..I put a hundo in the jar...tell everyone! (when in actuality that hundred is really nothing to him. its like a nickel to someone else.). Then there is an old women who is not rich, far from it. She puts in 5 bucks, but to her it is much more of her net worth perportionately. And she doesn't tell anyone. She gives like you are supposed to give. Without expecting anything back. AMEX IS EXPECTING SOMETHING BACK. they are expecting more customers...more revenue...and a better perceived public image. They are far from giving for the right reasons.

    And yes...i realize...this can get into a somewhat retorical question of does it matter what someone's reason's are for giving. There are lots of ways to look at it....but i'm just getting a bit fed up w/ seeing this commercials 10 times a night!

    Or maybe you'd rather have the rich guy just not get rich and then he wouldn't have any money to give and would be blameless...?

    Again, I believe charity in any form or for any motivation is admirable and should be encouraged.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • THCTHC Posts: 525
    know1 wrote:
    Again, I believe charity in any form or for any motivation is admirable and should be encouraged.

    duely noted. and i can see the arguement for that point of view w/o a doubt.

    I just don't like when big corps. who makes tons and tons of money then also want you to also tell them how good they are for giving away a few bucks, esp. when its tied into their own profit making scheme.

    but anywho...i'm off for the weekend. have a good one y'all!
    “Kept in a small bowl, the goldfish will remain small. With more space, the fish can grow double, triple, or quadruple its size.”
    -Big Fish
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    THC wrote:
    duely noted. and i can see the arguement for that point of view w/o a doubt.

    I just don't like when big corps. who makes tons and tons of money then also want you to also tell them how good they are for giving away a few bucks, esp. when its tied into their own profit making scheme.

    but anywho...i'm off for the weekend. have a good one y'all!

    I get a tax break when I give to charity. I guess it's all tied to my profit making scheme...?
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • riffrandallriffrandall Posts: 685
    THC wrote:
    duely noted. and i can see the arguement for that point of view w/o a doubt.

    I just don't like when big corps. who makes tons and tons of money then also want you to also tell them how good they are for giving away a few bucks, esp. when its tied into their own profit making scheme.

    but anywho...i'm off for the weekend. have a good one y'all!

    You mean kind of like the person who has a master's degree, and wants to be pat on the back for pointing out that what they earn keeps them below the poverty line?

    Regardless- I see your point. Large corporations pointing out that they give to charity is like someone wanting credit for being a good parent. It's something you should do anyway.
    Just so happens that in our economy, and the fact that the advertisers are cashing in on everyone rushing to be as Green As Possible, the truth is that Amex is only doing what every other conglomerate does in this free economy, jumping on the back of a trend.
    "If you're looking for someone to pull you out of that ditch, you're out of luck."
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    THC wrote:
    Have people seen these commercials? They run very very often. They have Ellen, Andre Agassi, Cheryl Crow, etc. and the commercial is being directed by Scorsese.

    Well...they say that they will fund one idea (UP TO 5 million dollars worth) go to a cause you like. African relief...youth, Lake Winnepesaukah.....whatever.

    After seeing at least the 20th commercial...I can't help but realize that Amercian Express has paid probably 20 times that much (the "up to" 5 million they say they will give away) in advertizing about how charitable they are, then money they will actually give. Then at the end....they are like....Remember....start signing up, because the more you sign up...the more money we will give.

    What a load of crap! Talking about nothing more then a public relations campaign. I don't even view this AS charity. Its nothing but SHAMELESS self promotion.

    yeah, it's like that yogurt that gives to breast cancer (yoplat?) they say they will donate some change for every yogurt top you send in...but the fine print says they will only donate $5,000 or something maximum
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
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