Your Daily Laugh With George W & President Uribe of the Republic of Colombia

This is fucking classic comedy, kids.
Bush and Uribe
Start around the 14:00 minute mark for a good one right out of the gate.
Then back up to 13:00 to hear how that question began. Fucking hillarious!
There is some hillarious shit in here,
i'm trying to find it all now.
will update.
Around 15:55 for some "Fun with FARC"
"FARC is on the run" motherfuckers!
23:15 for some nearly off-color remarks.
And then you get to see how suave and multicultural he is with his espanol around 10:00
Bush and Uribe
Start around the 14:00 minute mark for a good one right out of the gate.
Then back up to 13:00 to hear how that question began. Fucking hillarious!
There is some hillarious shit in here,
i'm trying to find it all now.
will update.
Around 15:55 for some "Fun with FARC"
"FARC is on the run" motherfuckers!
23:15 for some nearly off-color remarks.
And then you get to see how suave and multicultural he is with his espanol around 10:00
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?