Talking About Obama

Tarpley and Jones discuss the false and illusory hope of Obama, as well as the situation in Georgia (the lies of the western media, the honest russian generals, and the real truth of who started what ) , and the ongoing plan for a fascist America and the furtherance of a global "order" (eurocentric imperialism).
From August 12th.
I thought this interview was particularly insightful.
part one
part 2
part 3
part 4
Depending on how much time i feel like throwing at a brick wall here,
i may come back later and add more discussions relevant to the thread title.
Particularly of note in this interview is Tarpley's breakdown of how McCain is actually MORE desirable than Obama from a standpoint of harm to this country.
His assertions are essentially this:
1. McCain will be a lame duck from day one. The neocons have spent their capital and are no longer credible. McCain is already a has been, and a democratic congress will simply be in deadlock with him on most issues. This is the best we can reasonably hope for at this point.
2. Obama, under the guise of "left cover" will work with a smile-and-nod democratic congress to pass all kinds of liberty and sovereignty eroding legislation under various buzz words like "green", "anti-poverty" and "business reform". He is clearly the bought and sold candidate of choice for the elite, who have been backing him through the media and funding him ad nauseum.
3. Tarpley alleges Obama to have a "broad based fascist movement" behind him, putting him in a league of concern far greater than McCain. Tarpley spends a fair amount of time discussing the problematic nature of the massive and unconditional support Obama is receiving, taking care to note that this is how all dictatorial countries got on their road to fascism in the first place.
That's about it.
or at least, all i'm wasting my time typing.
Give it a listen.
Hell, download pacemaker for winamp, and listen to it at 2x speed for all i care.
Turn on something other than the god damn idiot box though.
There are over a dozen alternative radio stations broadcasting this kind of material now, and most of these guests can be found on them just the same as on AJ. I happen to prefer AJ's insight, and i think his follow-along verbalize-my-thoughts-as-i-go style lends itself to better understanding of issues, but just pick some sources that jive with your temperament and listen, read, or watch, folks.
i beg of thee.
don't just believe what you see at and
From August 12th.
I thought this interview was particularly insightful.
part one
part 2
part 3
part 4
Depending on how much time i feel like throwing at a brick wall here,
i may come back later and add more discussions relevant to the thread title.
Particularly of note in this interview is Tarpley's breakdown of how McCain is actually MORE desirable than Obama from a standpoint of harm to this country.
His assertions are essentially this:
1. McCain will be a lame duck from day one. The neocons have spent their capital and are no longer credible. McCain is already a has been, and a democratic congress will simply be in deadlock with him on most issues. This is the best we can reasonably hope for at this point.
2. Obama, under the guise of "left cover" will work with a smile-and-nod democratic congress to pass all kinds of liberty and sovereignty eroding legislation under various buzz words like "green", "anti-poverty" and "business reform". He is clearly the bought and sold candidate of choice for the elite, who have been backing him through the media and funding him ad nauseum.
3. Tarpley alleges Obama to have a "broad based fascist movement" behind him, putting him in a league of concern far greater than McCain. Tarpley spends a fair amount of time discussing the problematic nature of the massive and unconditional support Obama is receiving, taking care to note that this is how all dictatorial countries got on their road to fascism in the first place.
That's about it.
or at least, all i'm wasting my time typing.
Give it a listen.
Hell, download pacemaker for winamp, and listen to it at 2x speed for all i care.
Turn on something other than the god damn idiot box though.
There are over a dozen alternative radio stations broadcasting this kind of material now, and most of these guests can be found on them just the same as on AJ. I happen to prefer AJ's insight, and i think his follow-along verbalize-my-thoughts-as-i-go style lends itself to better understanding of issues, but just pick some sources that jive with your temperament and listen, read, or watch, folks.
i beg of thee.
don't just believe what you see at and
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
go figure, you got lost.
hard to tell what the fuck is going on with your head that far ...
oh wait ...
here are some examples for you to ignore:
one of MANY speeches made recently by Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff, Anatoly Nogovitsyn in which he explains what the fuck is REALLY going on, how the fucking US\Western media is distorting the shit out of it, and why Russia is not in the wrong here.
article, also featuring Nogovitsyn in which is explained by Russia (and a Russian general) exactly how Israel has been arming Georgia, and also has been actively working to escalate the conflict vis a vis their relationship with Georgia. This explanation by Russia is a VERY accurate picture of current US\Israeli cooperation for the furtherance of a global western hegemony at the direct expense of independent eastern European states.
One other reminder of the massive skew present in our media, Russian ambassadors to UN explain how they are being ignored, and further how their press conferences are being isolated from the reporters who should be covering them, and how the views of Russia are being distorted by the media.
Go figure,
you'll never read or watch any of it,
and you'll come back ranting some absolute unsubstantiated bullshit.
Oh well.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If you ever listened to a fucking word the man had to say,
you would understand he is NOT blaming "the US" or "us" as a nation.
He is blaming POLICY SET FROM ON HIGH BY ELITISTS AND THEIR OWN GREEDY GLOBALIST INTERESTS, regardless of their fucking nationality.
If you cant understand, or refuse to acknowledge, that America has, in a fucked up duality, consistently been both a massive thorn in the side of what George HW Bush and many other have termed "the new world order", and alternately one of the greatest weapons of that new order, then you are lost for comprehension here.
We are talking about people whose ambitions transcend the politics of nation states.
They want to use Israel, Britain, and The United States to further this global hegemony, and then, in the endgame, they DESPEREATELY need to cripple, disarm the citizenry of, dumb down, economically implode, and utterly disgrace and discredit the United States of America as a sovereign political entity.
The United States of America is ENEMY NUMBER 1 of the global elite. The massive nationalist sentiment that remains dormant in most instances, but lies in wait to thwart any "takeover" by outside forces (remember the fiercely nationalist response after 9/11 ... a response which itself was USED AND MANIPULATED by these elitist fucks?) must be crushed, bludgeoned, lobotomized, or otherwise excised from the consciousness of the American public in order to create a suitable political climate for the advancement of global governance, international taxation and currency schemes, and ultimate imperialist control by international banking interests.
If I opened it now would you not understand?