Key 9/11 WTC7 Witness Turns Up Dead Days Before Contradictory NIST Report Is Released

I gotta say,
i have no details on the cause of death,
but nothing would suprise me at this point.
This is fishy as hell, just based on timing alone.
Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53
Emergency coordinator and 9/11 witness Barry Jennings has passed away with controversy about WTC7 still hot– as the BBC hit piece and NIST report have been released to counter Jennings’ exclusive testimony of explosions inside Building 7
Aaron Dykes
September 16, 2008
Barry Jennings, a key 9/11 eyewitness who was an emergency coordinator for the New York Housing Authority, has passed away at age 53 from circumstances not yet disclosed. A spokesperson for the Housing Authority has now confirmed his death, after weeks of rumors circulating online, but refused to give any further details.
This office has not yet been able to contact anyone in the Jennings family and the official cause of death is not yet known, but online comments have reported the date of death as August 19, 2008.
It is very unusual that a prominent — and controversial– 9/11 witness would die only days before the release of NIST’s report on WTC7 and shortly after a firestorm erupted over his testimony that he heard explosions inside the building prior to collapse of either tower and that there were dead bodies in the building’s blown-out lobby.
The BBC aired The Third Tower in July in attempt to debunk Barry Jennings’ account– which is both contradictory and damaging to the official 9/11 story– by making issue over whether or not he said he “saw” dead bodies in the lobby.
Yet Jennings own statement in an exclusive interview with Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas– which has not been denied– was: “The fire fighter who took us down kept saying, ‘Don’t look down.’ And I said, ‘Why.’ And we were stepping over people– you know, you can feel when you’re stepping over people.”
Now the release of Jason Bermas’ Fabled Enemies is giving further exposure to Jennings’ controversial account. The film features a full interview with Barry Jennings, as well as the statements he and Michael Hess, who was also trapped with him inside WTC7, made to news media on the day of the attacks.
Barry Jennings reiterated in the exclusive interview his confusion over the explanation for WTC7’s collapse– given that he clearly heard explosions inside the building:
“I’m just confused about one thing, and one thing only– why World Trade Center 7 went down in the first place. I’m very confused about that. I know what I heard– I heard explosions. The explanation I got was it was the fuel-oil tank. I’m an old boiler guy– if it was a fuel-oil tank, it would have been one side of the building.”
That interview was not released until June 2008 at the request of Mr. Jennings, who had received numerous threats to his job and asked that it be left out of Loose Change: Final Cut because of those threats.
Jennings statements have lit fire to questions about what really caused the sudden collapse of WTC7 just as NIST had hoped the release of their report would quash widespread beliefs that the building was brought down by controlled demolition.
News of Jennings’ death comes on the heels of losing another 9/11 hero and eyewitness– Kenny Johannemann, who reportedly committed suicide 12 days before the seventh anniversary of 9/11. Johannemann is credited with saving at least one man’s life on 9/11 and was also a witness to explosions in the towers.
NIST’s report, as well as that of the 9/11 Commission (which did not even mention WTC7), completely ignored statements from the building leaseholder Larry Silverstein as well as numerous police, fire fighters and other eyewitnesses who have testified that they were warned about the building’s collapse and told to get back. One rescue worker even heard a countdown for the building’s implosion.
Unfortunately, Barry Jennings, whose testimony was ignored by the 9/11 Commission, can no longer raise questions personally about his experience inside WTC7, but his account will remain on the record and available in-full on the Fabled Enemies DVD so that what he witnessed about 9/11 cannot be ignored.
The truth about WTC7 will come out, and Barry Jennings’ testimony will not be in vain.
Please contact if you have any information about the circumstances of Barry’s death or any other reports. We extend our condolences to any family or friends reading this for their loss.
I gotta say,
i have no details on the cause of death,
but nothing would suprise me at this point.
This is fishy as hell, just based on timing alone.
Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53
Emergency coordinator and 9/11 witness Barry Jennings has passed away with controversy about WTC7 still hot– as the BBC hit piece and NIST report have been released to counter Jennings’ exclusive testimony of explosions inside Building 7
Aaron Dykes
September 16, 2008
Barry Jennings, a key 9/11 eyewitness who was an emergency coordinator for the New York Housing Authority, has passed away at age 53 from circumstances not yet disclosed. A spokesperson for the Housing Authority has now confirmed his death, after weeks of rumors circulating online, but refused to give any further details.
This office has not yet been able to contact anyone in the Jennings family and the official cause of death is not yet known, but online comments have reported the date of death as August 19, 2008.
It is very unusual that a prominent — and controversial– 9/11 witness would die only days before the release of NIST’s report on WTC7 and shortly after a firestorm erupted over his testimony that he heard explosions inside the building prior to collapse of either tower and that there were dead bodies in the building’s blown-out lobby.
The BBC aired The Third Tower in July in attempt to debunk Barry Jennings’ account– which is both contradictory and damaging to the official 9/11 story– by making issue over whether or not he said he “saw” dead bodies in the lobby.
Yet Jennings own statement in an exclusive interview with Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas– which has not been denied– was: “The fire fighter who took us down kept saying, ‘Don’t look down.’ And I said, ‘Why.’ And we were stepping over people– you know, you can feel when you’re stepping over people.”
Now the release of Jason Bermas’ Fabled Enemies is giving further exposure to Jennings’ controversial account. The film features a full interview with Barry Jennings, as well as the statements he and Michael Hess, who was also trapped with him inside WTC7, made to news media on the day of the attacks.
Barry Jennings reiterated in the exclusive interview his confusion over the explanation for WTC7’s collapse– given that he clearly heard explosions inside the building:
“I’m just confused about one thing, and one thing only– why World Trade Center 7 went down in the first place. I’m very confused about that. I know what I heard– I heard explosions. The explanation I got was it was the fuel-oil tank. I’m an old boiler guy– if it was a fuel-oil tank, it would have been one side of the building.”
That interview was not released until June 2008 at the request of Mr. Jennings, who had received numerous threats to his job and asked that it be left out of Loose Change: Final Cut because of those threats.
Jennings statements have lit fire to questions about what really caused the sudden collapse of WTC7 just as NIST had hoped the release of their report would quash widespread beliefs that the building was brought down by controlled demolition.
News of Jennings’ death comes on the heels of losing another 9/11 hero and eyewitness– Kenny Johannemann, who reportedly committed suicide 12 days before the seventh anniversary of 9/11. Johannemann is credited with saving at least one man’s life on 9/11 and was also a witness to explosions in the towers.
NIST’s report, as well as that of the 9/11 Commission (which did not even mention WTC7), completely ignored statements from the building leaseholder Larry Silverstein as well as numerous police, fire fighters and other eyewitnesses who have testified that they were warned about the building’s collapse and told to get back. One rescue worker even heard a countdown for the building’s implosion.
Unfortunately, Barry Jennings, whose testimony was ignored by the 9/11 Commission, can no longer raise questions personally about his experience inside WTC7, but his account will remain on the record and available in-full on the Fabled Enemies DVD so that what he witnessed about 9/11 cannot be ignored.
The truth about WTC7 will come out, and Barry Jennings’ testimony will not be in vain.
Please contact if you have any information about the circumstances of Barry’s death or any other reports. We extend our condolences to any family or friends reading this for their loss.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here!!
Don't let anything in reality burst your illusions of our fine, upstanding government.
Move along.
The timing of this individuals passing is too coincidental. I've seen things in the last few years that tell me to believe this is not just coincidence.
One day the truth will unfold. And I hope that day is soon.
Many blessings to he and his family.
it is only hope ... ya never know.
me either. just puttin' it out there.
there is actually some pretty convincing stuff out there now'a'days.
Do a torrent search for "Kennedy Murder Collection" and check out the "confessions of James Files" ...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
One month later,
the cause of death for Mr. Jennings has NOT BEEN RELEASED.
In fact, NOTHING has been released.
Barry Jennings Story --Video
Mr. Jennings' testimony pokes holes in KEY portions of the "official" story.
He was in WTC 7 by the time of the second plane hitting the towers, and EVERYONE WAS ALREADY GONE.
He was told to evacuate, and was BLOWN BACK UP STAIRS BY A LARGE EXPLOSION ... again, inside WTC SEVEN folks.
He then reports stepping over DEAD BODIES.
Government said no one died in WTC 7.
Then the guy turns up dead last month on the same week that the "final" NIST report gets released?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Sheesh...what a kidder... :rolleyes:
dead people...ha!
maybe the NIST suspense was killing him?
mmm NISTY...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Actually it is pretty common for the loved ones of those presumuably murdered by corrupt government to keep their mouths shut.
Notable examples off the top of my head would be
1. Mother of Deborah Jeane Palfrey (The DC Madam), who won't say much about her daughter's "suicide". Even though her daughter was on the Alex Jones show saying "No. I'm not planing on commiting suicide! I'm planing on going in to court and EXPOSING THE GOVERNMENT! If they kill me, THEY WILL MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A SUICIDE! ... low and behold, 2 months later ... she hangs herself? :rolleyes: Mom, of course, won't talk.
2. Wife of Vincent Foster wouldn't talk to anyone about anything after he showed up mysteriously dead hundreds of yards in to a park with no dirt on his shoes, and an untraceable composite gun (made of parts from 2 or more guns) in his hands (among DOZENS of other oddities.
3. Wife of John F. Kennedy. Yeah. Jackie didn't do to much talking either. All though she was on record 3 times the day of the assassination saying "Look what THEY did to him." Ugh. i get chills just typing that. :(
If I opened it now would you not understand?
It'll make his grave stone way cooler...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
If the authorities step in and make it a matter of national security, don't people aka the relatives have to sign scary looking papers and stuff?
Otherwise it would all be common knowledge by now no?
like say for example buddy had a heart attack? stroke? bad case of gas? too many burritos?
...or a bad fall down a flight of stairs and landed face down in the swimming pool with a knife sticking out of his back?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Stop by:
<a href="" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
I'm not questioning the laws of physics.
I want to know why when Barry Jennings showed up at an extremely overbuilt reinforced emergency management bunker at 9:30 in the morning, before any tower came down and caused damage to WTC 7 ... WHY WAS THAT BUNKER\BUILDING EVACUATED? It was the goddamn emergency management bunker. You know, where they manage emergencies?
And why did Barry report being blown back up a flight of stairs by a "huge explosion" in a building hit by no plane?
Why was he threatened by his employer, and why did he recieve death threats by phone, and why did he end up dead with no released cause of death over a month later?
Thats what we're asking.
And if you don't think there is plenty of legitimate fishyness going on with things like money wires from Pakistan, meetings with Biden (yes BIDEN) and Rumsfeld with this alleged pakistani money source, and Israeli intelligence agents in a white van who ADMITTED to being sent to the US to tape the event ...
then i don't know what to say.
But there is PLENTY of information to implicate that the "official" story is NOT the full version of events.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Fires can cause massive stand down orders as well I hear...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Fires that haven't happened yet can cause that too. Fires are greatly underestimated.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The madrid fire.
No plane though.
burn baby burn
disco inferno
burn baby burn.
But keep in mind, in America, we don't really know how to build 40 story buildings.
WTC 7 was all funny and shit. It had a diagonal cross beam, and that thing wasn't stable ... i mean ... i know most buildings are over-engineered by 4-9 times requirement ... but it was a "unique" building, and it is simply an unfortunate situation.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.