FOX --Report: Israel Preparing to Strike Iran Without U.S. Consent

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Report: Israel Preparing to Strike Iran Without U.S. Consent
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Fox News
Israel is drawing up plans to attack Iran's nuclear facilities and is prepared to launch a strike without backing from the U.S., an Israeli newspaper reported Thursday.
Officials in the Israeli Defense Ministry told The Jerusalem Post that while they prefer to act in consultation with the U.S., they are preparing plans that would allow them to act alone.
"It is always better to coordinate," a senior Defense Ministry official told the newspaper. "But we are also preparing options that do not include coordination."
It would be difficult, but not impossible, to launch a strike against Iran without permission from the U.S., as the American Air Force controls the Iraqi airspace Israel's jets would have to enter on a bombing mission.
"There are a wide range of risks one takes when embarking on such an operation," a senior Israeli official told the Post.
Iran, the world's fourth-largest crude oil producer, maintains that its uranium enrichment activities are aimed at making fuel for a network of planned electricity-generating nuclear power plants and not for developing weapons.
However Israel intelligence sources say Iran has sufficient nuclear material to make an atomic bomb.
Last month, amid mounting fears in Israel that the U.S. was doing nothing to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power, Ehud Olmert, Israel's Prime Minister, warned President Bush the last chance of destroying Tehran’s nuclear bomb-making program was passing.
Iran dismisses the possibility of an Israeli strike.
"We think that regional and international developments and the complicated situation faced by Israel itself will not allow it to launch military strikes against other countries," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi said, according to the Press TV Web site.
"Israel makes threats to promote its psychological and media warfare," Qashqavi said.
A report, published in September in Britain's Guardian newspaper, claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert requested a green light to attack Iran in May but was refused by Bush.
Bueller? Bueller?
Report: Israel Preparing to Strike Iran Without U.S. Consent
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Fox News
Israel is drawing up plans to attack Iran's nuclear facilities and is prepared to launch a strike without backing from the U.S., an Israeli newspaper reported Thursday.
Officials in the Israeli Defense Ministry told The Jerusalem Post that while they prefer to act in consultation with the U.S., they are preparing plans that would allow them to act alone.
"It is always better to coordinate," a senior Defense Ministry official told the newspaper. "But we are also preparing options that do not include coordination."
It would be difficult, but not impossible, to launch a strike against Iran without permission from the U.S., as the American Air Force controls the Iraqi airspace Israel's jets would have to enter on a bombing mission.
"There are a wide range of risks one takes when embarking on such an operation," a senior Israeli official told the Post.
Iran, the world's fourth-largest crude oil producer, maintains that its uranium enrichment activities are aimed at making fuel for a network of planned electricity-generating nuclear power plants and not for developing weapons.
However Israel intelligence sources say Iran has sufficient nuclear material to make an atomic bomb.
Last month, amid mounting fears in Israel that the U.S. was doing nothing to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power, Ehud Olmert, Israel's Prime Minister, warned President Bush the last chance of destroying Tehran’s nuclear bomb-making program was passing.
Iran dismisses the possibility of an Israeli strike.
"We think that regional and international developments and the complicated situation faced by Israel itself will not allow it to launch military strikes against other countries," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi said, according to the Press TV Web site.
"Israel makes threats to promote its psychological and media warfare," Qashqavi said.
A report, published in September in Britain's Guardian newspaper, claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert requested a green light to attack Iran in May but was refused by Bush.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
well, they were thhje first ones to report Bush was the winner in 2000
'How a culture can forget its plan of yesterday
and you swear it's not a trend
it doesn't matter anyway
there's no need to talk as friends
nothing news everyday
all the kids will eat it up
if it's packaged properly'
This is a second hand source (Fox) reporting on information given to the Jerusalem Post ... which is pretty close to the source, as far as war news regarding Israel is concerned.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
sorry...but Bush was never a winner!!
and still jonesing for another show....
"the waiting drove me mad..."
Well rest assured...Obama just won't stand for it.
His undying support, will just have to be put on hold while he takes a big fat dump all over Israel over this non diplomatic route.
In fact, he'll be putting out a statement very shortly to this effect...
any minute now...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Commission Recommends U.S. Use ‘Direct Force’--If Needed--to Stop Iran, N. Korea Nuke Programs
Thursday, December 04, 2008
A bipartisan commission appointed by Congress is warning the incoming Obama administration that it must not rule out the use of “direct force” – military action – against Iran and North Korea, if diplomatic negotiations fail to stop their nuclear weapons programs.
At a news conference Wednesday, asked the commission’s chairman, former Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.), if the panel was recommending that the U.S. take “military action” against Iran and North Korea, if negotiations and other tactics fail.
“We cannot omit from our range of options the use of direct force if other means are unsuccessful,” Graham said.
The Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) Proliferation and Terrorism report contains a series of recommendations to the incoming Obama administration on how to deal with the threat of weapons of mass destruction.
As one of its recommendations, the commission recommends that, as a top priority, “the next administration must stop the Iranian and North Korean nuclear weapons programs.”
The commission was explicit in its language.
“In the case of Iran, this requires the permanent cessation of all of Iran’s nuclear weapons-related efforts,” [WHAT NUCLEAR WEAPONS EFFORTS !?! WTF WORLD IS THIS !?!] the commissioners wrote. “In the case of North Korea, this requires the complete abandonment and dismantlement of all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs.”
The bipartisan panel of former congressmen and experts warned President-elect Obama, however, in no uncertain terms:
“If, as appears likely, the next administration seeks to stop these programs through direct diplomatic engagement with the Iranian and North Korean governments, it must do so from a position of strength, emphasizing both the benefits to them of abandoning their nuclear weapons programs and the enormous costs of failing to do so,” the authors wrote. “Such engagement must be backed by the credible threat of direct action in the event that diplomacy fails.”
“This is a very serious issue,” Graham said, “not only by potentially increasing the nuclear capability of North Korea, adding Iran to one of the nuclear weapons states in the world would become extremely destabilizing to their (respective) regions.”
Graham explained that if North Korea, for instance, continues to add to its “stockpile” then the pressure on South Korea and Japan would weigh heavily, making it very difficult for them to resist responding.
He also said that if Iran acquired nuclear weapons then “Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other countries are going to be under pressure to match Iran’s (nuclear) capabilities.”
“The administration must give these issues the priorities they deserve,” Graham added.
The commission’s sobering report -- "World at Risk" -- goes beyond taking steps to prevent Iran and North Korea from possessing uranium-enrichment or plutonium-reprocessing capabilities.
Former Sen. Jim Talent (R-Mo.), the commission’s co-chairman, said that the “bipartisan, in fact nonpartisan” panel had spent more than six months assessing the risk of terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction, and its “most important” finding is that the risk is growing – not because we have not made progress, but because our enemies have adapted to the changing environment.
Talent warned that the threat of biological weapons outweighs that of nuclear devices because biological weapons are easier to manufacture and duplicate.
Graham said that, based on 250 interviews with academics, scientists, the military and politicians, one conclusion was unanimous: “WMDs will be used somewhere by 2013.”
The commission was established in 2007 as a direct response to the 9/11 Commission warning that “the greatest danger of another catastrophic attack in the United States will materialize if the world’s most dangerous terrorists acquire the world’s most dangerous weapons.”
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Friends...change was a dream...but still something we must all strive for....although it won't happen during my time, or through any of my actions, some point tin the future it might could happen...believe in that and say to yourself yes we can...yes we can change the world with military love.
Yes we can...we must believe.
Please pick up your uniform, guns, and ammo on the way out before loading on the bus, we have lots of terrorists to kill in Afghanistan, Pakstan, and Middle-East-istan, the World-istan, and the universe-istan
Build up that military death force Barry woo! Send out that message of love to the world.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
a report comes out about Israel attacking Iran (for the billionth time)
and the message pit broken record immediately starts blasting Obama like he said we were invading Iran on 1/20/09 :rolleyes:
I can see into the future.
Just wait and see.
The writing is already on the wall, and it's well scripted above what Bammers Malone can do or say about it.
His "diplomacy" talks will fail, and the hawks are already banking large on it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
which will be immediately following a statement on Israel's blockade and banning of the shoud be shortly....
maybe it's on another channel....
<tumble weed blows by>
maybe it's on c-span?
umm......HOPE!!! CHANGE!!!!
'How a culture can forget its plan of yesterday
and you swear it's not a trend
it doesn't matter anyway
there's no need to talk as friends
nothing news everyday
all the kids will eat it up
if it's packaged properly'
Guess who wins?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The guy whose campaign was funded by big banks, and who just appointed a bunch of Big Oil and Big Bank CEOs and executives to his cabinet and transition team is "AGAINST" the system?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If they do bomb Iran it will be with US consent.
Yeap...Bob's your uncle (Tom)...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i mean seriosuly bro, dont you have local issues you could be helping out with in your area?
not to mention, this happens to be the wealthiest and most prosperous country on the planet right now, and has been for almost a century now, so alot fo your bitching and moaning about the fed and the monetary system looks pretty silly if you ask me
find a real cause, you could really be beneficial
fox news is selling hate and fear for profit... just a poor judgement on their part..
the consequenses have already been grave for this behavior..
the more people the worse it will get -
I don't know that we have the capacity to see what is so obvious
Interesting how often you toss the Canadian thing at me. It's laughable.
Are you familiar with the term international bankers?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Just because something produces or maintains "prosperity" doesn't make it right.
Oh, yeah?
I could've sworn our country was going through some economic troubles....
I never understood this concept of we're weal
thy while we have trillions in debt....i'm rich but I owe a couple thousand to my credit cards, behind on my car and house payment and owe all my friends lots of money....other than that im filthy rich!!
'How a culture can forget its plan of yesterday
and you swear it's not a trend
it doesn't matter anyway
there's no need to talk as friends
nothing news everyday
all the kids will eat it up
if it's packaged properly'
Iraq is entering a stage of prosperity right now too.
Well said....
I would just like to add that their is nothing special about America, it is not some 'blessed' country. The only reason it is where it is...simply is because it bullied,killed and destroyed whatever stood in it's way.
It's rich? it's wealthy My2Hands? Sure, how did it get that way? The great will of the American people? No! America raped and stole from other countries.
If America was under occupation, or had sanctions on it. Where would it be?
Not to mention, MOST of the wealth the Fed has created is concentrated in the hands of the top 1-5% of this country's population.
Inflation has managed to DESTROY the wealth of the average American, and has made the saver in to a real LOSER.
The Fed has overseen multiple severe stock market crashes, recessions, rate spirals, and bubble bursts ... has utterly failed to maintain either price stability or full employment (its so called "dual mandates") in the dark times where it's self-created crisis' have put their charge to the test.
In short.
It is beyond worthless to the average american.
It does not work at doing the things it was allegdly created to do,
and it performs disturbingly well as a wealth funnel, redistrubting real wealth from the hands of the taxpayer in to the hands of the elite group of international bankers sitting at the top of the pyramid.
ALL of this is coming home to roost now,
and we still have people arguing that the Fed is somehow related to some great period of prosperity in America?
WAKE UP, for fucks sake.
Is this like the mother and father,
where "hes your son when he fucks up, and he is my son when he does good"
The Fed is RESPONSIBLE for most of the economic ills we have faced in the last 100 years, it is NOT the great provider of wealth and happiness to all!
If I opened it now would you not understand?
the average income has also gotten smaller compared to where it was in the '70's
'How a culture can forget its plan of yesterday
and you swear it's not a trend
it doesn't matter anyway
there's no need to talk as friends
nothing news everyday
all the kids will eat it up
if it's packaged properly'
In 2003, it was just over 100,000 per household.
That's some sweet usury right there.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
That clock is actually A TRILLION OFF.
Better Debt Clock
Updated YESTERDAY with OFFICIAL Treasury statistics.
10.5 TRILLION and counting in current debts.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
very, very good point
it's illegal for the US to sell Israel weapons the way they use them in their invasions and occupations....all those cluster bombs they dropped, especially. If Israel bombs Iran it's w/ US supplied weapons.
they're a spoiled trust fund brat
'How a culture can forget its plan of yesterday
and you swear it's not a trend
it doesn't matter anyway
there's no need to talk as friends
nothing news everyday
all the kids will eat it up
if it's packaged properly'
Just an honest question, your parent/child image made me think about :
Since the fed started wasn't there a moment were average wealth went up in the us(like directly after ww2?) before it started going down?