Fighting "A Den of Vipers": Understanding The Tough Road To Restoring Fiscal Freedom!

It would behoove you ALL to watch the following TEN MINUTE SEGMENT taken from The Money Masters: How International Bankers Gained Control of America.
This clip is the portion about Andrew "I Killed The Bank" Jackson
It will give you an understanding of the depraved tactics of the central bankers, just how far they will go to maintain their control, and how hard this fight to restore American fiscal sovereignty will be!
I chose this clip because it exemplifies not only the magnitude of the challenge, but also the greatness of character a President must possess, the selfless virtue and patriotic servitude he must display in order to achieve this now monumental feat. It does this, and it illustrates for all who may be innocently ignorant, the rightness of the act ... the necessity of, and the historic precedence for the battle of which we must now engage.
Folks, know your enemy well, and do not fall for false "solutions".
There is BUT ONE WAY TO SALVATION, and it is to END THE FED!
This clip is the portion about Andrew "I Killed The Bank" Jackson
It will give you an understanding of the depraved tactics of the central bankers, just how far they will go to maintain their control, and how hard this fight to restore American fiscal sovereignty will be!
I chose this clip because it exemplifies not only the magnitude of the challenge, but also the greatness of character a President must possess, the selfless virtue and patriotic servitude he must display in order to achieve this now monumental feat. It does this, and it illustrates for all who may be innocently ignorant, the rightness of the act ... the necessity of, and the historic precedence for the battle of which we must now engage.
Folks, know your enemy well, and do not fall for false "solutions".
There is BUT ONE WAY TO SALVATION, and it is to END THE FED!
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
This is the next part of The Money Masters ...
and i am feeding it to you folks in small bits, with descriptions, in order to help facilitate a broader understanding of our historically antagonistic relationship with central bankers, and to help you gain a more thorough grasp on the nature of our current plight.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Folks PLEASE watch these clips, starting with the original post.
They are 10 minute clips.
You can handle this stuff.
Its not hard to understand.
This movie lays it all out in simple english,
with quotes galore.
You won't think about this current "economic crisis" the same again afterwards.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Peace out!
Just one thing, does not the whole world need to stand up against this, not just one country, as we are all under the same money men, and if people try to remove them from just one place they will continue to strike until they have control again as the video clearly shows, remove them from every where and we may actually get change.
But getting the people to actually see what is going on is another thing.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
And yes.
The whole world needs to wake up.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
"After WWI, Germany fell into the hands of the German international bankers. Those bankers bought her and they now own her, lock, stock, and barrel. They have purchased her industries, they have mortgages on her soil, they control her production, they control all her public utilities. The international German bankers have subsidized the present Government of Germany and they have also supplied every dollar of the money Adolph Hitler has used in his lavish campaign to build up a threat to the government of Bruening. When Bruening fails to obey the orders of the German International Bankers, Hitler is brought forth to scare the Germans into submission… Through the Federal Reserve Board… over $30 billions of American money… has been pumped into Germany… You have all heard of the spending that has taken place in Germany… Modernistic dwellings, her great planetariums, her gymnasiums, her swimming pools, her fine public highways, her perfect factories. All this was done on our money. All this was given to Germany through the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board… has pumped so many billions of dollars into Germany that they dare not name the total.” - Rep. Louis T. McFadden (D-PA)
And don't forget collusion or "good business" done with the Nazis by our "great companies" like GE, Ford, GM, IBM, Standard Oil (Rockefellers), Brown Brothers Harriman (Bush family here, and Rockefeller and JP Morgan money, direct nazi connections), National City Bank (Rockefellers), and Union Banking Corp (Bush's again, and very direct Nazi connections yet again).
Woopity woo.
Understand that Hitler was funded by the controlling banking elite in part because their OTHER creation, The Communists in the east, had become TOO powerful and were threatening to destabilize the East-West dichotomy that paid the bankers so well (each side trying to out spend [read: borrow from bankers] eachother in an arms race). Commies were about to infect countries around the world, and a global socialist state was simply not in the cards at the time (at least, certainly not one controlled by the soviets themselves). The elite needed a fierce, young, charismatic, and socialist leaning intelligence agent to infiltrate German politics and hopefully (with lots of funding) fight back the Soviets, and also as a bonus help balkanize Europe, and loot its treasure to be sent via backchannels to Switzerland (the elites home of homes) and America (both north and south).
[wikipedia on Hitler's intelligence background, just fyi: "On July 1919, Hitler was appointed a Verbindungsmann (police spy) of an Aufklärungskommando (Intelligence Commando) of the Reichswehr, both to influence other soldiers and to infiltrate a small party, the German Workers' Party (DAP)."]
Of course its all conspiracies, all conspiracies.
If I opened it now would you not understand?