Since Obama Met With Him Today, Do You REALLY Know Bill Clinton?

Bill Clinton,
the man who organized the financial scheme, and signed the checks to allow President George Bush to have his CIA cronies smuggle thousands of kilos of COCAINE in to America, in order to obtain funds to buy illegal weapons to ship to israel to sell to Iranian militants to overthrow a government, and to recieve kickbacks to also kill Nicarauguans.
Bill Clinton the man who (at the very least) helped to cover up the murder of his child hood best friend (and the highest ranking government official to be murdered since JFK), Vince Foster.
Read up on it people.
I can't stress enough, it is absolutely true, and it most certainly should make you think twice about how you perceive the grand illusion of politics.
Learn to see through the lies,
learn to hate your masters,
and then figure out what you have to do to turn the tide.
Thank you.
the man who organized the financial scheme, and signed the checks to allow President George Bush to have his CIA cronies smuggle thousands of kilos of COCAINE in to America, in order to obtain funds to buy illegal weapons to ship to israel to sell to Iranian militants to overthrow a government, and to recieve kickbacks to also kill Nicarauguans.
Bill Clinton the man who (at the very least) helped to cover up the murder of his child hood best friend (and the highest ranking government official to be murdered since JFK), Vince Foster.
Read up on it people.
I can't stress enough, it is absolutely true, and it most certainly should make you think twice about how you perceive the grand illusion of politics.
Learn to see through the lies,
learn to hate your masters,
and then figure out what you have to do to turn the tide.
Thank you.

If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Still obsessed with him 8 years later hmm? I think it is time you moved on my friend. :rolleyes:
I'm not obsessed at all.
I just think it behooves Americans to understand that most ALL of their leaders are absolutely corrupt, criminal, and in many cases (bushes\clintons) murderous, and i view obama's meeting with Mr. Murder as a good chance to expose that truth once again.
Bill Clinton stands out as a shining example of just how massive the hoax perpetrated against Americans really is. Why? Because so many actually think Bill was a great president, and that he was (outside of the blowjob affair, which itself was a cover for much more serious crimes) the very merry model of a modern major Democrat.
I think its important that Americans collectively pierce that illusion, and come to the fundamental realization that their country has been overrun by crooks of the highest order.
Why is it so terrible that i would have this concern?
This isn't partisan,
this is an attempt to SHATTER partisanry.
Don't shoot the messenger.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
your soooooooo right!!!! the economy was great the country wasn't in a war and we had the biggest surplus in american history!! well said my man well said!!
Here is your surplus debunked.
Clinton was the beneficiary of inflationary policy following a horrible down turn in the mid to late eighties, that had MUCH more to do with Federal Reserve policy than it had to do with the president. Why does everyone seem deluded in to thinking that the president some how runs the economy?
AMERICANS run the economy, with the one supreme imposition of the Federal Reserve being the real master behind the scenes.
The Fed dropped the rate during much of the clinton years, which almost always leads to a "growing" economy. Throw a bunch of dollars at my bank account, and it would grow to, ya know.
And, though we may not have had any real wars outside of Kosovo during the Clinton years, we did get one hell of a war on American jobs and on equitable trade for the people of all nations. Lets not forget that Clinton presided over the creation of the long sought after Globalist "trade" (theft) preserve -- The World Trade Organization ... as well as NAFTA.
IMHO, that ranks right up there in deviousness with a sustained and protracted conflict in the middle east. The WTO and NAFTA are FOREVER, and they are monsters. The WTO has single handedly destroyed the lives of millions around the world, and killed tens to hundreds of thousands with its disastrous policies. That sounds like a war to me.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
your reaching and you know it! but to each their own!
Who is reaching?
I debunked the bogus "surplus" claim, which was nothing more than an accounting charade. a hoax. a fraud.
I told you the truth plain and simple regarding the economy: Bill Clinton didn't run it. The American people did. All Bill did was sign away a bunch of jobs and sent them out the door to Mexico. Further he helped with the murder of farmers around the world, and with the rape and pillage of local resources for private profit with the creation of the WTO (an institution the elite have been seeking to create since Bretton Woods.
All it took was Bill Clinton (a devout globalist, and alleged Rhodes scholar) to make it happen.
Come back with an actual supporting fact\figure or two and we'll have a real debate, k?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
your "war" was about jobs which is ridiculous and INSULTING to all of our soliders who have given there lives or put there lives on the line for a lie! you come back with a stat that shows me over 4,000 americans killed for a lie from 1992-2000 then we will have a real debate...k?
oh and if you are trying to "end partisanship" as you say then you wouldn't refer to a president on either side as "mr. murder" need to debate who speaks like that..:)
that was awkward.
cross the river to the eastside
why don't you go watch that video about Vince Foster and come back to the argument. Me thinks you are talking before knowing. Bill Clinton is inextricably linked by circumstance and his actions & lies to the apparent murder of his childhood friend, Vince Foster.
And the definition of war doesn't hinge on american deaths. Over a million Iraqis have died because of our actions in Iraq currently.
Over a million Iraqis died under sanctions that were in place during the Clinton years. Albright said, in direct reference to the deaths of over 500,000 Iraqi children, that she thought it was "worth it".
As governor, Bill Clinton was in large part responsible for camouflaging (money laundering) the importation of countless tons of cocaine in to this country. If the government can call it a war on drugs, can't we call what Bill helped out with a War on Children, since surely much of that cocaine corrupted and destroyed the lives of innocent young men and women?
And the World Trade Organization most certainly has cost the world countless thousands of lives.
I was honest enough to say, "we may not have had any real wars outside of Kosovo".
I'm just asking people to think about the fact that their presidential choices are by and large limited to corrupt and compromised individuals who have and will do anything to keep them and their ilk in power.
You should really go watch those two videos,
i think you would learn a lot.
Again, this isn't supposed to be about political affiliation.
I was on the Left before i gave up the idea of left\right,
so don't think that i am some sort of conservative right-wing lib hater.
I just hate the self-righteousness that seems to ooze out of the left leaning members of this board. Sure, Bill Clinton didn't send us off to war in the gulf, but he did plenty of things that were both shameful and criminal.
People should think about that before they go on with the lie that all republicans are evil, and all democrats are somehow out to save the world.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
What did Clinton DO that made the economy do well?
what about the fact that Bill Clinton's administration used "secret evidence" to hold innocent people in jail for years?
Did it involve a cigar?
The Myth of the Clinton Surplus
It is NOT TRUE, folks.
Regurgitating this hokus pokus bullshit just further emphasizes just how little most Americans care to think for themselves, or to actually research an issue.
Maybe Clinton did get some things right, but he was a big spender just like most presidents of the modern era.
He didn't save shit, and he sure as fuck didn't have a "surplus".
If I opened it now would you not understand?
that's your proof? a heavily biased right-wing source (did you even see the links on the sidebar?) that gives a bunch of numbers with absolutely no explanation of where they got those numbers?
ps. with the size of our debt, you could have a budget surplus and still have the national debt increase just because of interest.
The numbers come from the fucking US Treasury.
Try it some time.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i just did. it says nothing about the budget those years. only covers the debt. you can have a budget surplus and still have the debt increase if your debt is so huge that the interest outgrows even the surplus. and even so, you cannot deny that that debt has increased a helluva lot faster under dubya than it did under clinton.
Here is a presentation of the debt as a % of GDP : the richer your country for a given year, the lower the debt. It's pretty instructive
Wasn't Clinton, with WTO and NAFTA, in part directly responsible for setting in to place a long term and continual erosion of American GDP via massive job loss\flux ?
And i don't understand all these arguments about surpluses & national debt interest rates.
Can someone clear something up for me?
I know government accounting is shady is shit, but do budgets not figure interest expenses in to their figures? I mean, that IS what a budget is supposed to do, measure in flows against out flows. Interest should be one of those expenses.
And if we are arguing that the debt didn't go down because the interest is so great it can not be paid, we are saying that the government has been literally bankrupt since at least the clinton years. Something i believe inherently to be true, but not something i would expect to hear liberals (who are still vying for MORE massive government spending on health care and welfare) to be admitting.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That's just it though...most people just don't give a shit, and don't care to be bothered to give a shit.
The media is how and what people think and perceive, and to look deeper is not a thought process.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
So you're blaming bush for 9/11 and for financial bubbles bursting?
Or are you blaming him for our longstanding war economy?
Seems to me the only real beef people keep throwing around in here is that Bush got us in to Iraq.
Look, i'm not defending the guy.
I think they are ALL crooks, liars, and elitist whores.
I'm just asking people to evaluate their sentiments with some modicum of fact related substance.
Why should we all hate Bush as the great satan, and look to Clinton as some great savior?
I don't see it.
And again, this thread was really started with the purpose of getting people to recognize the inherent criminality that seems to come with being a modern day president. Everyone since LBJ has been a raving criminal, or at best an ineffectual and USED man (here i'm thinking of Carter and Reagan).
I'm just asking people to take a deeper look at who their leaders are, and the seemingly blatant felonious actions they appear involved with.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Sorry Friend but NAFTA was set into motion during the Regan years and championed hardcore by Bush Sr.
Lets not forget who's ass that shit fell from.
Junior's hands certainly aren't clean on either NAFTA or WTO.
Big Business Bullies pushed Clinton and Junior on those ones.
The Clinton administration inherited the worst National debt of our lifetime. The product of a 12 year Regan/Bush spending orgy.
It's amazing that we were able to come out of that era alive.
Thank Christ for the Interweb!!!
Clinton was a dirty fucker no doubt...
But our current adminsistration has caused near-irreparable damage to the world and the moral of this country.
You can not tell me with a straight face that this Bush/Dick C gang is any less corrupt.
Those fuckers should be put behind bars for the blood on their hands.
Point is....WE NEED A CHANGE!!!
So fucking what if Obama is meeting with Clinton. It's just campaign fuckery anyway...They can't stand each other. It's just a meeting to apease the party...Clinton regardless of his past,is held in high very high regard with the Democratic core.
Obama's just playing the game.
Say what you want about Clinton...He's a very popular president and we could use some of his votes.
Especially; with this Soccer Mom Hack Palin out cock-teasing the on the fence Hilary supporters