The Globalist Elite Ready To End Fiscal Sovereignty For Good: New Monetary Order

Simultaneous calls coming from both a CFR dirtbag, Kissinger protege, and former Lehman managing director, and from the French president, current president of the European Union, and a man who has clear and deep ties to the Rothschild dynasty itself. url=]Sarkozy cozy with Rothschild[/url], [url=]Sarkozy the old-blood Zionist[/url
Two articles on the same day calling for an absolute handing over of currently "near sovereign" monetary authority to some centralized bullshit global elite regulator.
This is the kind of fucking horseshit that is THE INTENDED OUTCOME of all this mess folks.
The bailout, the "re-regulation" and all of this (not-so) new talk about re-monitization (Amero, anyone?) is PRE-PLANNED and is what has been the hearts-desire of these international-bankster-fucks for over a hundred years.
They have finally circled in on America, making it look like "Laissez-faire" Capitalism has proved itself bunk. It is time for America and its proud people to take the blame and fall for a problem that was created by the very same self-serving shmucks who are proposing the "solutions".
We're fucked.
Simultaneous calls coming from both a CFR dirtbag, Kissinger protege, and former Lehman managing director, and from the French president, current president of the European Union, and a man who has clear and deep ties to the Rothschild dynasty itself. url=]Sarkozy cozy with Rothschild[/url], [url=]Sarkozy the old-blood Zionist[/url
Two articles on the same day calling for an absolute handing over of currently "near sovereign" monetary authority to some centralized bullshit global elite regulator.
This is the kind of fucking horseshit that is THE INTENDED OUTCOME of all this mess folks.
The bailout, the "re-regulation" and all of this (not-so) new talk about re-monitization (Amero, anyone?) is PRE-PLANNED and is what has been the hearts-desire of these international-bankster-fucks for over a hundred years.
They have finally circled in on America, making it look like "Laissez-faire" Capitalism has proved itself bunk. It is time for America and its proud people to take the blame and fall for a problem that was created by the very same self-serving shmucks who are proposing the "solutions".
We're fucked.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
we're in a world of shit. and i really think we're on the brink of it getting A LOT worse. great depression 2 is coming, the wars are raging on with new ones being threatened everyday, and now the us army is about to start deploying troops domestically next week.
they did a hell of a job of keeping the majority of people either in the dark or too scared to do anything about what's been going on. and now, they're about to crank it up a notch or two.
the next 6 months+ will not be pretty.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
you let me know what i failed to explain, or you failed to grasp, and i will be MORE than happy to expound further and try to get through to you.
it shouldn't be that hard.
synopsis: the same assholes that are always trying to take over the world by financial control are at it again. This time their plan is to TOTALY enslave humanity with one giant central banking and regulatory mechanism. Think The Federal Reserve\SEC on crack and GHB.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Laissez-faire capitalism has never been shown to work, and whenever finances are not regulated sufficiently, it inevitably crashes itself at some point. And since the consequences go far beyond the financiers losing their money, I believe it to be a public interest to have some control there somehow.
Now exactly how one is to do anything is what's up for debate, and I dont necesarilly believe an international central bank is the way to go. But letting the financial market police itself has been decisively proven not to work, so I'd say everything is on the table, except that.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I think you unwittingly hit the nail on the head here.
This IS the point.
It behooves EVERYONE to understand this point.
We don't live in some strange alternate universe where there is NO REGULATION.
That simply IS NOT TRUE.
For fucks sake, what do you think all that Federal Reserve policy is?
Its REGULATION, folks.
Regulation that allows them to "legally" (excepting the constitution, of course) and continually transfer ungodly sums of money straight out of your pocket and in to their "reserves".
And now you have bankers, running through their political mouth pieces, SUGGESTIONS OF MORE BANKER CREATED LEGISLATION.
This is fucking idiotic.
This is briar rabbit screaming, no please ... PLEASE DON'T THROW ME IN TO THE BRIAR PATCH!
We don't have Laissez-faire capitalism. We haven't had that in over a hundred years or MORE.
Hands-off government is NOT the problem. The problem is the WRONG HANDS ON GOVERNMENT.
The Federal Reserve system DOES NOT WORK. A LARGER, UBIQUITIOUS, INTERNATIONAL CENTRAL BANK WILL NOT WORK ... the system IS CORRUPT, it needs to be curtailed, and fiscal sovereignty NEEDS TO BE RESTORED.
I don't know WHY that is so goddamn hard for people to recognize at this current point in history.
It seems glaringly goddamn obvious.
The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. - Thomas Jefferson
If I opened it now would you not understand?
It goes thru the collapse of the Soviet Union and contrasts that with with what has been happening here, the main thing for me was I feel more confident in how to care for myself and my family just in case I had the freak out. Now I'm in acceptance!!!
Also Drifting can you find this bailout bill the congress is supposed to post and throw it on Train, give us your take??? Decipher the BS?
Regulations must be legislated to police the market that has shown little inclination of doing so itself. The regulations should be about reinforcing the state's influence and responsibility in the situation. Norway had this flat-on-face lesson over 15 years ago. Tougher regulations and nationalizations of the worst hit banks saved the day in the end. We are nowhere near any crisis now, for instance. The more creative bankers can be, and the more reluctant any politician is to impose regulation, the bigger the crisis when it happens.
The system can well be fixed with some smarter regulations, aimed at increased investment backing and security, and not the wishes of the top 5 companies. If we want capitalism, this is how it is and always have been to some extent. Unregulated capitalism has yet to show that it can work in the real world with the limitations and people that inhabit it. Regulation has so far always been crucial, but they have to be smart about it.
I share your scepticism towards a world bank sort of deal, unless it entails some radically different principles than those of today. If we just kick the problem up a notch, the next crash will only be worse. State intervention and regulation, when said state is a democratic and free society, looks better to me. And do something about money being freer to cross borders than people. If people can't walk around unchecked, then why should money? Give me a regulated market with an active state, over boom/bust un/minor regulated ones anyday. (Yes, I am actually a member of Attac)
(edit) see you added a quote there. Jefferson is always dead on in his commentary of current events, isn't he? He must have some good sources....
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
I promise to be a kind and benevolent ruler.