Chapman for President - Mr. No Bail Out

Man, wouldn't it be nice if politicians talked this straight?

Purge The System of Its Failures
Dont bail out the big failures in the markets, time to throw out the toxic waste stocks, reign in the tax system, America as the next Weimar republic, more subprime losses to come, elitists cant control Russia, credit problems all around
Fannie and Freddie, the Scylla and Charibdis of the real estate world, should be allowed to fail. There are no "if's," "and's" or "but's" about this issue. The morons who recommended investment in these monstrosities, whether in bonds, in preferred stock, but especially in their common stock, ought to have their empty heads examined. And as for the institutional and professional players who invested in these GSE Ponzi schemes despite insane, psychopathic levels of risk and leverage, so far as we are concerned, they can now take a big dive over the fraud precipice onto the rocks of mal-investment below. These inane, feckless investors were mostly the big players on the Street and in world markets, and they should have known better. Do you think, perhaps, that the failure of these fraudulently run monstrosities to comply with exchange rules for financial reporting for multiple years might have been a bit of a clue? Yeah, like a REALLY BIG clue!
And who are these big players who so foolishly invested in the most lethal variety of all toxic waste? Mainly, the big spendthrift nitwits were the Wall Street fraudsters that helped to create and run the Ponzi scheme to begin with, and the big holders of dollar forex who acquired their stake in our country through their fraudulent currency manipulations which enabled them to decimate our manufacturing sector and to create massive US trade deficits through free trade, globalization, off-shoring, outsourcing and both legal and illegal immigration. China and Japan can be singled out as being especially culpable for artificially weakening their currencies against the dollar in order to acquire an unfair trade advantage against our competing domestic industries. Why do you think our auto and electronics industries have been under such tremendous pressure, pressure that is likely to bankrupt many of these companies and a host of others who were decimated by these unfair trade and currency machinations. This is also how big elitist transnational conglomerates broke the power of our trade unions. China and Japan own hundreds of billions of toxic GSE debts and equities, which are about to get fried. Awww! Let's all have a pity-party for them!
And then there are the OPEC nations, who, together with US and UK big oil interests, have conspired to create a "peak oil" crisis, despite the fact that we have two centuries worth of untapped domestic oil and gas resources, while not a single domestic petroleum refinery has been built in over thirty years despite mega-profits that could have easily been invested in such refineries to ensure future supply. Yeah, let's blame the environmentalists, whose organizations and lobby groups were all created and funded by big oil and other Illuminist interests, while our nuclear plants were sabotaged and our inventors of efficient and clean methods of producing energy were bought out, threatened or murdered! There are patents that could transform our nation collecting dust in the vaults of Illuminist transnational conglomerates, which do not want to set us free from energy bondage like Mr. Tesla had wanted to do, because they would rather keep us in manacles and chains so they can perpetually extort criminally exorbitant profits from us. These OPEC nations hide much of their ill-gotten gains in their holdings of GSE debts and equities, which are also valued in the hundreds of billions of dollars, and which they acquire clandestinely through big UK and European banking interests, particularly those of the Rothschilds, so the US public does not become outraged at the amount of their filthy lucre which has been fraudulently extracted from them and taken out of their hides.
Rounding out the list of criminals who sought to benefit from the higher rates of return, and commissions and fees, offered and generated by the stock and bond offerings of these toxic real estate entities, are the ratings agencies who conspired with our corrupt government regulators and the Wall Street fraudsters to give these lethal concoctions an AAA rating. And let's not forget the mortgage securitizers, who, assisted by the Fed, which brought interest rates down to ludicrously low levels to suck in dupes from the ranks of the poor with no down-payment loans at adjustable, unrealistic teaser rates while cheering on the new credit qualification requirements that allowed anyone who could draw breath to get a mortgage loan, not to mention the Wall Street firms who rammed these investments down the throats of their trusting and gullible clients, knowing full well that these entities were mismanaged, overrated, over-leveraged, non-compliant with exchange filing requirements for years, and doomed some day to failure just as sure as God made little green apples! Oh, and incidentally, that government guaranty for GSE debts and equities - you know, the one that the elitist scum keep reminding us about - that guaranty was implied, not express, so don't try to hang your hats on that issue!!! You knew there was no express guaranty, and you bought this toxic garbage anyway, or you rated it AAA, or you recommended it to your clients!
We say, let's have the fraudsters bail out the non-professional investors, as was done with the auction rate municipal bonds, along with some of the smaller regional banks who got sucked into this Ponzi scheme, AND THE REST CAN FREAKING BURN!!! LET ALL THE CRIMINAL SCUM BURRRRRRRRN!!! Take Mr. Hanky Panky Paulson's bailout bazooka, shove it down his throat, and pull the trigger!!!
But if we let them burn, then they are going to stop buying our debt and all that inflation we exported will come screaming back to haunt us! Our system will collapse! YES, AND YOUR POINT BEING? We say good, let's let the whole freaking system be purged, as it should have been almost two decades ago, and then LET'S START FROM SCRATCH -- NO PAIN, NO GAIN!!! We would rather see a third-world US run by unselfish, intelligent, ethical, service-oriented leaders like our Founding Fathers, than have an evil, world-dominating US run by the reprobates and sociopaths who fill the ranks of the corrupt, traitorous, criminal, Illuminist scum, and who are intentionally ruining our country to pave the way for world government!!!
Why would we want such a thing, besides the fact that this would be the right thing to do, both in God's eyes and from every other imaginable perspective? Because the US could go from third-world to world-class once again far more quickly than you might think through use of ethical governmental and business practices conducted by unselfish, intelligent, ethical, service-oriented leaders at the helm, and supported by a gold-backed currency consistent with the terms of our Constitution which limits legal tender to gold and silver coinage.
If we do not purge the system now, get rid of the Fed and the income tax, have our Treasury start printing our own, gold-backed currency like President Kennedy had meant to do in his still valid Executive Order 11110, and essentially start from scratch, then Jefferson's declaration will come true, to wit: "If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." According to Mr. Jefferson, "Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies." And now you all see, in spades, what he was talking about!
That type of Constitutional system is what we had before the Illuminist scum took over our government in 1913 with the passage of the act establishing the public-screwing Federal Reserve System, which is no more "federal" than Federal Express, which act was also accompanied by the fraudulent, and improperly ratified, Constitutional amendment establishing the US income tax.
The income tax, which started out at diminutive levels to bamboozle the public, has morphed into a middle-class-destroying monstrosity, just as the elitists had planned. They use the Federal Reserve System to stealth-tax the sheople with inflation, while simultaneously draining them of their assets directly through the income tax, creating a double-whammy that keeps the sheople too busy trying to support their families to care about what is being done to them by their corrupt government and by the even more corrupt corporate America. And of course, the income tax proceeds are used to fund the Illuminist military-industrial complex, and to power their psychological, brainwashing operations also known as public schools, while also being used to infiltrate and dominate our systems of higher education such as our public and private colleges and universities. That way, good, little, compliant, brainwashed sheople are produced for future Illuminist profit-harvesting, and for slaughter in wars for profit (oh, sorry, we meant to say for democracy and freedom - please excuse us for a moment while we puke, as our attempt to be "politically correct" has made us nauseous).
If we do not purge the system now, we may be tempting fate to become the only large, mature, industrialized nation to undergo out-of-control hyperinflation since Weimar Germany in the 1920s. Let's let Fannie's and Freddie's demise purge the system, and let the countries and corporations who abused and destroyed the system reap a large portion of the resulting damages. Yes, there will be recession and even depression, but it will be more mild and survivable than allowing the system to crash after it has been bailed out and wildly manipulated to kingdom come, which looks to be where the Illuminati are going to try to take it. Creating more money and credit until it is coming out of our ears to save an already failed system is madness, and it will make the final Fall of the House of Usher worse by an order of magnitude. The US is about to join the Roman Empire in the scap-heap of history, and the sheople are still clueless, still stuck in their Illuminist-contrived Goldilocks Matrix pod where their box-of-rocks-brains have been washed to think that everything will always turn out "just right." Just listen to them screaming and carrying on like rock groupies at the Jackass and Dumbo political conventions. If that doesn't scare you, nothing will.
This ties in with the current madness we see in the Georgia situation, which shows the growing desperation of the Illuminati. Desperate people do desperate things, and the Illuminati are no exception.
This is why their policies are so toxic and dangerous, because they are borne out of a desperation that is growing by the minute. The elitists know that they have blown it, that their own greed and deceitful arrogance have now destroyed their base of power, both financially and militarily. They have bankrupted not only the American people, but themselves in the process, as they have attempted to rip off the public in one final plunge into fraud, greed and nefarious chicanery meant to keep the system on life support while their plans around the world were unraveling and they were desperately trying to shore them up.
Their subprime fraud led to the credit-crunch, which has destroyed their precious fiat banking system and its fractional banking leverage while their crucial bond and derivative markets have imploded, and a quadrillion dollar nightmare volcano of Ponzi-like derivatives, that the fraudsters created in the wake of the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, is about to explode in a blaze of pyroclastic glory. They have slaughtered and gutted the sheople with free trade, globalization, off-shoring, outsourcing and both legal and illegal immigration.
As all of this contrived financial destruction has transpired, their wars for profit have gone badly, exacerbating the financial problems by heaping up endless debt on top of an already overburdened system. The current crew of inane, clueless "Chaos" henchmen could not carry out a coup in Timbuktu, much less in Russia and China. Our military hierarchy is quite competent, but they are taking their orders from raving lunatics who give them a quarter to a third of the men and equipment, which are required to succeed based on established military logistics for a successful attack and occupation. In their attempt to keep America from becoming too powerful and thus standing in the way of the establishment of world government, they have continued to fight un-winnable wars by hamstringing our military with outrageously doltish rules of engagement, doomed strategies and a shortage of manpower and equipment.
Out of their desire to keep the US from becoming too successful, these idiots have grossly miscalculated, and while they have badly bungled their plans for world domination via a one-world government and a socio-economic system of feudality, the Russians and Chinese have both rapidly grown in power financially and militarily despite all the elitists' attempts to keep them in check. So now the Illuminati have managed to relegate themselves to third-world status in the face of a Sino-Russian, Frankenstein-like juggernaut which they themselves have created, fostered and financed. They have foolishly created the best enemies that money can buy in order to keep their military-industrial complex fed, while scaring the sheople into giving up their long-held and precious Constitutional rights to pave the way for their Orwellian police state. This is what the contrived "Cold War" was all about, and what the current, and totally phony, "War on Terror" is all about. Both "wars" were completely contrived, fear-mongering affairs intended to pave the way for a police state run by a one-world government, with the would-be lords of the universe at the helm.

Purge The System of Its Failures
Dont bail out the big failures in the markets, time to throw out the toxic waste stocks, reign in the tax system, America as the next Weimar republic, more subprime losses to come, elitists cant control Russia, credit problems all around
Fannie and Freddie, the Scylla and Charibdis of the real estate world, should be allowed to fail. There are no "if's," "and's" or "but's" about this issue. The morons who recommended investment in these monstrosities, whether in bonds, in preferred stock, but especially in their common stock, ought to have their empty heads examined. And as for the institutional and professional players who invested in these GSE Ponzi schemes despite insane, psychopathic levels of risk and leverage, so far as we are concerned, they can now take a big dive over the fraud precipice onto the rocks of mal-investment below. These inane, feckless investors were mostly the big players on the Street and in world markets, and they should have known better. Do you think, perhaps, that the failure of these fraudulently run monstrosities to comply with exchange rules for financial reporting for multiple years might have been a bit of a clue? Yeah, like a REALLY BIG clue!
And who are these big players who so foolishly invested in the most lethal variety of all toxic waste? Mainly, the big spendthrift nitwits were the Wall Street fraudsters that helped to create and run the Ponzi scheme to begin with, and the big holders of dollar forex who acquired their stake in our country through their fraudulent currency manipulations which enabled them to decimate our manufacturing sector and to create massive US trade deficits through free trade, globalization, off-shoring, outsourcing and both legal and illegal immigration. China and Japan can be singled out as being especially culpable for artificially weakening their currencies against the dollar in order to acquire an unfair trade advantage against our competing domestic industries. Why do you think our auto and electronics industries have been under such tremendous pressure, pressure that is likely to bankrupt many of these companies and a host of others who were decimated by these unfair trade and currency machinations. This is also how big elitist transnational conglomerates broke the power of our trade unions. China and Japan own hundreds of billions of toxic GSE debts and equities, which are about to get fried. Awww! Let's all have a pity-party for them!
And then there are the OPEC nations, who, together with US and UK big oil interests, have conspired to create a "peak oil" crisis, despite the fact that we have two centuries worth of untapped domestic oil and gas resources, while not a single domestic petroleum refinery has been built in over thirty years despite mega-profits that could have easily been invested in such refineries to ensure future supply. Yeah, let's blame the environmentalists, whose organizations and lobby groups were all created and funded by big oil and other Illuminist interests, while our nuclear plants were sabotaged and our inventors of efficient and clean methods of producing energy were bought out, threatened or murdered! There are patents that could transform our nation collecting dust in the vaults of Illuminist transnational conglomerates, which do not want to set us free from energy bondage like Mr. Tesla had wanted to do, because they would rather keep us in manacles and chains so they can perpetually extort criminally exorbitant profits from us. These OPEC nations hide much of their ill-gotten gains in their holdings of GSE debts and equities, which are also valued in the hundreds of billions of dollars, and which they acquire clandestinely through big UK and European banking interests, particularly those of the Rothschilds, so the US public does not become outraged at the amount of their filthy lucre which has been fraudulently extracted from them and taken out of their hides.
Rounding out the list of criminals who sought to benefit from the higher rates of return, and commissions and fees, offered and generated by the stock and bond offerings of these toxic real estate entities, are the ratings agencies who conspired with our corrupt government regulators and the Wall Street fraudsters to give these lethal concoctions an AAA rating. And let's not forget the mortgage securitizers, who, assisted by the Fed, which brought interest rates down to ludicrously low levels to suck in dupes from the ranks of the poor with no down-payment loans at adjustable, unrealistic teaser rates while cheering on the new credit qualification requirements that allowed anyone who could draw breath to get a mortgage loan, not to mention the Wall Street firms who rammed these investments down the throats of their trusting and gullible clients, knowing full well that these entities were mismanaged, overrated, over-leveraged, non-compliant with exchange filing requirements for years, and doomed some day to failure just as sure as God made little green apples! Oh, and incidentally, that government guaranty for GSE debts and equities - you know, the one that the elitist scum keep reminding us about - that guaranty was implied, not express, so don't try to hang your hats on that issue!!! You knew there was no express guaranty, and you bought this toxic garbage anyway, or you rated it AAA, or you recommended it to your clients!
We say, let's have the fraudsters bail out the non-professional investors, as was done with the auction rate municipal bonds, along with some of the smaller regional banks who got sucked into this Ponzi scheme, AND THE REST CAN FREAKING BURN!!! LET ALL THE CRIMINAL SCUM BURRRRRRRRN!!! Take Mr. Hanky Panky Paulson's bailout bazooka, shove it down his throat, and pull the trigger!!!
But if we let them burn, then they are going to stop buying our debt and all that inflation we exported will come screaming back to haunt us! Our system will collapse! YES, AND YOUR POINT BEING? We say good, let's let the whole freaking system be purged, as it should have been almost two decades ago, and then LET'S START FROM SCRATCH -- NO PAIN, NO GAIN!!! We would rather see a third-world US run by unselfish, intelligent, ethical, service-oriented leaders like our Founding Fathers, than have an evil, world-dominating US run by the reprobates and sociopaths who fill the ranks of the corrupt, traitorous, criminal, Illuminist scum, and who are intentionally ruining our country to pave the way for world government!!!
Why would we want such a thing, besides the fact that this would be the right thing to do, both in God's eyes and from every other imaginable perspective? Because the US could go from third-world to world-class once again far more quickly than you might think through use of ethical governmental and business practices conducted by unselfish, intelligent, ethical, service-oriented leaders at the helm, and supported by a gold-backed currency consistent with the terms of our Constitution which limits legal tender to gold and silver coinage.
If we do not purge the system now, get rid of the Fed and the income tax, have our Treasury start printing our own, gold-backed currency like President Kennedy had meant to do in his still valid Executive Order 11110, and essentially start from scratch, then Jefferson's declaration will come true, to wit: "If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." According to Mr. Jefferson, "Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies." And now you all see, in spades, what he was talking about!
That type of Constitutional system is what we had before the Illuminist scum took over our government in 1913 with the passage of the act establishing the public-screwing Federal Reserve System, which is no more "federal" than Federal Express, which act was also accompanied by the fraudulent, and improperly ratified, Constitutional amendment establishing the US income tax.
The income tax, which started out at diminutive levels to bamboozle the public, has morphed into a middle-class-destroying monstrosity, just as the elitists had planned. They use the Federal Reserve System to stealth-tax the sheople with inflation, while simultaneously draining them of their assets directly through the income tax, creating a double-whammy that keeps the sheople too busy trying to support their families to care about what is being done to them by their corrupt government and by the even more corrupt corporate America. And of course, the income tax proceeds are used to fund the Illuminist military-industrial complex, and to power their psychological, brainwashing operations also known as public schools, while also being used to infiltrate and dominate our systems of higher education such as our public and private colleges and universities. That way, good, little, compliant, brainwashed sheople are produced for future Illuminist profit-harvesting, and for slaughter in wars for profit (oh, sorry, we meant to say for democracy and freedom - please excuse us for a moment while we puke, as our attempt to be "politically correct" has made us nauseous).
If we do not purge the system now, we may be tempting fate to become the only large, mature, industrialized nation to undergo out-of-control hyperinflation since Weimar Germany in the 1920s. Let's let Fannie's and Freddie's demise purge the system, and let the countries and corporations who abused and destroyed the system reap a large portion of the resulting damages. Yes, there will be recession and even depression, but it will be more mild and survivable than allowing the system to crash after it has been bailed out and wildly manipulated to kingdom come, which looks to be where the Illuminati are going to try to take it. Creating more money and credit until it is coming out of our ears to save an already failed system is madness, and it will make the final Fall of the House of Usher worse by an order of magnitude. The US is about to join the Roman Empire in the scap-heap of history, and the sheople are still clueless, still stuck in their Illuminist-contrived Goldilocks Matrix pod where their box-of-rocks-brains have been washed to think that everything will always turn out "just right." Just listen to them screaming and carrying on like rock groupies at the Jackass and Dumbo political conventions. If that doesn't scare you, nothing will.
This ties in with the current madness we see in the Georgia situation, which shows the growing desperation of the Illuminati. Desperate people do desperate things, and the Illuminati are no exception.
This is why their policies are so toxic and dangerous, because they are borne out of a desperation that is growing by the minute. The elitists know that they have blown it, that their own greed and deceitful arrogance have now destroyed their base of power, both financially and militarily. They have bankrupted not only the American people, but themselves in the process, as they have attempted to rip off the public in one final plunge into fraud, greed and nefarious chicanery meant to keep the system on life support while their plans around the world were unraveling and they were desperately trying to shore them up.
Their subprime fraud led to the credit-crunch, which has destroyed their precious fiat banking system and its fractional banking leverage while their crucial bond and derivative markets have imploded, and a quadrillion dollar nightmare volcano of Ponzi-like derivatives, that the fraudsters created in the wake of the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, is about to explode in a blaze of pyroclastic glory. They have slaughtered and gutted the sheople with free trade, globalization, off-shoring, outsourcing and both legal and illegal immigration.
As all of this contrived financial destruction has transpired, their wars for profit have gone badly, exacerbating the financial problems by heaping up endless debt on top of an already overburdened system. The current crew of inane, clueless "Chaos" henchmen could not carry out a coup in Timbuktu, much less in Russia and China. Our military hierarchy is quite competent, but they are taking their orders from raving lunatics who give them a quarter to a third of the men and equipment, which are required to succeed based on established military logistics for a successful attack and occupation. In their attempt to keep America from becoming too powerful and thus standing in the way of the establishment of world government, they have continued to fight un-winnable wars by hamstringing our military with outrageously doltish rules of engagement, doomed strategies and a shortage of manpower and equipment.
Out of their desire to keep the US from becoming too successful, these idiots have grossly miscalculated, and while they have badly bungled their plans for world domination via a one-world government and a socio-economic system of feudality, the Russians and Chinese have both rapidly grown in power financially and militarily despite all the elitists' attempts to keep them in check. So now the Illuminati have managed to relegate themselves to third-world status in the face of a Sino-Russian, Frankenstein-like juggernaut which they themselves have created, fostered and financed. They have foolishly created the best enemies that money can buy in order to keep their military-industrial complex fed, while scaring the sheople into giving up their long-held and precious Constitutional rights to pave the way for their Orwellian police state. This is what the contrived "Cold War" was all about, and what the current, and totally phony, "War on Terror" is all about. Both "wars" were completely contrived, fear-mongering affairs intended to pave the way for a police state run by a one-world government, with the would-be lords of the universe at the helm.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Yes, Putin was right when he said the Georgian attack on South Ossetia was timed to coincide with US elections to support John McCain for President, but the real plan of attack goes much deeper than that, and is far more sinister. If the Illuminati want Manchurian Candidate and Bush Clone John McCain to win, all they have to do is give the word to Diebold, and it is a done-deal. What really happened with this Georgian debacle is that the Illuminists simply commenced a much broader plan of attack at a time when it was advantageous to the candidate that the neocon, Illuminist faction, currently in power, wants. The broader purpose of this plan is to destabilize both Russia and China, and the forces of "Chaos" know they only have two to three years before their precious system irreparably implodes. Hence, their desperation. They did not risk WWIII just to get McCain elected. Their campaign against competing world powers is existential in nature, and their failure at this juncture could put their plans for world government back by a half a century. Russia and China are both wise to their game. Putin's response to the attack in Georgia could not have been more measured or more precise. The Russians learned their lesson in Afghanistan. Putin is a genius who has pulled Russia rapidly out of the ashes of the former Soviet Union after booting out the usurping Western-installed oligarchs, and he makes Bush, Cheney and Rice look like the three stooges. The power-mad neocons and their Rockefeller-Kissinger cohorts have completely bungled things, and now the real evil geniuses, Brzezinski and Rothschild, the brains behind the Black Nobility of Europe, are taking over in one last ditch effort to save the Illuminist plans. They are going to fail. Hail Caesar! Welcome to the Fall of the American Empire.
This past week the market was slightly weaker. It was held up by gains in banks, brokers and financial stocks. This is supposed to be a signal that the worst of the credit crisis is over. We are told by the “experts” who have been wrong over and over again, that the housing market is bottoming. It isn’t bottoming, it won’t recover for years. The credit crisis will be with us for 2 to 3 more years and then Washington and Wall Street will have to deal with depression. Investors, particularly professionals are becoming more and more receptive to the economic resiliency thesis. This viewpoint will keep investors in the market when they should be existing. We sometimes wonder if they know they are being lied too?
The latest obfuscation of GDP figures are a slap in the face to any intelligent American. From 1.9% to 3.3% in a quantum leap. What government and Wall Street forgot to tell you is that the figures are bogus. What they failed to report was that the GDP deflator was up 4.5% yoy, the strongest year-on-year increase since 1991.
Tighter credit is strangling the economy. The money and credit is out there but the banks are hoarding it to get themselves out of bankruptcy. The money one way or the other is borrowed from the Fed. The tightening reflects bank’s fears that they won’t have adequate reserves and that those they lend to might default.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Bear Sterns wasn't bailed out.
What exactly are you implying?
Bear Sterns was SOLD to JP Morgan (an absolute illuminist institution if EVER there was one) for pennies on the dollar, with the help of taxpayer funds as backing for the transaction.
The only person the Bear Sterns fiasco helped was the assholes at JP Morgan.
Chapman was on AJ at the time of this bullshit crying at the top of his lungs that the whole thing stunk. That it was clear Bear Sterns was NOT being bailed out, and being made to fail and get sold BECAUSE it was NOT an illuminist institution. Because in fact, Bear Sterns had failed to take part in a jerry-rigged bailout of bigger illuminist banks back in the 1980's during the S&L crisis, and that this (their failing) was indeed PAYBACK by the fat cats, and done as a message to the lesser institutions that they are expendable, and that compliance with their whim is necessary if you want to make it in this "order".
If I opened it now would you not understand?
2x post.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
That sounds like a mini great depression with the accuracy of a laser beam.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
how is using taxpayer funds to "save" bear sterns not a bail out? if it was a plot by jp morgan, why didnt they pay for it?
this is elite government looking after its own fat cats. use taxpayer funds to save a failed company that made bad investments and have it benefit an even worse company. then these same people weep that a bail out that might help out the middle class and the poor is such a crime!
are you dan brown by any chance?
I half agree with you.
I definately don't think JP Morgan should have been guaranteed in any losses in its assumption of the assets (and liabilities) of Bear Sterns ... which is what happened.
What i was attempting to get across was that Bear Sterns was NOT bailed out. It was GIFTED at taxpayer expense to JP Morgan ... an illuminist institution if ever there was one (remember Morgan was one of THE chief architects of the Federal Reserve). In other words, unlike what your wording suggested, it was NOT Bear Sterns (a relatively small, and not a super-elite institution) that benefited, it was JP Morgan -- an institution that is the quintessential definition of an elitist institution.
That was the clarity i was attempting to bring about. You said Bear Sterns was bailed out. It wasn't. It was allowed to fail, and be sold at bargain basement price to Morgan with taxpayer backing.
because JP Morgan is one of THE primary owners of the Federal Reserve.
It is a quazi-governmental institution that is run at their behest and the entire point of the Fed is to SUBSIDIZE, at taxpayer expense, the losses of the large banks, and to ensure their supreme reign in the market during good times. Essentially the sale of Bear Sterns was a gift from JP Morgan to itself via its owned and controlled "public" servant - the "Federal" "Reserve". And to be technically correct, Morgan DID pay for Sterns ... they bought the stock ... but put simply, Morgan bought the stock conditional on contractual provision from the Fed that if Morgan incurred any substantial or catastrophic loss as a result of the purchase that THE FED (the tax payer) would foot the bill for this encumberance.
As for the real crux of your concern, that somehow i am really an elitist in disguise because i seem to ignore the Bear Sterns fiasco and concentrate my ire on Fannie and Freddie, well you just couldn't be more wrong.
The reason Fannie and Freddie bothers me much worse is that the dollar figures involved are nearly infinitely greater than Bear Sterns. We are talking "unlimited authorization" for taxpayer funds, which will likely total in to the hundreds of billions, if not over a trillion or more.
I don't think you really understand WHO is being bailed out by the government assumption of Fannie and Freddie.
Go read the washington post article i put up.
They are saving the preferred stock, not the common ... and that i stock owned through and through (and admittedly so, by The Post) by large banks and investment firms.
The rich are saving the rich.
And Fannie and Freddie are market DISTORTIONS that actually serve to HURT the chances of getting a FAIR priced home by the AVERAGE middle american. Why? Because you are guaranteeing loans to people who SHOULDN'T and otherwise COULDN'T get a loan.
All that really serves to do is put poor people who should be renting in to a home that some OTHER person could buy for CHEAPER, had the government not stepped in (with taxpayer backing, i may add) and interfered with the market.
They have successfully distorted supply and demand, by placing more demand on the same supply, but funneling that supply in greater quantity to (in reality) UNQUALIFIED buyers. And then, when those loans fail (like right now) it is the AVERAGE american who ends up footing the stinking bill.
So, excuse me if i have no sympathy for these stupid institutions.
All they do is serve as a funnel to transfer wealth from one set of the population to a smaller subset of the elite. It was the hedge funds and banks that made a killing on those two firms -- remember the banks all had their loans guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie, who in turn just get it from taxes if need be.
Do you understand where i am coming from with this?
Its the same thing as welfare. It doesn't do shit to help the lower class, in truth it is HURTING them, because robbing my pockets to pay some poor person vis-a-vis the federal government only serves to INFLATE the currency for EVERYONE. EVEN THE POOR PERSON, who now may have more dollars in their pocket, but those dollars are equally worth less than if they hadn't received the damn hand out.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
i have no sympathy for fannie and freddie either. i'm no free market guru, but even i think it's bullshit for the fed to bail out banks that are sinking because they made shit investments with no regard for the consequences. it just bothers me that nobody seemed to bat an eye when taxpayer money went to bear sterns and everyone acted like it was some heroic gesture to save a great american institution. it pissed me off.
here is Chapman's latest piece for you to read over.
Hopefully the first few paragraphs (where he rants ad naseum about the ELITE being bailed out at taxpayer expense) will help to quell your anxieties that he is somehow an elitist in disguise himself. On that charge, you couldn't be more wrong. He is fighting the good fight, plain and simple.
ps - and make no mistake, if you were listening to the right people, there was plenty of anger and frustration over Bear Sterns. Hell, even people like Rick Santelli on CNBC were saying "only communist governments bail out private institutions. This IS still America isn't it?" ... thre was plenty of indignation to be sure. I think what you aren't registering is that saving Bear Sterns cost a couple hundred million in government guarantees. Saving Fannie and Freddie is costing several hundred BILLION dollars. We are talking about potentially 2.5 trillion in total losses! Again, Congress approved a BLANK CHECK (UNLIMITED funds) guaranteed to save Fannie and Freddie. THAT is why you are hearing so much more about this than about Bear Sterns. Its like comparing the Titanic to a Sea-Do.
Dow Gets a Brush Cut
Bob Champan
Sept. 6th, 2008
Dow shaved rudely, Real Estate losses taking markets down, unemployment a 5 year high, markets still acting irrationally, physical gold behavior due to comex influence, check what the Yen and the Euro are doing
This past Thursday, when the Dow received a 344+ point haircut, or should we call it a brush-cut, some in the media wondered why this huge loss had occurred? Well, pardon us, but could the root cause be that the doomed US financial system has now moved past the event horizon of a super-massive financial black hole, which was recently created by the gravitational collapse of the Subprime Death-Star's constituent mass of fraud and deceit when its internal furnace, fueled by the fusion of toxic waste bond tranches into sucker-dupe real estate derivatives, finally burned out, thanks to the advice of analyst Meredith Whitney at Oppenheimer & Co.? Aided by the privately-owned Fed and our corrupt Treasury, which want to bail out all the Wall Street fraudsters, as well as all the foreign currency manipulators who are fat with the dollars they robbed from us through free trade and globalization, at taxpayer expense (of course), while simultaneously inflating us into oblivion with an ocean of money and credit created out of nothing, our financial system has moved past the point of no return. That point of no return lies at the event horizon of a financial singularity so massive that it could take two to three years for it to cross the distance from the event horizon to the complete and utter destruction waiting at the center of the black hole. Our pitiful financial system will be bent and contorted in tortuous, agonizing movements all the way to the hell that awaits it at the menacing ball of darkness which lies straight ahead, anxious to grip it in one last deadly embrace. According to the laws of financial nature, the only things that can escape the gravity of this financial black hole are gold and silver. This is one lesson in financial physics you had better learn well and quickly. A failing grade could result in poverty and all the misery that goes along with it.
If you're still looking for the cause of the stock market's decline, consider the real estate market. From its peak in June 2006, to June 2008, two years later, the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Index shows that the median price of a house has dropped from about $226,000 to about $180,000. That's roughly a 20% loss in nominal value. But that does not take into account inflation, which has run at about 11% on average over that period in real percentage terms, as opposed to official percentage terms which we all know are totally bogus. So that means, in terms of 2006 purchasing power, that $180,000 can only purchase what $143,000 could purchase in 2006, and the total loss in real estate purchasing power value, ala 2006 dollars, has been almost 37%! You don't hear that from the fane-stream media! Since the total value of the real estate market in 2006, based on Fed figures, was $19.8 trillion, we have a total loss of real estate purchasing power over two years of roughly seven and a quarter trillion dollars, or if you prefer, $7,250,000,000,000!
That's over half of our entire freaking GDP as estimated for our current fiscal year - NICE GOING, MORONS - what will you do for an encore?! And we are only half way to the bottom! Soon, over a period of about four years ending in June, 2010, we could see an entire year's worth of US GDP wiped out! As the Extremely Mad Mogambo Guru (EMMG) would say: "We're all freaking doomed (WAFD)!!!" This destruction of real estate values was of course planned for the sheople by the Illuminati in another one of their "cutesy" little rip-off schemes to impoverish the US middle class. The only problem for them was, they could not off-load all the toxic waste on their sucker-dupe clients before the whistle was blown by Ms. Whitney, and these inane, neocon nitwits grossly underestimated the toxicity of the fraudulently contrived derivatives they pawned off on their clients as AAA paper in a Ponzi-scheme made possible by the repeal of Glass-Steagall by Slick Willie and his fraudster friends. Now most of the Illuminist fraudsters are insolvent, and like it or not, they are going down with us! We will provide you with the names, addresses and phone numbers of the many responsible parties when the time comes so you can show them your "overwhelming sense of appreciation!"
Well, if the subprime derivative losses and the reduced real estate market values are not enough to convince you, then how about our unemployment statistics, which in reality are double to triple the ludicrous figures we got from the Bureau of Lying Statistics, whose fiction writers tell us that we lost 84,000 jobs last month, and that the rate of unemployment is 6.1%, a five-year high. When was the last time you heard any kind of news announcement relating to a massive rehiring of workers, or the massive creation of new, good-paying jobs? What we get instead are reductions to the number of jobs lost by creating government jobs that will be eliminated as fast as they are created as tax revenues tank, by not counting those unfortunate souls who have run out of benefits, by creating jobs out of nothing (like we create money and credit) using the Birth-Death Model, by not counting reductions in pay for those that are rehired, known as underemployment, and by not counting job losses suffered when full-time jobs are reduced to part-time jobs. The bogus figures we get from our government are a joke. They are laughable. But even the official figures stink. This state of affairs on the employment front provides plenty of reasons to sink the stock markets. The stock markets are dependent on consumer spending for growth, spending which is being shut off like a water spigot as more and more people join the ranks of the unemployed. Try freeing up enough money to spend on discretionary consumer goods with the meager proceeds of an unemployment check! Good Luck! And now those with lucrative jobs are standing in the unemployment lines with the peons as the economy gets hit across the board. Why do think all those mortgage loan defaults are creeping into the prime, jumbo and option ARM loans? One out of every three Americans will be unemployed when our economy bottoms out over the next two to three years! Put that in your pipe and smoke it for a while. Buy gold and silver now, while you still have the income and assets to do it, or get sucked into the black hole!!!
Hey look, over there. It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's "super-dollar," and his side-kick, "super-yen!" Yes, they're faster than a Wall Street derivative salesman, more powerful than a negative lease rate, able to make precious metals wilt in a single bound, as they fight to maintain fraud, injustice, and the Wall Street way! The cartel has pulled out all the stops. They have massively fudged CPI, GDP and unemployment in order to support the dollar.
They have used the super-yen to give the stock markets another case of yellow fever by hitting the yen carry traders, in order to cause the specs to cough up their gold and silver positions to meet margin calls, and to cause a flight into the perceived quality of treasuries to support the dollar. The yen has strengthened from 110.516 yen per dollar on 8/15/08 to 106.311 yen per dollar on 9/5/08, and the yen's rise against the euro has been nothing less than spectacular, as it has strengthened from 169.358 yen per euro on 7/28/08 to 151.549 yen per euro on 9/5/08, meaning that it now takes about 18 fewer yen to buy one euro than it did only five weeks ago - whew! That yen strength has decimated Euro Zone carry traders and has acted as a large counterbalance against precious metals, which have risen by leaps and bounds against the euro as the metals are normally priced in dollars. These yen machinations have pushed foreign markets down to force foreigners to sell their assets and use their foreign currency proceeds to buy treasuries, which can only be bought with dollars, like oil, in order to draw more dollar support. They have also, over the course of the past month, boosted open interest in USDX futures by nearly 20,000 contracts, with the most recent contract count standing at 50,630, which is very high. They have hammered oil from 147 to 106, thus curtailing the use of petrodollars to purchase euros, which has sent the euro plummeting, along with EU economies, whose central banks, the BOE and ECB, have recently colluded with the Fed to keep rates the same, dooming their economies to rampant inflation and supporting the dollar, while insuring lower European export prices for US consumers to keep the EU exporters more competitive.
They even put a short-squeeze on the specs and their naked shorts on the Maleficent 19, thus hitting oil, precious metals and other winning commodities positions to cover margin calls, and never mind that you could still illegally naked-short every other company with impunity. This hit oil big-time, and it caused a large hedgie, that was insanely long in oil, to fail, and the net result was to drain away petrodollars to prevent the OPEC nations from converting them to euros, thereby weakening the dollar. OPEC nations like to go shopping in the EU, which is where they greatly prefer to spend their money instead of spending it in the US, and hence their desire to convert their petrodollars into euros. In addition, the repo pool did overtime to produce treasuries for purchase by the liquidating specs and the bank's that took in all their margin call money, thus absorbing the dollars flushed out by the oil takedown and keeping those dollars from being sold off or from being pushed directly into the system, which would have produced dollar weakness and would have exacerbated inflationary pressures.
The central bank collusion continues as the short squeeze is put on the dollar shorts a while longer. We have scum-bag incumbents to save, don't you know? When we sneak past 80 on the USDX, and drop below $100 per barrel on oil, we think the manipulation will likely be over, and the whole situation will reverse with an explosive vengeance. We, however, simply do not see how this charade can be continued for two more months. We see some big players moving in to intervene very soon. Russia and China know they have the Illuminati where they want them. They have stood by and watched as the Illuminists have carelessly painted themselves into a corner with profligate creation of fraudulent debt while exporting our jobs and our inflation overseas. The Illuminati have gutted the US economy, destroyed their financial and military bases of power, and made enemies out of more nations than we can keep track of anymore through bullying and violence. The Illuminati have sold us, and themselves, into the hands of the enemies, which they themselves have created, fostered and financed. It has to be the stupidest thing we have ever witnessed, and the Russians and Chinese must be standing in stunned, stupefied silence, thinking to themselves: "It couldn't possibly be this easy! All we have to do is stand aside and do little more than sell some treasuries, and we win."
They must be flabbergasted that the dopey Illuminists have played right into their hands. The members of the Sino-Russian alliance will from this point forward be on their best behavior as the elitists continue to try to provoke them into wars to weaken them and level the world playing field, and the whole world will stand by in wonder trying to figure out why the Russians and Chinese have become such rational and fair players. It is hilarious in a way that even tops the comedy acts we call political conventions. Rothschild and Rockefeller must be mortified.
Can you imagine that our government, despite what must be mounds of contrary evidence, is saying that Russia was the aggressor in Georgia? Have these people no shame? World opinion is going to quickly turn against us, even more so than it has already. People around the world are sick of this crap, and they are going to get together to do something about it. You can rest assured about that. We are about to get some major payback for allowing the Illuminati to rape, pillage and burn their way around the globe with barely a whimper coming from us.
Investors, both public and private, amateurs and professionals, are sick of the markets acting irrationally. Throw all your black box fundamentals out the window, as reality is now whatever the cartel says it is. This growing aggravation with schizophrenic markets might also account for some of the market weakness we have seen lately, just as Jim Cramer suggested. Until the SEC and the CFTC start doing their jobs and start acting like regulators instead of elitist bootlickers, we could see a complete abandonment of these markets. We see a point at which only physical sales will be used to determine commodity prices. You want it, you pay for it according to the physical market, meaning the spot prices in the spot markets, which will no longer consider action in the casinos when determining prices.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Physical gold and silver everywhere through private dealers are totally gone or very scarce, yet prices are going down. Why? Because you left the COMEX cupboard full, and as long as they have that gold and silver to work with they can continue to paper you to death. Get a freaking clue, people! Pay cash for the COMEX gold and silver. You have the money. Use it, or they will continue to hand you your derriere on a platter. Gees Louise. And stop funding the ETF's. Their holdings are being leased against you. Use the money you have invested in the ETF's to bankrupt the COMEX gold and silver hoards and stop playing into their hands. You people have massive redemptions coming up if you don't produce soon, so time is of the essence. You are going belly up if you continue to roll over and play dead for these reprobates like some sort of pet dog. Move it!!!
All the shenanigans and machinations will soon end when we come upon the next big shoe to drop. Be it a war, a major bank failure, the nationalization of Fannie and Freddie, the breaking of OPEC dollar pegs, or a huge treasury sell-off by some very angry nations, it will be GAME OVER for the cartel. Take advantage of these wonderful bargains in gold, silver and their related shares now, because this is the last time you will ever see prices like this again. The cartel has blown The Big Sting Two. Their stocks, bonds and derivatives are tanking by the minute, and they are out of time for a big stock rally because the data has turned against them and they can no longer hide behind false statistics. These morons have been set up by China and Russia for the biggest bear rally in bond and treasuries of all time, and they are giving them every reason to sell treasuries and GSE paper. Meanwhile, seasonal support for the metals will keep them well-bid and the cartel will not be able to break them. It is now just a matter of waiting for the next major catastrophe, and then clean up with gargantuan profits. Forget the wall of worry that the elitists are fraudulently trying to build around precious metals, and keep focused on the big picture. Go long and stay long, and enjoy watchin these reprobates squirm as their precious system explodes and goes down in flames like the Hindenberg.
If I opened it now would you not understand?