Psychedelic Jesus - Drugs, Astrology and Religion

I'm only half way through this film, but so far i'm really enjoying it.
It puts together a lot of the concepts I have been familiar with in various forms for quite some time now.
Some of the picture evidence is worth a thousand words, and people of faith and otherwise are all encouraged to take a look.
The Pharmacratic Inquisition
and here is the torrent.
This stuff really gets me going and has since high school, when i had several high-minded (no pun) pharmacologically inclined philosophical friends who were reading McKenna and the likes, and also a teacher who became a personal confidant who was also very much in to comparative religions, philosophy, history, psychology and so forth.
I am finding the connection between the heavens, the psyche, "god", and psychedelics to be most fascinating, and the perversion of these original fruits of wisdom to be even more so.
Check it out.
and a song to send you off with
one of my favorites.
"Amanita is the name, they cover over everything."
It puts together a lot of the concepts I have been familiar with in various forms for quite some time now.
Some of the picture evidence is worth a thousand words, and people of faith and otherwise are all encouraged to take a look.
The Pharmacratic Inquisition
and here is the torrent.
This stuff really gets me going and has since high school, when i had several high-minded (no pun) pharmacologically inclined philosophical friends who were reading McKenna and the likes, and also a teacher who became a personal confidant who was also very much in to comparative religions, philosophy, history, psychology and so forth.
I am finding the connection between the heavens, the psyche, "god", and psychedelics to be most fascinating, and the perversion of these original fruits of wisdom to be even more so.
Check it out.
and a song to send you off with
one of my favorites.
"Amanita is the name, they cover over everything."
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
very interesting stuff driftin, thanks for the link.
I'll never look at santa the same :eek:
if you're just reading what the screen says about seeds, don't trust it.
it downloaded for me in about 20 minutes at around 400kbps.
It is a REALLY thorough documentary considering the "fringe" nature of the discussion. This kind of stuff falls so hard on interpretation of "non-history"\religious text that it is extremely hard to source claims in any real fashion.
The anecdotal evidence, the ancient art, and the reliance on Allegro himself are probably as close as we will ever get to any real evidence of the psychedelic & pagan astrological nature of religion.
I do recommend this one though, because it isn't sad, scary, or "conspiratorial" in any absurd sense ... its just good old fashion historical analysis and comparative religion.
great stuff.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I agree. It was very thorough...some of the symbolic relations mentioned seemed a bit of a stretch, but other than that...I can't say I would dispute much of what is said. But I almost get the feeling that they're just talking over my head at points. as in....'I dunno wtf that means, so I'm gonna roll with it...'. makes for more interesting research, anyway.
Somewhere on the website I saw an 'if you liked Zeitgeist, you'll LOVE this movie' kind of plug...much of this movie expands on the ideas of part one, with the shamanistic / alchemist teachings angle thrown is pretty compelling stuff.
I'll be interested to see if there are any christians willing to take a poke at this...gawdayum I wish I had the internet when I was attending catholic HS
I'm now reading up on a study mentioned in this video, maybe find something to help a friend...The cancer anxiety study.....
thanks again sir.
ps/edit: the idea that they are doing psilocybin studies with a double-blind placebo is kinda funny to me
You guys should check it out.
I'm telling you its a good relgious mind fuck.
And relatively speaking, its a nice respite from all the shit going on right now.
Just something fun to wrap your head around, no fearmongering here. I promise.
On second thought, here is the 2004 3.5 hour seminar version: Pharmacratic Inquisition lecture.
Guess i'll check this one out too.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I'm now reading up on a study mentioned in this video, maybe find something to help a friend...The cancer anxiety study.....
thanks again sir.
The thing that concerns me about giving psylocibin to cancer patients over a 6 hour period is the number of wankers that could potentially be administering/observing. From my own experiences, I think TL was right about the "set" and the "setting".
And thanks for the links to the Pharmacratic Inquisition Drifting. This looks like my cup of tea. (no pun intended)
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
If you're talking about the doctors as the wankers, and worrying about the setting for those in the study....well... the movie makes the results sound positive.
I didn't find out much about it last would hope they'd have counsellors on hand with knowledge of this kind of therapy, and be smart enough to not put them in some two-way mirrored observation room for six hours. cause ya...that would suck.
No, no no. I wasn't implying that at all. I was thinking of those folks who might be "administered to" who don't have friends like you looking after them.
Yes, I'm talking about the doctors, nurses, clinicians etc. cause when you stop to think about it, the relative percentage of "them" who really know what's going on may be fairly low. I'm thinking about that in terms of the number of psychologists/counselors I've met in my lifetime who didn't have a clue. It really took some digging on my part to find people who were what I'll call, for lack of a better term, professionals. I know I wouldn't do any in the presence of that group unless I had a trusted friend/relative with me. But I know enough about it to make that choice. See what I'm sayin?
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
yup, pretty much what I was trying to say in the second part of the post...I didn't really think anyone would imply that
I think that if someone had the idea for this study,they would be familiar with the history of the 'preparation rituals' mentioned in the movie, or at least have knowledge of the modern counter-culture's spiritual connection with the drug...which would give them some understanding of what it's like if they'd never experienced it...Plus, you'd hope they'd have been scrutinized while seeking funding....but I'm mostly talking out my I mentioned, I didn't get very far with it last night.
HIGHLY recommend this lecture video.
It is less concise, but probably more informative than the 2007 internet "movie" version that is in the OP.
Great stuff.
Absolutely fascinating.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
crazy shit.
five christmas shrooms
a dozen or more psychedelic christmas ornaments
a half dozen shrooms for your tree
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Who'da thunk he was really a door-to-door (sometimes chimney to chimney) salesman/shaman, running around with a big sack of mushrooms.
I believe again.
Thanks for the info!