JP Morgan cleaning up AGAIN: Ready to buy WAMU

CNBC announcing that several sources (including American Banker) are reporting that JP Morgan is engaged in early talks to purchase the much-distressed Washington Mutual, the largest savings and loan in the country.
You got it folks.
The same asshole (JP Morgan) that actually brought you the great depression outright ... just so he could have a fire sale purchase on thousands of little banks ... is at it again.
First they (since Morgan himself is long dead) got Bear Sterns, now they're getting WAMU (potentialy) and god knows what else these fuckers will scrape off the floor of the American economy in an downturn that they were in large part responsible for.
Thank you Morgan, thank you.
CNBC announcing that several sources (including American Banker) are reporting that JP Morgan is engaged in early talks to purchase the much-distressed Washington Mutual, the largest savings and loan in the country.
You got it folks.
The same asshole (JP Morgan) that actually brought you the great depression outright ... just so he could have a fire sale purchase on thousands of little banks ... is at it again.
First they (since Morgan himself is long dead) got Bear Sterns, now they're getting WAMU (potentialy) and god knows what else these fuckers will scrape off the floor of the American economy in an downturn that they were in large part responsible for.
Thank you Morgan, thank you.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?